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QUÉBEC----Gouvernement Legault.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This is what Legault is concerned with, identity politics. Sene5hos bashes Trump all day but is a fan of Legault yet both Legault and Trump have many similar traits, both are bigots and are pushing bigotry. Legault is showing his borderline racist mentality. He hates immigrants and minorities. He carries on the legacy of colonialism. Does he speak the Native language? Nopes.

So the point of this is he was bothering the CEO of Air Canada because he does not speak French, then the CEO of Air Canada and now new Captain of the Habs saying how he has to speak French. Legault and Plamondon should stick to politics and fix the current state of the healthcare system, the economy, and the crumbling roads and stay out of things that he does not understand. He also need to mind his own business. It is a sport. There is no one language for sports. And the CEO of Air Canada and Couche-Tard, their job is to bring the company to profitability and both companies grew. Language is a petty issue to be whining about.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
SONDAGE LÉGER ce jour....mi-campagne......CAQ 38 PLQ 18 QS 17 PCQ 15 PQ 11......LEGAULT demeure confortable hors Montréal....ANGLADE devrait conserver sa majorité sur l'ïle/WEST peut espérer demeurer Chef de l'Opposition une vive lutte à prévoir CAQ--QS dans plusieurs circonscriptions francophones de Montréal.
Dans la région de Québec/Chaudière Appalaches---ou DUHAIME rêve de faire élire ses ouailles---la CAQ mène toujours sereinement par 20 pts.
Alors même si la CAQ a perdu 4 dirige toujours vers une victoire écrasante. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
...avec toujours 43% du vote francophone. .LEGAULT est en business... et avec 4 partis d'opposition qui se divisent le vote ....les jeux sont reste qu'à connaître l'ampleur de la victoire... ;)


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
...avec toujours 43% du vote francophone. .LEGAULT est en business... et avec 4 partis d'opposition qui se divisent le vote ....les jeux sont reste qu'à connaître l'ampleur de la victoire... ;)
update lol
mononc'Lego perd des plumes, à se mettre le pied dans bouche :p

Si certains donnent la Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) déjà gagnante, le récent coup de sonde a révélé que l’appui au gouvernement sortant a perdu quelques plumes depuis le déclenchement de la course électorale, même s’il conserve encore 38% des intentions de vote.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
update lol
mononc'Lego perd des plumes, à se mettre le pied dans bouche :p

Si certains donnent la Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) déjà gagnante, le récent coup de sonde a révélé que l’appui au gouvernement sortant a perdu quelques plumes depuis le déclenchement de la course électorale, même s’il conserve encore 38% des intentions de vote.

Je voulais vraiement qu'Anglade fasse des points. Pas parce que j'aime le parti Liberal mais ca prends une opposition qui a un peu d'allure.

Duhaime était bon, certainement plus professionel que l'image de son parti. Mais je peux pas imaginer sa gang de cons comme opposition.
Nadeau Dubois est le plus intelligent et éloquent, mais je crois que la farce d'aller gouverner a Cuba était très approprié.
PQ, passé date avec leur projet d'indépendence, on a assez gaspillé de salive.

Alors il reste les libéraux comme opposition. Mais Madame Anglade n'est pas celle pour re-bâtir le parti. C'est évident. Elle est intelligente mais ca clique pas.

Alors le mieux qu'on peut espérer est que mononc'Lego décide de prendre sa retraite d'içi quelques années et laisse la place a qq'un comme Geneviève Guilbault.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
J'abonde dans le même sens pour Guilbault-----femme solide/crédible/bonne communicatrice et prête pour prendre la relève.....partage aussi cette analyse sur l'ensemble de l'échiquier politique....m'attendais aussi à une meilleure performance de ANGLADE qui en
avait bien besoin.

