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$10/min: An American Love Story


New Member
May 24, 2012
I'm on a road trip of the American West. I stopped in a strip club in Nevada. I met a really hot girl who explained my options for lap dances in the VIP area. There was a surprising number of packages available: one dance for $30, three dances for $100, fifteen minutes for $150, thirty minutes for $260, an hour for $520. Yes, btw, you read that correctly - they were offering one dance for $30 or three for $100!

Being an economist, I had timed the songs playing in the club, finding an average length of 3 minutes 27 seconds. So three songs would be about 10 minutes. The girl was really hot and every other strip club in town sucked, so I signed up for three songs.

We entered the little VIP room during a song. I asked her to wait for the next full song to start. She said "OK or we can start now." Next song, I told her.

She sat on my lap, facing away from me, and bounced up and down while she texted her niece. Then she counted her money. She kept insisting that there was $5 missing. She spent 30 seconds looking for it. Ironically, this would cost me $5.

We spent much of the second song arguing about whether it was our first or our second. Then the bouncer entered our little room to say that the next song was our last. This was getting less and less romantic.

She spent the third song trying to shove my cock into her pussy through four layers of clothing. I appreciate the effort, I guess, but I can't imagine how that's supposed to be pleasurable.

I was considering working out my frustrations at a brothel, which are legal in Nevada, you know. It's a bit of a waste of money for me to visit an escort because I never want FS. Just some lap dance, a massage, and a little love for my little friend. I figured that would cost $300.

I was reading brothel reviews. One guy said that U.S. escorts almost always give terrible value for the dollar. Then I thought about my experiences in Montreal.

Long story short, I'm driving to Vancouver.


Oct 8, 2007
I haven't experienced Las Vegas strip clubs for myself, but this is similar to what I've heard about them. They want your money as fast as possible... probably the worst value/dollar anywhere. It's vegas, they know how to fleece you...


New Member
Oct 9, 2010
Do not gamble or hobby in LV, see the sights, enjoy the low priced meals an see the shows. Hobby in Montreal, 1/3 in price five times the quality. I hear even the crack-ho street skanks go for $150 in LV.


Oct 30, 2003
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My experience of LV clubs isn't that bad - similar to Club Downtown for instance, but with 50 dancers at 3x the price. I found some money hungry machines, but also some nicer girls I got to chat with while they sit close to me. And then there's the Talk of the Town, sort of Vegas' Cleopatre. Just a few girls, alt/goth style, a completly different mood, and the occasional gem that'll do a "lapdance" on a bed in a locked room... major gropage follows, like having sex without penetration. I recommend a visit...


New Member
Dec 15, 2011
DO NOT GET AN ESCORT IN THE USA! EVEN OUTCALL IS ILLEGAL AND IT COULD BE A STING! TRUST ME IM FROM THE UNITED STATES. they are too strict on things like prostitution. 90% of strip clubs in the USA are a tease. you would have better luck sitting @ home watching porno.
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