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  1. D

    When "lack of professionalism" meets "irrealistics expectations"....

    Be who you are, without apologies to anyone Alyssa ! Fortunately you don't need every member of this or any other review board to fulfil your fantasies as Alyssa. The haters and critics will always be there no matter what you say or do and those who like you for who you are would never want you...
  2. D

    What is the creepiest thing you ever seen, told by, did with a SP, Massage/SC girl

    I have a couple of tattoo's and because someone might think I'm unclean I try to shower at least 4 times a day ;)
  3. D


    Under boob is pretty damned hot as well !
  4. D

    Am I the only one strongly disliking the collagen lips?

    Damn I just can't stand fake anything ! That being said if I could find a surgeon who could enhance my dick to be as big as Ron Jeremy's...................................hmmmmmmmmm, perhaps lol
  5. D

    Any old timers can tell me how they calmly handle situations like this?

    Your initial post says nothing about how the girl tried to rip you off. Was she not the girl in the ad ? If this was the case, turn and walk away ! Did she not provide the service she told you was included ? If so put this to a bad experience, yes post a review a then never see this one again...
  6. D

    Indefinite Leave of Absence

    A couple of things have caused me to give pause and led me to decide to take a leave of absence from this hobby. I will continue to peruse the board and will comment where i think my opinion might be warranted. About two months ago I had arranged to see an SP ( who will remain anonymous )...
  7. D

    Has the long awaited stock market corection started to-day?

    When I first started in this industry the rule of thumb was 100% - your age ( 45 ) = the amount to put in equities, the balance was to be invested in Blue Chip stocks all of which were paying dividends. That would equal 65 % Stocks, 45% Bonds Also it should be remembered that in todays market...
  8. D

    Has the long awaited stock market corection started to-day?

    I'd like to make a recommendation to anyone looking to invest in the stock market. I am a professional Investment advisor and if there is one book that has served me well over the years ( I won't say how many except to say several decades ) it is "The Intelligent Investor " by Benjamin Graham...
  9. D

    Has the long awaited stock market corection started to-day?

    Good companies are always good companies to invest in. With the recent drop in the market a lot of those companies are even more attractive now that they are on sale. If you're investing to buy a house next year, stay out of the market but if this is an investment for your retirement the prices...
  10. D

    2018 FIFA World Cup

    The difference is that those companies although they don't pay their share of taxes don't require that we build stadiums and pay for security to host their services ! They simply don't contribute.
  11. D

    2018 FIFA World Cup

    I really hope that Canada withdraws their bid for this ridiculous event. FIFA is one of the most corrupt sporting bodies in the world and it would leave whoever wins the bid with enormous debts after the event is done. FIFA does NOT pay any taxes to the country hosting the event, they come, they...
  12. D

    Do you change phones every two years?

    I change every 2 years and have the latest iPhone. I wish I could get away from the Apple products but as I am used to the iPhone they tell me it takes about 6 months to become accustomed to the others out there. As I use it for business I can't afford the learning curve
  13. D

    Hottest SP that you ever banged.

    Julia Sky she is stunning and passionate and has a devilish side to her that attracts me like no one else. I know she is considering implants but she is perfect as far as i'm concerned.
  14. D

    Tech-tarded issue here...ACPI compliance problem...HELP!!! LOL

    There are some small repair shops all over the place who sell rebuilt PC's for around $100. and if this is a short term need they last for a couple of years doing whatever you need. I know of one in my area and if you like (and you know me personally ) I can pick one up and bring it to you. You...
  15. D

    Men and lies...

    I entered into a relationship with my wife totally and completely in love with her. I knew that I would never cheat on her and hence never have the need to lie to her. Early in our relationship she began to criticise me for little things, what I ate for lunch while at work. I would tell her and...
  16. D

    How much enhancement do you prefer and the one's you hate ?

    Enhanced boobs, enhanced lips and anything else thats fake ! I like many here have had the opportunity to see SP's that have gone under the knife to have their boobs done or have had injections in their lips and god know what else they do. Women seem to have more body issues than men and I...
  17. D

    Guitar solos

    Joe Bonamassa is amazing but I've seen Tommy Emmanuel live and he is nothing short of the best. I've posted a link to one of the classics, "Guitar Boogie " that is on youtube, give this a listen !
  18. D

    Ever met a stage 7 clinger?

    Time to shut down your social media. The best thing I ever did was shut mine down and then rebuild it from zero. It took a while but while I was off ( about a month ) I actually enjoyed the time away. When I re-built my FB account I was careful to only add those people who were friends, real...
  19. D

    Instagram / Twitter links

    What :confused: you mean I didn't have to use my real name when I registered for MERB ? BTW, my Mom named me Doggyluver ;)
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