Montreal Escorts

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  1. O

    Recruiting Challenges : Are SP Agencies Being Affected?

    Not just safety, but also convenience and guaranteed income (for busy agencies). The pool of sugar daddies agreeing to allocations must be limited, after that it's similar to being an indy: you need to take care of advertisement and bookings yourself. So I think it can work best for girls who...
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    SPs in yoga pants / workout outfits

    Same here, level 0 of fashion imagination. Plus it's definitely unsexy to take off, so forget the strip tease.
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    Wide Hips Small Waist The Standard?

    I feel you man! Whatever happened to the Eleganza spinners of old? :confused:
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    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    In a way the vaccine passport is just normal basic human behavior: if every morning you enter the elevator with your coworkers and fart all the way to the 36th floor, it won't take long until they ban you from using the elevator, whatever your constitutional rights. Basic group self protection...
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    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    Don't worry Cloud it looks like you can generate a fake one easily anyway lol:
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    Finding Gems Like Back in the Days

    The big butt epidemic! Guys seems to love it though, can't understand why :(
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    OnlyFans to Ban Sexually Explicit Content

    So yes, what do you think is the next OF everybody will move to?
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    U.S. Border reopens August 9! What effect do you think that'll have?

    If you look at what's happening in France, the passport will become mandatory next week and they announced a procedure for non-EU travellers "in the coming days". Here I'm sure they'll come up with something as the tourism industry in Montreal must be lobbying pretty hard right now!
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    Long term arrangements

    J'ai une question pour les utilisateurs actifs en ce moment (je ne le suis pas): avez-vous l'impression que la réouverture des bars et restaurants a eu un impact sur "l'offre" sur SA? J'avais eu l'impression que le lockdown et la fermeture avait amené pas mal de filles à rechercher un revenu de...
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    Long term arrangements

    Moi je dirais non, arnaque trop facile. Sur le mode "ah oui moi aussi je me suis déjà fait niaiser par des filles qui ne sont pas venues. Il y a vraiment des gens pas fiables et des arnaqueurs sur ce site etc..."
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    How far will plastic surgery go?

    People still doing that? I saw a couple of girls with split tongue in the past, I found it very sexy (in the context of activities covered by this board anyway)
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    Possible Canada federal election this spring

    I'd like to see the numbers on that... 1) recent immigrants can't vote 2) and for those who've been here for longer and can vote (some who immigrated under Harper), how many are actually voting? Having targeted measures to please different communities and try to get their vote is nothing new...
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    Everything about the Republican Party.

    Resulting in which ratio of the population to make comparison meaningful?
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    Alberta is having a different approach to lockdown

    Let's see... at a funeral you know people will hug and stay within 2m of each other, so you want less than at a regular service where the 15 will be able to spread all over the church? And not that many people go to church anyway, and not that often, so being more lenient on that is ok, whereas...
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    What is the best area in Montreal to get an apartment to live the "Hobbyist lifestyle'"?

    OTH try to find anybody who has survived in Griffintown more than 5 years... it impresses young folks from the suburbs, but quickly they realize It's overpriced, too dense, no neighborhood life, traffic jams, endless construction, and move out. The only cool spot is having coffee at the corner...
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    I don't want the ( Montreal/Quebec/Canadian) government to spend money on an idiot baseball stadium ?

    Oh, so that's Bromfman behind the coderre comeback? Would make sense...
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    Long term arrangements

    Juste s'adapter à ce que chaque fille préfère!
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    Do those around you know that you are meeting escorts?

    It sholdn't be too much of a concern for them, it's not like they're gonna catch it next... I hope!
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    Long term arrangements

    (à Mtl) si la fille te pose la question, tu peux lui répondre que SA n'aime pas trop les discussions d'argent et lui proposer de continuer avec un autre mode de communication. Évidemment après tu te retrouves à installer whatsapp, insta, kik, snap et 2-3 autres pour t'adapter aux goûts de tout...
  20. O

    I am not comfortable getting A vaccine made in INDIA

    I think you made your point right there and your other arguments are just attempts to rationalize/sugarcoat it.
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