Montreal Escorts

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    Why Men Visit Prostitutes

    Steveaustin0000: thanks to quebec laws, YOU HAVE A PAIR OF BALLS, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS,SHUT UP AND PAY Isn't there a status where the common assets are limited to the house you live in? And how is it if the wife makes more than the husband?
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    Election 2012: Will History repeat itself? Union National splits vote, PQ wins power.

    I did reply, by explaining that the exaggerated statement about PLQ voters you were calling me on was not my opinion, but a simple mirror of Lovemaker's equally exaggerated opinion of PQ voters. Consequently, I didn't see the need to reply point by point. Now if you actually want my boring...
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    Election 2012: Will History repeat itself? Union National splits vote, PQ wins power.

    Tilt: I just intended to show how Lovemaker's statement about PQ voters were cliché by mirroring it for PLQ voters. Since you find my statement is wrong, I guess you prove my point...
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    Election 2012: Will History repeat itself? Union National splits vote, PQ wins power.

    Please don't vote for the PLQ unless you want to see all your cash go to the Italian construction mafia and the city go bust. The only guys voting for PLQ are the selfish anglos from Westmount who get wealthy on your back! Lovemaker, any cliché left? Is property value the only element in...
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    $10/min: An American Love Story

    My experience of LV clubs isn't that bad - similar to Club Downtown for instance, but with 50 dancers at 3x the price. I found some money hungry machines, but also some nicer girls I got to chat with while they sit close to me. And then there's the Talk of the Town, sort of Vegas' Cleopatre...
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    downtown student protests - outcall disruptions

    Yeah, in the US they have occupy, here we stay in shape! On a different note, I always find it funny to hear about how law and order should be enforced... on an escort review board.
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    What arab populated venue (country, city, area ) is the best value for hobbying ?

    You can have good experiences in Morocco, and society there is quite westernized. If you read French, has some threads about it.
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    MGOF / Devilish December 13th GT

    Crap, wanted to go but an escalation at work kept me till 11. I debated going then, but apparently it would have been too late! I hope those who did go had a good time.
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    Montreal report 2011

    Mod8, if I offered Charlie to send me his single-thread review, split it and post the parts in the proper individual review threads on his behalf, would that be acceptable?
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    What's your attire when answering the door?

    That's a good start! I tend to wear silk or linen pants and a shirt in black or burgundy, my version of the decadent libertin, with no shoes, no underwear (definitely no socks!) as I don't find removing them too sexy... opening a few buttons, undoing the drawstring, clothes falling while she...
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    New changes to MERB - Most sections are now MEMBERS ONLY

    Thanks Techman, I'm well aware of the various ways to hide my stuff, and running Linux possibilities are countless, but most will force me to change my usage patterns. Removing a USB key before lending my laptop to a friend passing by who just wants to check his facebook might raise suspicions...
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    New changes to MERB - Most sections are now MEMBERS ONLY

    FWIW, I personally find the new policy rather annoying. I typically browse Merb from a private session (no history saved in the browser, etc...) as I don't want to leave incriminating evidence in the too frequent situation someone else uses my computer, and this means I can't leave the session...
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    Osama bin Laden is DEAD!!!

    Their own? It's a 187 million people country where different groups are playing different cards, and if the billions spent there can get some factions to be less hostile, it may still be worth it.
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    Interesting article about porn addiction

    Found here: The discussion and links are also a good read. Personnal comment: in the end, addiction to porn is much cheaper than an addiction to sex fuelled by escorts!
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    100 huskies killed in cold blood: bravo, bravo

    Hmmm... just for the sake of the argument: meanwhile, hunting is legal and perfectly accepted (by most). Is a cute dog better than a moose?
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    Sexy Cora: German Pornstar Dies After 6th Breast Enlargement

    Am I the only one to read a subtext here? Is it a joke, or just an ironic typo?
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    Standard Sex or Kinky Sex with an SP?

    A little bit kinky for me. I can have my vanilla sex with non-pros, but I've never felt comfortable asking a one night stand for specific acts and risking breaking the mood; for me it's all about pleasing her. With pros I can be more directive. Actually, my requests must not be that kinky...
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    Hotel Chablis & Motel Ideal

    Tarifs 4 heures ("sieste", je prends toujours un air fatigué pour être crédible quand je demande la chambre), miroirs (au Chablis au moins) et assurance que la grande majorité des gens que tu vas croiser dans les couloirs ont les mêmes raisons que toi de vouloir ignorer ta présence.
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    gangbang anyone interested?

    To be alone at a gangbang, it's not the same.
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    Poll for the Married Hobbyists (or those with long-term relationships)

    So the restaurant and priceline threads are actually just there to provide an alibi? I know I wouldn't try it at home, but the "private browsing" feature of firefox is a great way to avoid problems.
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