Montreal Escorts

Election 2012: Will History repeat itself? Union National splits vote, PQ wins power.


New Member
Sep 22, 2010
Will the CAQ be the Union National of the 2012 election and allow the PQ to win power over the Liberals as they did in 1976?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
You have a pretty funny vision of the Union nationale effect in the 1976 election. I contest those pretending they made a difference in 7 electoral districts, let alone allow the PQ to win power.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As an outside observer, i cannot see any party beating the Liberals. Why? Because Jean Charest is still the better leader of that whole awful bunch! Pauline Marois?? Ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's a joke!! :lol:

Seriously though, i actually think that the whole student protests thing has actually helped Charest more than it hurt him. The majority of Quebecers are now siding against the student movement. They have realized that the students are unreasonable & are being used by the unions & special interest groups. They do not really want to negotiate in good faith & will listen to no reason unless they get what they really want, which is free education. Quebec folks want the students to learn one important thing: nothing comes free in life. You have to earn it.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
...which is free education. Quebec folks want the students to learn one important thing: nothing comes free in life. You have to earn it.
Actually, they don't want free education, Doc. They want to pay for it with the higher taxes they'll pay with the higher income they'll earn with a college education. Makes sense to me.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
nothing comes free in life. You have to earn it.

The golden parachutes given in Québec universities, most notable cases include McGill and Concordia, provide a pretty good example of something coming free in life.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Actually, they don't want free education, Doc. They want to pay for it with the higher taxes they'll pay with the higher income they'll earn with a college education. Makes sense to me.

Makes sense on the surface but you need jobs to pay taxes. If you turn Quebec into a seperate Greece, the Sequel that might not work out so well. Good luck with the greedy little buggers :wave:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Possum Trot;
I agree. You also need to be in programs that will help you get good jobs to pay for all those things. You don't see any future doctors, engineers & lawyers among that group of misfits parading themselves around Montreal wanting free handouts.

If those spoiled brats (where many have iPhones & cars) don't want to go back to school (where it costs the least in Canada) or go to work, maybe the Canadian military should force them to join their ranks & go enjoy the good life in good ol' Afghanistan.

Ok, there's always sp'ing. :eyebrows:
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New Member
Oct 9, 2010
When I am elected governor, I will give free education to those that achieve marks of 90% of higher, rebates of 50% for those with marks 80% or higher, the rest pay full price.

In 76, the Union Nationale sucked a lot of votes away from the Liberals to allow a PQ victory.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I agree. You also need to be in programs that will help you get good jobs to pay for all those things.

True, and Québec universities programs deliver among the best doctors, engineers and lawyers in the world. And they pay a fair amount of income taxes without complaining to contribute financing pretty good public services, again among the best in the world. They are also intelligent people, and many of them see quite clearly that those responsible for the world economic situation are not those who fight to maintain a minimum of decency in working and living conditions, but a financial group of happy fews who control the political institution of our countries.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
When I am elected governor, I will give free education to those that achieve marks of 90% of higher, rebates of 50% for those with marks 80% or higher, the rest pay full price.

In 76, the Union Nationale sucked a lot of votes away from the Liberals to allow a PQ victory.

Thanks for sharing your ignorance about the Québec society. For your information,in 1976 the Union nationale was lead by one of the most nationalist leader of its history, drawing a fraction of the nationalist vote in the rural areas. If you think that those who voted UN would have all cast their votes for the liberals, you're off the road. It is generally accepted that they may have maid a difference in 7 or 8 districts. The problem with your math is that the PQ won with a lead of 45 mp.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I haven't met a french speaking native quebecer that doesn't support the student movement so I think it's impossible to really guage personally. I think we'll have to wait until the results are out. Everyone thinks it'll be a landslide for the party they support and that's probably based on who they surround themselves with. I don't think Marois has ever given a possible source of income to make up for a tuition freeze but I also don't recall anyone calling her on that. The joy or pitfall of democracy is that it isn't what makes the most sense, what's best for the most people, or what is even feasible: it's what the majority of people want. If someone offers to give everyone 100 dollars even with no reasonable way to pay for it without being detrimental to our economy, if enough people want that 100 dollars, then that's what will happen. Nobody has asked who will be eligible for free tuition if it was mandated.