Perso je suis un Montréalais de souche....j'ai fait toutes mes études à Montréal , y ai travaillé---Centre-Ville--- et habité toute ma vie......j'ai donc politiquement au fil des ans /décennies ballotté entre le PQ et le PLQ...pour moi la CAQ n'est pas encore dans mon

..mais je reconnais qu'ils vont former again le prochain vais fort fort probablement ;) voter ANGLADE....malgré une campagne désastreuse et sachant qu'elle devra quitter le navire....en espérant qu'une nouvelle direction s'Installe et rebâtisse ce parti

de fond en comble tant sur le plan organisationnel qu'idé sera pas une mince tâche de se démarquer de la CAQ.....mais cela commence d'abord avec un nouveau leader crédible et inspirant....oui je sais.....big big challenge.

Je leur souhaite ardemment de s'imposer face à QS....sans parler du PCQ et du PQ ..oui passé le succès passera par une reconnexion avec les petite confidence de ce Vendredi frisquet mais fort agréable sur la Cité


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The PLQ is a sensible choice, surely better then the CAQ however Anglade made some very bad decisions like proposing that Anglophone students take three core courses in French at CEGEPs (this was not in the CAQ proposal for Bill 96 but since the PLQ pitched it in the CAQ hooked on it and it was very hard to get them to back down). She totally alienated their main voter base, Anglophones and minorities. After this election the PLQ needs a new leader, a strong leader. Anglade is a failure. QS is another Socialist party, we already got one at the Federal level we do not need anymore. If Socialists understood economics, they would not be Socialists. Legault is arrogant, a bigot, divisive, authoritarian but we will be stuck with this guy for another four years. The reality is the other parties especially the PLQ got weak leaders and that is why the CAQ will win.


Merb member
Dec 27, 2020
This Quebec election is boring. No real drama or anything.

To me, it feels like a foregone conclusion that the CAQ is gonna win this election and just as a political junkie, I would love to see some kinda drama, a huge scandal lol and a very competetive election race..a 50/50 style race similar to Bush/Gore where only a few votes decide an election, lol.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Le PLQ incapable de présenter des candidats dans les 125 jamais vu dans l'histoire moderne....seul parti dans cette situation.....vraiment désolant et gênant pour cette cela en dit long sur l'état de désorganisation...

et du peu d'intérêt pour ce parti.

Une autre tuile dont ANGLADE n'avait vraiment pas besoin ;) ......quand ça va mal.......
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
RADIO-CANADA ce matin.....PHILIPPE J. FOURNIIER-----analyste/projection----pévoit sur son blogue Qc 125---suite à l'analyse des derniers sondages---que la CAQ pourrait faire élire 97 députés...le PLQ 17 et conserver l'Opposition Officielle... :) et le PCQ 0 député.:)


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
This is what Legault is concerned with, identity politics. Sene5hos bashes Trump all day but is a fan of Legault yet both Legault and Trump have many similar traits, both are bigots and are pushing bigotry. Legault is showing his borderline racist mentality. He hates immigrants and minorities. He carries on the legacy of colonialism. Does he speak the Native language? Nopes.

So the point of this is he was bothering the CEO of Air Canada because he does not speak French, then the CEO of Air Canada and now new Captain of the Habs saying how he has to speak French. Legault and Plamondon should stick to politics and fix the current state of the healthcare system, the economy, and the crumbling roads and stay out of things that he does not understand. He also need to mind his own business. It is a sport. There is no one language for sports. And the CEO of Air Canada and Couche-Tard, their job is to bring the company to profitability and both companies grew. Language is a petty issue to be whining about.

Why is Cloud 500 zeroing in and pouncing on Legault for not speaking a native language ?

There are a dozen of them languages in Québec including Inuktitut.

Which one should he learn first to appease Cloud 500 ?

Apart from the native premiers of Nunavut and the NWT, I doubt that any Canadian Premier or Prime Minister could speak a Native language.

If not speaking a native language is a symptom of bigotry, racism and colonialism most of us are touched by the disease.

If that is one of his sins, he is not the only nor the worst sinner.

Should something be egregious in the lack of language skills for a public official department it is the fact that Trudeau appointed the current Governor-General who struggles in French.

