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QUÉBEC----Gouvernement Legault.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Le convoi «Dehors la CAQ», qui a des allures rappelant le «Convoi de la liberté» de janvier dernier, manifestera devant le bureau de circonscription du premier ministre sortant deux jours avant le scrutin.

Reprochant à la Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) d’avoir utilisé la crise sanitaire comme motif pour «créer des désordres sociaux, humains, émotifs et financiers à la société québécoise», l’organisation du convoi «Dehors la CAQ» estime que cela pourrait se reproduire si la CAQ est élue pour un second mandat.


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Jan 10, 2005
After Legault gets elected...


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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
SONDAGE SEGMA/COGECO ce jour....confirme les tendances.....CAQ 40 QS 16 LIB 14 PCQ 14 PQ 14.....l'effondrement du vote Libéral sert bien la CAQ qui en hérite....MAIS je résiste....lolll.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Un juge a tranché...ANGLADE aura finalement 125 candidats...bonne nouvelle pour elle...MAIS ça ne changera pas grand chose......les dommages sont déjà faits. Elle aura besoin d'une solide performance ce soir pour sauver les meubles...j'ai confiance...
Je souhaite aussi à PSPP un bon débat....a fait une bonne/sereine campagne....lui aussi se bat pour sauver le mobilier...lui souhaite de faire élire au moins 5-7 députés....ce serait déjà plus que le PCQ.....lollll
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011

Between you and I, my problem is not with bigotry or racism. It is a free country and part of living in a free society is for everyone to be entitled to their own opinion even if that means being a bigot or a racist, they just got to own up to it. My problem is with authoritarianism, when you are forced to do something without being given a choice is in my book a form of tyranny. We seen many examples in history of how destructive authoritarianism is. Two years of covid mandates proves my point (only Legault put a curfew in all of North America and still had the highest deaths per capita in all of Canada), now we got runaway inflation all over the world and more after effects of the damage inflicted will show up. Even for Native French speakers this is not so good, the parents cannot even choose to send their kids to English pre-university schools. My stance is the more languages you know the better. Why can the two languages not live in harmony without Legault's dose of divisive identity politics? All street and highway signs should be bilingual across the country. Individuals must have the choice to choose for themselves whatever that might be, what language to speak and whether to wear a mask or to get vaccinated. It is the State vs the Individual.
Cloud 500 his facts wrong. SIX months is not the period given to an immigrant to reach the native speaker level in French It is the period during which the provincial civvil servants dealing with a recent immigrant can communicate with him in a language other than French

Here is the text of the relevant amendements too the Charter.

22.4. Un organisme de l’Administration doit mettre en œuvre des mesures qui assureront, à la fin d’une période de six mois, des communications exclusivement en français avec les personnes immigrantes, lorsque, afin de fournir des services pour l’accueil de ces personnes au sein de la société québécoise, il utilise une autre langue que le français en vertu de l’article 22.3.
L’organisme qui, conformément au premier alinéa, fournit des services dans une autre langue que le français à des personnes immigrantes doit, lorsque le volume de la demande pour de tels services par ces personnes le justifie, privilégier l’utilisation de leur langue maternelle.

When I migrated to Western Canada I had zero grace period before I had to deal in English with the provincial and municipal administrations.The purchase contract for me to buy a house and later to resell it had to be in English before being filed at the Land titles Office. When I loaned money to my daughter to purchase a house there the loan and mortgage agreement had to be in English so said the sollicitor handling the transaction.

After I moved there the provincial legislature of Alberta retroactively abolished French as the language of legislation and severely curtailed the right to use Frech in the Courts of the Province.

If I' m not mistaken the restrictions and obligations with respect to French and English applies to institutions such as CEGEPs which receive public funding . Cloud could corrct me if I am wrong just as I correct him when I think he is.

I was tempted to encourage Cloud 500 to start bashing the provincial govts in the Rest of Canada as authoritarian and racist.Instead I will just encourage him to check his facts if he wants to indulge in Québec bashing and keep some credibility in doing.

