Montreal Escorts

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  1. O

    Need some advice about high definition tv subscriptions

    Was he talking about the real west, or the Montreal west?
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    Best local pay-as-you-go cellular service?

    Look on ebay for "fido prepaid sim", you can even have it delivered home before you leave, and enjoy the specials you may or may not get in the store.
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    Peter, The description for Andreanne sounds enticing... have chance of photos soon? Thanks

    Peter, The description for Andreanne sounds enticing... have chance of photos soon? Thanks
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    September 22 free public transport Montreal

    He may however realise that there's a bus route going where he wants to go, or that he could save thousands by not buying a second car. Public transportation is not meant to be "nice", just useful. Getting stuck in traffic on Decarie, this is sooo nice.
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    Does the "last post" function work for you since the last VB update?

    No, and it's annoying since I keep on forgetting and clicking on it anyway!
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    Reserving a room for a "sieste": awkward???

    What price? I'm always interested in expanding the options...
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    Reserving a room for a "sieste": awkward???

    Days Inn centre-ville on René Levesque and Quality Hotel on Parc are two who do. See Hotel downtown for outcall
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    Happy Dominion Day || Canada Day || Fête du Canada

    You're not from around here, are you? Somehow I don't really see the Plateau celebrating Canada day too hard. The Plateau hardly considers themselves part of Quebec, so Canada... plus they're all moving today! (
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    What airports have a train or subway station that heads downtown?

    There is, but it's not as fast or convenient as what you find in other places, for instance the king of all airports Schipol in Amsterdam.
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    Eleganza en train de disparaitre . Elengaza slowly fading away ????

    Statbrain only gives you an idea of the visibility of the site on the web for new visitors, in other words how many pages link to the site, and guess the number of (new) visitors based on that. As agency sites are not typically linked from other sites (they don't link between themselves, and...
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    Bixi Bikes

    The traffic laws are only designed with cars in mind, and often don't make sense for bikes. Hence people use common sense over the Law.
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    Rihanna Naked?

    ...and she's got the cutest pair of tits!
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    Young Adult Pornstars Acting Younger: Wrong???

    Basic problem is that being turned on has nothing to do with morally right (one could argue that morally wrong is actually part of the turn on). So the law has to put boundaries to avoid that what turns one on destroys another one too much: the girl has to be 18, the extreme fighters can't...
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    Preface to an Expose

    Well, at least you're sure you're not gonna be caught that night!
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    Does Money equals Sex or Sex equals Money?

    Of course, getting as much free sex as I'm giving free attention, care and emotional presence. Oh, and I don't necessary get it on demand either... you see, that's the nature of free things, they have to be given freely too.
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    Photo radar in Quebec

    And what about that: With the Onstar system, they can track where you are, what speed you've been driving, what you're saying... Also: I...
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    US Financial Crisis

    Actually with percentages, it can go on forever, or until it's worth less than the transaction fee.
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    Move Canada to...

    Actually, if something can be taken for granted, it's the geographical location. It's bound to remain the same for a least a couple million years. And I agree Canada is definitely profiting from being just north to the US, while critisizing them for abusing of the very power we're benefiting...
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    Cheap Montreal Motel

    Métro Cadillac pour le Chablis Cadillac, métro Lionel Groulx + bus pour le St-Jacques, le choix est vite fait... Oui, et à 70 tu as le bain tourbillons.
  20. O

    FINAL!!! Canada has 18 medals! 3 Gold 9 Silver 6 Bronze

    Also bear in mind that while Canada has a theoretical population of 33 million (ranking 36th), people are significantly older that many other countries. For instance, only 15% are under 15, or 5 million, while in Togo it's 47% of 5 million, or 2.5 million. So in addition to other factors...
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