Montreal Escorts

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  1. MichelleMontreal

    Ask us anything part 3

    I have a few friends over 50 but none of them are SPs and none of them have reported a diminishing sex drive, if anything it has gone in the other direction for all of us... which can be problematic because I've always been someone with a large sex drive and I swear every year it just gets more...
  2. MichelleMontreal

    Ask us anything part 3

  3. MichelleMontreal

    What music do you love?

  4. MichelleMontreal

    Ask us anything part 3

    Hey, hey, hey, careful now, some of us might be MILFs but we aren't "waterbed old". Wait, what thread am I on?
  5. MichelleMontreal

    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately? Part 2

    I've always used the term MILF in the literal sense, and I use it in my own marketing for that reason, but I occasionally have clients ask me if I actually have children... at the end of the booking. So, I guess it's not as obvious as I thought? Also: HALLOWEEEEEEN
  6. MichelleMontreal

    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately? Part 2

    It's a very cute nickname, but I don't think it describes me very well.
  7. MichelleMontreal

    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately? Part 2

    A guy called me "Mimi" after successfully getting my number. Do I look like a "Mimi"?!
  8. MichelleMontreal

    Ask us anything part 3

    I can usually do it, more-or-less on command, but I have to be warmed up first.
  9. MichelleMontreal

    Public Health Contact Tracing and Partner Notification

    The clinic will call, for sure, but not all STBBIs are reportable to public health.
  10. MichelleMontreal

    Public Health Contact Tracing and Partner Notification

    Public health contacts you and then there's some kind of anonymous reporting to the people you've been with or you can contact them directly. Public health doesn't have a database that I am aware of. {grumbles something about the government}
  11. MichelleMontreal

    Is business slowing down?

    Ask yourself if the schedule is real. All good marketing comes with lies.
  12. MichelleMontreal

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    1) I believe this too, and I don't think anyone has said otherwise. Being said, if you truly want the most discretion possible as a SP, an agency is not the place to find it... 2) It is a unique service industry, but discrimination is discrimination is discrimination, and it won't go away if...
  13. MichelleMontreal

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    Hey @Fradi I never said anyone was unlucky for living in Canada, and not at war, especially not my white fat ass. And to bring it back to the beginning of this train wreck of a thread, I agree with every point you made here as the very first person to respond to the OP.
  14. MichelleMontreal

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    Canada is not at literal war on our own soil, and we have few inhabitants, correct. if you compare health disparities per capita, well, fuck here's the first thing I found:
  15. MichelleMontreal

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    It's not minuscule at all. The statistics are horrifying. They will see anyone at an ER, but if they decide you are intoxicated when you are having a stroke because of the colour of your skin, you may very well die due to racism. This sort of thing happens so much more often than anyone wants to...
  16. MichelleMontreal

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    The last residential schools in Canada (where they are now digging up the remains of children) closed in the 90s. People who survived those places are very much alive today. People are currently dying due to racism in healthcare in this country and others. Not getting your dick sucked by some...
  17. MichelleMontreal

    Penis rings that give FIRM results & motorized penis pumps

    I've come across many cockrings in my "travels", mostly in group situations. The cheap silicone ones tend to break easily and of course, always in the middle of the action. Depending on whether you prefer wearing them around your penis and testicles or just your penis, I would suggest the metal...
  18. MichelleMontreal

    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately? Part 2

    It was I! It needed to be said again. I was attempting to amplify, sorry about the dragging back in. Me reading that same thread:
  19. MichelleMontreal

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    We have few facts at hand, we are all guessing as to any individual's real reasons, and since no one participating in the thread seems to exclude clients due to race/ethnicity we can only guess. Given the number of profiles I have personally come across that have have those "restrictions", and...
  20. MichelleMontreal

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    no, sorry you're making no sense, I'm quoting a definition and have otherwise not contributed to the thread.
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