He should come out in the open and clearly state that he is against any disposition of Bill 101 in any of its past and current versions which obliges residents of Quebec in certain circumstances to use French whem they would rather use English and this includes those for whom English is not the mother tongue.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Débat hier....and the winner is....PATRICE animé avec brio....débat moins cacophonique et plus pédagogique...chaque CHEF a pu passer ses messages.

Dominique a eu ENFIN une bonne soirée...devrait sauver les meubles et peut-être bien aller chercher le vote de bcp de femmes.....a consolidé sa 2ème place....PSPP a livré une autre bonne performance qui pourrait lui permettre de ramener certains électeurs à sa

chapelle.... ;)

En ce qui regarde les 3 autres...égal à eux-mêmes......Legault a toujours une approche un rê DUHAIME non crédible....ont déjà fait le plein de votes.

Ne reste que 10 jours de campagne.....les jeux sont faits....MAIS on devrait tout de même avoir une soirée électorale intéressante avec quelques surprises.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Pas loin d'être d' accord....loll....mais je donne une bonne note aussi à Dominique.....mais évidemment...mon jupon dé on s'entend pour le ti-coune DUHAINE....;););)


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Cloud 500 got his facts wrong .

He asks why is not THE native language the official language. The fact is that there is not one Native language with different dialects there are Algonquian languages, Iroquoian languages such as Mohawk and Huron / Wendat. I do not know to what extent speakers of one Iroquian language can understand a speaker of the other so that they would be mutually intelligible. I presume it is easier to earn one if you already know the other. Plus of course there is Inuktitut which is completely different.

Claoud 500 frears that a spanish speaking doctor could not speak Spanish with his Spanish speaking patient. normally a doctor even if his/her fee is paid by Medicare (RAMQ) is not a civil servant and not considered part of a government institution which has to communicate in French with members of the public. When I call the groupe de médecine familiale my family doctor is a member of the answering machine has messages in both French and English and in the waiting room messages are in both languages. Their offices are right in front of the Jarry Metro station

Of all the model immigrants mentioned by Cloud 500 most of them spoke french when they migrated to Quebec or went to post-secondary french language teaching institution with the exception of Mr Leitao who went to McGill but is married to a francophone. From what I hear of Legault's speech these are the kind of immigrants, he wants.
On the other hand. at a known canadian bank in the 450(area not in MontreaI )I have had several times contractual documentation prepared by Italophones in English for my signature when I had given them no indication that I spoke or even understood English and had at all times spoken to them in French only. One of them did it twice a few months a part.I guess I had not protested vigourously enough the first time.Their excuse was that that their computers were by default set by them individually to generate to documents in English. Banks at the time were not bound by Bill 101.

Cloud 500 advocates that the only way to stop the decline of French is by increasing the birth rate within the French speaking population. The very examples of successful immigrants he named contradict his point.

On the debate over the future of the Monarchy, I heard on CBC that only 30% of Canadians could trace their ancestry to the British Isles. The historical anglophone population never had its birth rate as the only means to maintain itself in the rest of Canada or for that matter in Québec. In the rest of Canada state decreed unilinguism was also in their toolbox. It has relied on the immigrants to join its ranks in an overwhelming proportion before Bill 101 and in numbers disproportionate to its size even now. Why cannot the french speaking majority use the same tools which were so successfully used in the ROC.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This is the second time Legault had to publicly apologize, this time about his comments about racism against indigenous people. His bigotry is showing clear as light and day. Still people will vote for this guy.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
wow....le Ministre Benoit Charette chassé/expulsé d'une manif. à Montréal sur l'environnement...inacceptable....l'extrémisme de gauche n'a pas plus sa place ici que l'extrémisme de GND /QS---présent ---risque d''en payer le prix.....les citoyens ont
pris bonne n'aiment pas ces débordements excessifs.....just saying. ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Cloud 500

For your info I did learn SPANISH in 40 hours of night classes at Montreal High School in 1980 after that I could be functional when I travelled to Spain Cuba and Mexico on holidays. It helped of course that I mastered French and studied Latin everyday in High school, I and my 2 Italian speaking classmates were way ahead of the garden variety anglos in our class. Had I then emigrated to a Spanish speaking country and lived there for six months and not been spoken to in any other language every time my interlocutor realised that I was not a native speaker, I would have been able to function in that language just like the Chinese boy I mentioned earlier and my son when he went to Denmark after High school

One of the greatest disincentitive to learn French in the greater Montreal area is the fact that it is easy to get by and succeed in speaking English or should I say to speak WHITE. Ask Mr Rousseau and Ms Simon.