Ms Simon was born and raised in the province of Québec, has spent much of her career working for CBC North in Montréal and when a member of the Canadian diplomatic corps was entitled to free one on one private tutoring in French at taxpayers' expense. It is not as if she did not have the opportunity to pick up some skills in french before her appointment.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Why is Cloud 500 zeroing in and pouncing on Legault for not speaking a native language ?

There are a dozen of them languages in Québec including Inuktitut.

Which one should he learn first to appease Cloud 500 ?

Apart from the native premiers of Nunavut and the NWT, I doubt that any Canadian Premier or Prime Minister could speak a Native language.

If not speaking a native language is a symptom of bigotry, racism and colonialism most of us are touched by the disease.

If that is one of his sins, he is not the only nor the worst sinner.

Should something be egregious in the lack of language skills for a public official department it is the fact that Trudeau appointed the current Governor-General who struggles in French.

Ms Simon was born and raised in the province of Québec, has spent much of her career working for CBC North in Montréal and when a member of the Canadian diplomatic corps was entitled to free one on one private tutoring in French at taxpayers' expense. It is not as if she did not have the opportunity to pick up some skills in french before her appointment.
Nothing could appease CLOUD 500 concerning Legault !
It is the same for me concerning Trudeau !


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Nothing could appease CLOUD 500 concerning Legault !
It is the same for me concerning Trudeau !

If not speaking a native is a test for racism and bigotry why not speaking french when living in Montreal is not a test for anti- french bigotry in the case of the CEO of Air Canada , of Ms Simon and so many others.

Mr Legault did not say that Suzuki should not be the Captain he said now that he is he should learn French.
Ms Simon after getting her current job seems to be taking classes. Rousseau seemed to be quite pleased that he could get along fine in MTL by being unilingual.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011

Under Bill 96 Legault gives immigrants just 6 months to learn French. Really ridiculous. Look at how poor Legault's English is. If he cannot learn English in 6 months how can he expect immigrants to learn French in 6 months?
Cloud500 has completely side stepped my criticism of his attack on Leqault for not speaking a native language. I take it that he does not want to push that point much further.

Now he attacks him for his poor english.

Why should Legault improve his English. His job is to run the Quebec government. Before he was in politics his job was to run Transat. During his Covid press conferences Legault routinely took questions n English and the anglo press did not seem to have difficulties to understand him .Rousseau could not understand simple questions put to him by journalists in french let alone answer them

Legault' s english is much better than the french spoken by current and past other premiers (if one excepts Kenney ,some of the NB premiers and the previous female premier of Ontario) When he goes to provincial premiers conferences, I doubt he needs an interpreter from french to english. He may have a strong accent and commit some gallicisms but he is functional.

I met a young chinese boy 10 years ago who arrived straight from China at age 8. He lived and went to school in Cartierville near the Cote Vertu Metro. After 6 months he spoke french fluently. His accent sounded half Haitian and half Maghrebine but he learned . My son went as an exchange student to Denmark after high school for one year. After six months he was functional. His trick was to refuse to speak english with his classmates pretending that coming from Quebec he spoke only French.

If an immigrant plans to come to Quebec he can start learning french BEFORE landing in Dorval. Free Online ressources are available. I am sure immigrants planning to go elsewhere in Canada learn some English before getting on the plane and they are not given 6 months grace period to learn English from the day of arrival in their dealings with their provincial government. (Excepting New Brunswick and also Ontario where some services are available in French) They have to speak English from day one or get their own interpreter. Are the leaders of these provincial government borderline racists and bigots?

In Quebec and Canadian politics language is not a petty issue. Cloud 500 has not yet figured that out. The candidates for Legault's job have.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Why is Cloud 500 zeroing in and pouncing on Legault for not speaking a native language ?

There are a dozen of them languages in Québec including Inuktitut.

Which one should he learn first to appease Cloud 500 ?

Apart from the native premiers of Nunavut and the NWT, I doubt that any Canadian Premier or Prime Minister could speak a Native language.

Should something be egregious in the lack of language skills for a public official department it is the fact that Trudeau appointed the current Governor-General who struggles in French.