I really hope people start asking questions but all we can do is vote ourselves.


Nov 4, 2009
Please don't vote for the PQ unless you want to see property values drop significantly and the city go bust. The only guys voting for PQ are the french guys on welfare in Frontenac who have nothing to lose. Don't make the mistake of voting for them or we will all suffer. Montreal is great the way it is, we have too much to lose by voting for a bunch of french extremists.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Actually, they don't want free education, Doc. They want to pay for it with the higher taxes they'll pay with the higher income they'll earn with a college education. Makes sense to me.

If the students who went to school in Quebec leave the province there would be no return in the investments. Why work in Quebec for X amount of dollars if you can find a job ( and if the separatists get in power there will be less available ) when you can work somewhere else for 30% more? Quebec has the highest drop out rate in Canada,as always if you get something for free you do not appreciate it. I also have a strong feeling that the student protest start up was fueled by the separatist groups. The students do not realise they were offered a great deal with the minimal increases over 5 or 7 years, other provinces rates will go up more than that in that time period.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Please don't vote for the PQ unless you want to see property values drop significantly and the city go bust. The only guys voting for PQ are the french guys on welfare in Frontenac who have nothing to lose. Don't make the mistake of voting for them or we will all suffer. Montreal is great the way it is, we have too much to lose by voting for a bunch of french extremists.

Fully agree, you will see investments in Quebec decline and so so businesses will leave. As soon as the " R " word pops up things in Quebec will not be as good as it used to be. I am from out west, you have a great province but you also have a bunch of wack jobs for politicians.


Oct 30, 2003
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Please don't vote for the PLQ unless you want to see all your cash go to the Italian construction mafia and the city go bust. The only guys voting for PLQ are the selfish anglos from Westmount who get wealthy on your back!

Lovemaker, any cliché left?
Is property value the only element in your decision? That's pretty sad.


Nov 4, 2009
Lovemaker, any cliché left?
Is property value the only element in your decision?

Yes it is. I'm only worried about my investments and life savings but let this not stop you from worrying about the students and voting against the extra few dollars in tuition hikes.


May 22, 2011
It isn't only Westmount anglos voting for the PLQ-it is anyone who doesn't want to put up with the PQ's bullshit. And how can you even expect any self-respecting anglo to vote for the PQ?
Corruption is the only element in your decision? That's pretty sad. Do you really believe that the PQ isn't equally as corrupt? Jacques Duchesneau did say that the corruption extends back to the PQ's days....


Oct 30, 2003
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Tilt: I just intended to show how Lovemaker's statement about PQ voters were cliché by mirroring it for PLQ voters.
Since you find my statement is wrong, I guess you prove my point...


May 22, 2011
oobe: you didn't respond to a single specific in my post, so I'll take that to mean you agree...

And of course what Lovemaker said is perfectly true - any idiot knows that the PQ's nonsense is harmful to the economic interests of the province...


Oct 30, 2003
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I did reply, by explaining that the exaggerated statement about PLQ voters you were calling me on was not my opinion, but a simple mirror of Lovemaker's equally exaggerated opinion of PQ voters. Consequently, I didn't see the need to reply point by point.

Now if you actually want my boring opinion, point by point: I don't think PQ's bullshit is any worse than PLQ's, i can understand anglos feeling threatened by the PQ and not voting for it (even if only a minority of the PQ members are actually threatening, but they're vocal), corruption is not the only element in my decision, and any party can become corrupt (which is a good reason for regularly kicking them out, and Charest's been there for a while).
I'll add that the less of an ideological basis they have, the faster they can get corrupt. In other words, the PLQ, with little ideas but a good chance of getting elected, will attract people who will serve themselves before the population more than, say, Quebec Solidaire.
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