I was at a municipal office this week in the 450 area to pay my taxes in a City which has no bilingual status. A man who appeared Chinese to me was asking about a building permit in very poor English .This man obviously had had felt no incentive whatsoever to learn French otherwise he would have addressed the clerk not in poor english but in poor french. The clerk switched to English for him. What are the chances in such circumstances that this man will want to learn French as opposed to improve his English? Was not the clerk contributing to the anglicisation of an immigrant? Should I have reported her or encouraged her to have one more child to compensate?

Anyone in government should be able to speak both official languages says you. Are you talking about elected officials or civil servants? Are you talking about all levels of Government in Québec or in all of Canada .If so let me see you see you selling this idea to the average Anglo - Canadian.

The Constitution enacted in 1882 does not guarantee to anyone the right to access justice in both official languages otherwise the Alberta could not have in 1988 ,abolished the right to file pleadings in French in civil proceedings. In the Courts of Alberta one is allowed to use French if one is being prosecuted because of the dispositions of the Canadian Criminal Code which is a federal law and the recent amendments to the Provincial Offences Procedure Act. French was the first European language spoken in Alberta and 6.7 percent of its population speak French but currently less than ten judges can conduct a trial in French

You say that French should keep its a majority status in Quebec by increasing the birthrate of the French speaking population A high birth rate worked in the past under the influence of the Catholic Church which was against the right to choose for women and this phenomenon drew the criticism of the late Mordecai Richler a pro -eminent Anglo Montrealer.

A higher birthrate was also the tool and policy of an authoritarian government in Nazi Germany and more recently is in Communist China

How could he CAQ government or any Quebec government achieve this higher birthrate pray tell? .Granting access to subsidized daycare only to families who speak French at home or giving those families a Super Baby bonus would draw fierce criticism from you.... would it not ?

You say higher birthrates is the best and only solution. If this forum was in French and half of the Merbites women how many likes would you get for your higher birthrate solution?

PSPP says sovereignty would solve the problem. Legault says Bill 97 is good enough .Anglicising all of the immigrants as well as part of its French speaking minority population and of its native population has worked well for the Rest of Canada .

Ce qui est bon pour pitou est bon pour minou.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Cloud 500

The attack on the Quebec mosque is described by you as the act of a xenophobe. Of the 40 Muslims frequenting the mosque at the time some could have been born in Canada. Living in Quebec city they woud probably have functionned well in French. Two of the deceased victims worked for the provincial government and one at Université Laval. They were the kind of immigrants Legault would welcome as speaking french on arrival.This attack would better be described as that of an Islamophobe

Ten years ago a terrorist attack against democracy in Québec made two direct victims. Mr. Blanchette was killed an other Mr Courage( I believe to be of Haitian origin )was severely wounded .This cannot be described as the act of a xenophobe because the persons Mr Bain meant to kill including the elected Premier Pauline Marois ,who were meeting at the Metropolis to celebrate her electoral victory, were not foreigners. And these people were in much greater number than the 40 assembled at the Quebec City Mosque. But for the fact that his weapon(s) malfunctioned Bain could have killed and meant to kill many more than the victims at the Mosque. This was a politically motivated terrorist attack. What word ending in phobic can one suggest to describe this attack democratophobic woud fit.
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Jul 31, 2011
RADIO-CANADA ce jour....Philippe J.Fournier----analyste/projection sur l'ensemble des derniers sondages de cette semaine----CAQ 96 sièges PLQ 17 QS 11 PQ 1 PCQ 0 ça risque fort de ressembler à cela le soir du 3 Octobre.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Cloud 500 wrote

There are certain rights the constitution guarantees. That is everyone has the right to access justice in both official languages.