Ms Simon was born and raised in the province of Québec, has spent much of her career working for CBC North in Montréal and when a member of the Canadian diplomatic corps was entitled to free one on one private tutoring in French at taxpayers' expense. It is not as if she did not have the opportunity to pick up some skills in french before her appointment.
You seem to be taking this too personal. I brought up the Native language because we are all immigrants including Legault, this country was built on immigrants yet he decided that French be the dominant language. The Natives were here before all of us. So why is the Native language not one of the official languages? Okay there are many dialects, they can choose one dialect to be the official language.

I agree 100% with you about the governor general. Anyone in government should be able to speak both of Canada's official languages. But that is it. Government has no business meddling with private businesses or peoples personal lives. Let me put it this way, any business in Montreal that can operate in English only and is able to remain profitable deserves to survive. The same applies vice-versa, any business that can operate in French only in Toronto and remain profitable also deserves to survive. Did you know in Markham there is a Chinese mall called Pacific Mall, it is mainly Cantonese and Mandarin. No one is complaining about it there.

But lets face the reality, the issue of language is only in Montreal, Legault is concerned about the population declining on having French as a maternal language. He wants people to be using French in their homes (that is going too far) and the reason that is the case is because Quebecors are not having enough kids. Plain and simple. Legault should be focusing on real problems like healthcare and inflation, not on identity politics.

For 44 years since the conception of Bill 101, French and English coexisted in harmony with minor issues in Montreal. Now Legault brings the language boogeyman to score political points. He is driving a wedge and causing division. My stance is that language should be determined by the market and demand, whatever the demands are and government should mind its own business and stay out of things they do not understand.

About your six months to learn French, many businesses disagree on this. It is unreasonable to expect immigrants to speak a foreign language like a native speaker in just six months. I like to see you learn Spanish in six months and be able to speak like a Native speaker.

Finally, bashing Anglophones and Allophones to second class citizens does not do anything to promote French, Quebecors having more kids will preserve French. A few things I find very concerning in Bill 96. You see how Legault is trigger happy in using the Notwithstanding Clause but this clause was never made to be used in the way Legault uses it. There are certain rights the constitution guarantees. That is everyone has the right to access justice in both official languages. The Notwithstanding Clause cannot bypass this. The government is saying people have to get an official translation at court at their own expense which can be expensive. What is most unconstitutional is the rule that you have to accompany an English procedure by a French translation. It is like saying you got freedom of expression but got to pay the government $20 each time to use it. Another thing is the OQLF will be given more power then the police, imagine using another language is a bigger crime then a murder case, how weird. The OQLF can search and seize documents from private, commercial offices and public ones that fall under the label “government administration” without a warrant, just suspecting is enough to justify a raid. When it comes to seizures and searches in lawyers and notaries offices, the Supreme Court has held that the solicitor-client privilege is a fundamental principle of justice -- not in the Charter, but in the constitution so Notwithstanding Clause will not protect them either on this one. Finally the bill creates a two-tier system between historical Anglos and other Anglos. The idea of permanently separating two groups into this kind of two-tier system for a variety of daily purposes -- not just in terms of who qualifies for English education -- is new and calls for a legal challenge. Historic Anglos is something created by the Quebec government btw. In Canadian history, this kind of grouping bylaw is almost unheard off. Normal democratic countries do not categorize populations like this.

Things not part of the constitution but still very important. When selling your home, all sale contracts now have to be in French. There are many important things like legal terms that must be understood and to ask an Anglophone or Allophone who might not be too comfortable in French opens the door to misunderstandings. And the convos a patient has with their doctor that has to be in French is also is very concerning. I mean come one, this is about your health, it is very important to be able to understand your doctor. There are many people who do not speak either language well, so now a doctor that speaks Spanish cannot speak Spanish to a patient whose maternal language is Spanish? However regarding language of communication between doctor and patient, it is unclear how it will implemented and enforced because in Bill 96 it is still very vague about this.

So yes Legault created division and problems for nothing but to score political points.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
If not speaking a native language is a symptom of bigotry, racism and colonialism most of us are touched by the disease.

