Montreal Escorts

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    QUÉBEC----Gouvernement Legault.

    Cloud 500 The attack on the Quebec mosque is described by you as the act of a xenophobe. Of the 40 Muslims frequenting the mosque at the time some could have been born in Canada. Living in Quebec city they woud probably have functionned well in French. Two of the deceased victims worked for...
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    QUÉBEC----Gouvernement Legault.

    Cloud 500 For your info I did learn SPANISH in 40 hours of night classes at Montreal High School in 1980 after that I could be functional when I travelled to Spain Cuba and Mexico on holidays. It helped of course that I mastered French and studied Latin everyday in High school, I and my 2...
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    QUÉBEC----Gouvernement Legault.

    Cloud 500 got his facts wrong . He asks why is not THE native language the official language. The fact is that there is not one Native language with different dialects there are Algonquian languages, Iroquoian languages such as Mohawk and Huron / Wendat. I do not know to what extent speakers...
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    QUÉBEC----Gouvernement Legault.

    Cloud 500 his facts wrong. SIX months is not the period given to an immigrant to reach the native speaker level in French It is the period during which the provincial civvil servants dealing with a recent immigrant can communicate with him in a language other than French Here is the text of...
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    QUÉBEC----Gouvernement Legault.

    Cloud500 has completely side stepped my criticism of his attack on Leqault for not speaking a native language. I take it that he does not want to push that point much further. Now he attacks him for his poor english. LEGAULT 'S POOR ENGLISH Why should Legault improve his English. His job is...
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    QUÉBEC----Gouvernement Legault.

    If not speaking a native is a test for racism and bigotry why not speaking french when living in Montreal is not a test for anti- french bigotry in the case of the CEO of Air Canada , of Ms Simon and so many others. Mr Legault did not say that Suzuki should not be the Captain he said now that...
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    QUÉBEC----Gouvernement Legault.

    Why is Cloud 500 zeroing in and pouncing on Legault for not speaking a native language ? There are a dozen of them languages in Québec including Inuktitut. Which one should he learn first to appease Cloud 500 ? Apart from the native premiers of Nunavut and the NWT, I doubt that any...
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    What does mean OC9?

    May be they said or meant asinine... it would explain why they hung up.But 2 different escorts!
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