Cloud 500 again got his facts wrong if he means as he seems to that such right is given to all Canadians in every Court in Canada and is Constitutionally protected

Under Section 133 the British North America Act of 1867 that right was protected in the federal courts and the Courts of Québec. The other 3 original provinces were given full discretion to treat its french speaking minorities as second rate citizens as Cloud 500 would describe their situation.

133. Either the English or the French Language may be used by any Person in the Debates of the Houses of the Parliament of Canada and of the Houses of the Legislature of Quebec; and both those Languages shall be used in the respective Records and Journals of those Houses; and either of those Languages may be used by any Person or in any Pleading or Process in or issuing from any Court of Canada established under this Act, and in or from all or any of the Courts of Quebec.
The Acts of the Parliament of Canada and of the Legislature of Quebec shall be printed and published in both those Languages.

In a way the federation started with a birth defect. The right to legislate the French or the English language out of the provincial statutes and provincial courts was not given to Quebec.It was given to the other 3 original Povinces

Later it was not given to Manitoba either but Manitoba did it any way in 1890, 20 years after it joined Confederation it declared itself unilingual

Article 1

English language be official language

(1) Any statute or law to the contrary notwithstanding, the English language only shall be used in the records and journals of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, and in any pleadings or process in or issuing from any court in the province of Manitoba.

Manitoba had to backtrack in 1980 because of a Supreme court decision in the Bilodeau case.
The Constitution of 1982 made only New Brunswick a bilingual Province.

Cloud 500 got his facts wrong on the requirement that native speaker level to be reached in six months by an immigrant.

I am still waiting for Cloud 500 to cut and paste the text on which he and some unnamed business leaders rely to say that an immigrant is given only six months to reach NATIVE SPEAKER speaker level in French.

By the way once that immigrant migrates to Québec , French is not actually a foreign language or at least any foreign language it is supposedly the common language of the society he moved to. That is why in my example of me having to learn Spanish I worked with the hypothesis that after 40 hours of classes I'd be in a Spanish speaking country for six months.

I politely invite Cloud 500 to reply to this and my earlier posts with more than an emoticon.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Dernier sondage LÉGER avant l'élection.....CAQ 37 QS 17 PLQ 16 PQ 15 PCQ 15....belle remontée de la bourde de la candidate QS dans CAMILLE LAURIN---qui a forcé son abandon----- devrait bien le servir....cela dit ANGLADE devrait en faire élire suffisamment pour former l'Opposition Officielle.
Legault domine toujours chez les francophones avec 43%....à suivre le 3 au soir. ;)
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Jan 10, 2005
Some are talking about Duhaime building a wall around the border (Duhaime wants to stop illegal migrants which he is right to do as they are the ones that usually do not work. They get a free hotel paid for by taxpayers and monthly paychecks courtesy of Trudeau and Legault did ask Trudeau to shut down Roxham Rd which he refused to do. This is also not fair to those that apply legally to immigrate to Canada and Quebec), the CAQ immigration minister is under fire. Legault said that an immigration hike would be suicidal for Quebec. CAQ immigration minister Jean Boulet said direct quote "80 per cent of immigrants go to Montreal, do not work, do not speak French or do not adhere to the values of Quebec society." Oh boy. Talk about walls, the CAQ is best at building walls and bashing immigrants. These people are very far away from reality. The Trump of Quebec is indeed Legault.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Legault will win no doubt. I honestly do not know how anyone can be watching political debates and even dream of voting for the CAQ. Legault is very arrogant and authoritarian. These last two years showed how paternalistic he is and how destructive it was to society. He does not believe in people having free choice. He wants to be Papa Legault. Even watching debates aside... I do not know how you could have lived in Quebec during the covid peak and accept the division and measures promoted and enforced by this party (like a curfew and vaccine passports). Winter is coming so be wise with your vote.

Like C.S. Lewis said "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience" -- C.S. Lewis
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Jan 10, 2005


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Legault is now under damage control again. Legault said if re-elected he will replace Boulet. But his is pure hypocrisy. We all know Legault thinks the same thing that Boulet said (he said immigrants linked to violence and extremism).
OK! So all in with DuHaine! We all know his supporters are open mind individuals... Oh! Boy! Boy!
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