If that is one of his sins, he is not the only nor the worst sinner.
Of course he is not the only one, but this is about Legault. Not speaking a Native language is not a symptom of bigotry but the way he is acting and the things that he said is. Have you been watching the news because you were not paying any attention to it! Legault made some very controversial offensive comments which were bigoted and he was forced to apologize, this is a case of Sorry, but not sorry. A few things he said, which btw is all on public record, he said not all cultures are on the same level.

The other thing he said is immigrants are linked to violence and extremists.

For the record the last extremist violent crime in Quebec was perpetrated by a xenophobe against Muslims. Did you forget about this one?

Some known immigrants in politics that Legault should know very well: Maka Kotto, a longtime Bloc Québécois MP and Parti Québécois MNA, was born in Cameroon; outgoing Liberal MNA and former finance minister Carlos Leitao, has roots in Portugal; Dominique Olivier, the chair of Montreal’s executive committee, came from Haiti; Aref Salem, the leader of Ensemble Montréal, the official opposition at Montreal City Hall, fled the war in Lebanon, which was the birthplace of Québec solidaire MNA Ruba Ghazal, as well. Pablo Rodriguez, Justin Trudeau's Quebec lieutenant, has roots from Argentina. I think I made my point clear on this one.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Between you and I, my problem is not with bigotry or racism. It is a free country and part of living in a free society is for everyone to be entitled to their own opinion even if that means being a bigot or a racist, they just got to own up to it. My problem is with authoritarianism, when you are forced to do something without being given a choice is in my book a form of tyranny. We seen many examples in history of how destructive authoritarianism is. Two years of covid mandates proves my point (only Legault put a curfew in all of North America and still had the highest deaths per capita in all of Canada), now we got runaway inflation all over the world and more after effects of the damage inflicted will show up. Even for Native French speakers this is not so good, the parents cannot even choose to send their kids to English pre-university schools. My stance is the more languages you know the better. Why can the two languages not live in harmony without Legault's dose of divisive identity politics? All street and highway signs should be bilingual across the country. Individuals must have the choice to choose for themselves whatever that might be, what language to speak and whether to wear a mask or to get vaccinated. It is the State vs the Individual.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
SONDAGE LÉGER ce jour....pour mesurer l'impact du débat/TVA......pas ou peu d'effet....CAQ 38 QS 16 PLQ 16 PCQ 16 PQ 13......légère remontée du PQ grâce
à une belle performance de gagne en faveur populaire MAIS cela ne se traduira pas en sièges.

Et la CAQ accentue son vote chez les FRANCOPHONES avec 45%......les jeux sont vraiment faits....bataille entre QS et PLQ pour la 2ème place....go DOMINIQUE....lolll ;)


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
SONDAGE LÉGER ce jour....pour mesurer l'impact du débat/TVA......pas ou peu d'effet....CAQ 38 QS 16 PLQ 16 PCQ 16 PQ 13......légère remontée du PQ grâce
à une belle performance de gagne en faveur populaire MAIS cela ne se traduira pas en sièges.

Et la CAQ accentue son vote chez les FRANCOPHONES avec 45%......les jeux sont vraiment faits....bataille entre QS et PLQ pour la 2ème place....go DOMINIQUE....lolll ;)

Vieil article (pre covid et post résultat CAQ 2018) mais... extrait à méditer et à voir car depuis quelques années les "sondages" se ramasse pas mal dans le champ ! ;)

En espérant, le monde tanné du mononc'Lego iront voter ... Ah... l'espoir fait vivre comme on dit lol
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oui ---si l'on se fie aux sondages--62% de l'électorat semble tanné/insatisfait ou idéologiquement ailleurs de LEGAULT...MAIS le problème c'est que les 4 partis d'opposition se partagent à part égale le vote....d'ou une grosse bataille pour la 2ème place...
je crains fort PAT98 que tu sois fort déçu le soir du 3 Octobre. ;) .....mais tu sauras sûrement ou aller te consoler..amigo....lolll....
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