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Possible Canada federal election this spring

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ No, it does not say much of the general population, politically and economically ignorant. Giving Trudeau credit for ignorant people who like free stuff, wow.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Trudeau's dream, stop all news he does not like.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
And yet...in spite of all that, Sol...he defeated both Harper and Scheer. Doesn't say much for the Conservatives, does it?
How did he defeat? By using taxpayers money to import immigrants/refugees. All will vote for Trudope. He also made a special deal with Indians to import them to Canada and they will give him votes. Jagmeet Singh is in on it and keeps on supporting Trudope. This is a technique used in India and other corrupt countries to give some money not a lot but a little and they vote for you. Trudope is by far the worst crime minister Canada has ever had. The POS is destroying Canada. He is slowly eroding the middle class.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trudeau's dream, stop all news he does not like.

View attachment 12623
Hence why I call him Fidel Trudope. He worships Fidel Castro and communism is his goal. Weird how even in the 21st century we are still fighting the same evils of the 20th century which is Communism/Socialism. Some people are too blinded by all the free government welfare money.
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Oct 30, 2003
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import immigrants/refugees. All will vote for Trudope
I'd like to see the numbers on that... 1) recent immigrants can't vote 2) and for those who've been here for longer and can vote (some who immigrated under Harper), how many are actually voting?
Having targeted measures to please different communities and try to get their vote is nothing new, Harper did it too with some success, but I'm not convinced by the evil scheme you're suggesting.
Besides, business leaders keep warning about labour shortage, so you want to cut the supply? Funny to see you agree with Legault ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I'd like to see the numbers on that... 1) recent immigrants can't vote 2) and for those who've been here for longer and can vote (some who immigrated under Harper), how many are actually voting?
Having targeted measures to please different communities and try to get their vote is nothing new, Harper did it too with some success, but I'm not convinced by the evil scheme you're suggesting.
Besides, business leaders keep warning about labour shortage, so you want to cut the supply? Funny to see you agree with Legault ;)
Since Trudope has been elected he has been importing hundreds of thousands of immigrants/refugees. It was all over the news. Trudope won in 2015, he has had 6 years to import so many immigrants/refugees after two years most are eligible to vote. Also do not forget about Roxam Rd. Take a look at Trudope's cabinet. There are so many Indian ministers. Trudope went to India danced in their traditional attire. Come on do not be naive. It is obvious what is going on. He one the election with the help of Sikh people. As for labor shortage. There is none in fact there are not enough jobs. Reality is those jobs are too low paying, usually part-time, poor working conditions, etc... Businesses are lobbying the government to import immigrants to keep those jobs lousy and low paying. Hell immigrants will take whatever they can get considering most of them are coming from poor countries. They recently imported a bunch of workers from South America to do back breaking labor low paying jobs on the farms. Just stating facts. Right now the biggest immigration is coming from India. Coincidence? I think not. Their tactic is to enter as an international student get their papers after two years then are eligible to vote. They sponsor their family and ten others comes. All will get their papers after two years and all will vote for Trudope. They see him as God. They come here for the social benefits/welfare. They are very very greedy. Trudope still has some time till the next election he will bring in as many immigrants as he can. That is his way to win the next election. Trudope does not care about anyone else except himself. He is a power hungry greedy SOB.

One last thing Trudope plays identity politics. Appealing to marginalized groups to gain their votes and it works. But have you not noticed since he was elected we are seeing so much poverty and more racism then ever? Trudope is creating more division. Eventually you will have tribes everywhere. True for Harper but he did it the right way. For example he only gave super visas to the retired parents of immigrants but Trudope changed that and gave them immigration. Those retired immigrants parents are collecting pensions from their countries plus OAS which btw they are getting double the amount to what a Canadian citizen gets. Trudope also took in ten times the amount of Syrian refugees compared to what Harper pledged. Trudope gave them all monthly paychecks and a 5 star hotel payed for by Canadian taxpayers. Do not believe me? Look it up. Data does not lie. I will not do the research for you.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Well it seems...aux urnes Citoyens le 20 Septembre......pas étonnant avec toutes les annonces- bonbons qui ont déferlé ces dernières semaines.....c'est gênant et grossier BUT malheureusement that's the way it is depuis toujours. :confused:


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
i have no fucking clue for whom i will vote for

the current crop of federal politicians is nothing but a bunch of spin doctors who'll say whatever they believe will give them enough of an edge to get elected

it's clear the libs are saying and doing whatever will keep them in power and damn the rules but none of the opposition parties are any better imo

just terrible

if there is the rhino party has a candidate in my riding, i think ill vote for them

ill just have to tune out the news until this farce is over

just some guy

Jul 9, 2021
Unfortunately, Canada has become a country of leeches, so despite Trudeau's scandals he will continue as PM as millions have been paid off including the news organizations that will give him all the free good publicity he needs. Just like Covid, we will go have the third wave of this Trudeau/Liberal virus, or more appropriately like Legault says, the Turd wave.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
SONDAGE LÉGER publié today pour le Canada.....L 35%--41% au Québec------C 30%- 15% au Québec NPD 19% -8% au Québec BLOC 7%-- 29% au Québec .

51 % pourraient changer d'idée et 53 % ne veulent pas d'élection.

IMHO les Libéraux se retrouveront MAJORITAIRES après les élections.....à moins d'un effondrement durant la campagne.....ce dont je doute ....TRUDEAU----like it or not--va bien savoir tirer profit de sa gestion de la COVID et est le meilleur communicateur
de tous les chefs en présence.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..et les CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES sont la priorité # 1 pour 42 % de Canadiens ..MAIS comme on sait la journée du vote c'est finalement la SITUATION ÉCONOMIQUE --l'état de l'économie qui compte---et à ce niveau les Libéraux s'en tirent plutôt bien.....
d'autant plus que les autres Chefs de parti demeurent largement méconnu et avec---en ce moment---bien peu à offrir......alors la campagne changera t-elle les perceptions.????.....j'en doute fortement.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Done.....Élections le 20 Septembre....d'une durée très courte ...36 jjours seulement....IMO 2 raisons pour une campagne si courte....1- Faire campagne avant une ré-explosion de la pandémie au pays 2- Prendre de court Erin O'Toole et l'empêcher de mieux se faire
connaître....alors enjoy. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
OUPS...personne ne l'avait vu venir....élection d'un gouvernement CONSERVATUER à Terre-Neuve....ce n'était pas dans les cartes....une campagne électorale peut faire tourner le vent ;) ....attention TRUDEAU......faut jamais rien prendre pour acquis....
Évidemment l'électeur voit les choses sous un angle différent entre élections provinciales vs fédérales...mais il y a quand même un message là.....à suivre.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
OUPS....correction....j'étais distrait...lol....c'est plutôt la Nouvelle-Écosse qui a élu un gouvernement CONSERVATEUR....autre bastion libérale dans les Maritimes....
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