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Men and lies...

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
I was chatting on another forum where a girl, married since 9 years was flipping out because her man wasn't back home at midnight...he never cheated but since her two last exs did, she uses this as an excuse to be a drama-queen and way upon his many other ladies were telling her they wouldn't like it either...I arrived out of nowhere with a post that turned the thread in another I would like your opinion on my first comment:

Men will lie. Damn, they will even lie about lying. Do they do it to protect you from the truth? Perhaps in rare cases, but mostly it's just more convenient and less time consuming than an drama scene, tears, explanation, accusations, an argument...well, you know, the whole downward spiral of a toxic relationship.

But, it doesn't make them less caring. It may even make them better prioritisers, which leave them with more energy for the things that turn you both on about your perception of the other, what turn you on about them, like fixing stuff, resolving issues, changing your breaks and coming in greasy from working on your car. This is when they feel the most confident on themself so they feel like being better partner, better lover...So, let me ask you one question: Do we need to know everything that's in our partners lives and minds to love them?

If yes, which mainly means you consider truth to be more important than harmony.. Be it: be a nag. Be suspicious. Be jealous and be miserable. But remember one signle thing: He didn't make you that way, you decided to chose to act with this "pain in the ass" behaviors by yourself and for yourself since he never cheated on you (as far as you know). In your situation, you can only think or feel differently about something by thinking or feeling differently. Your trust doesn't change, never did within 9 it never will. Your trust and jealousy don't change, You do. Then your jab will be to decide how, and if it's worth turning into a prick to feel vindicated. If it's worth destroying the intimacy with him you DO have.

That being said, even when they're telling the truth, they're just doing it because it's what you want to hear, not because they think it's important : You try to make it important to them because you think then they will understand you, share your perception, merge with you. You think if they understood you, they could not possibly betray you because you'd be too close by then, like one person. They'd be betraying a part of themselves.

BUT this is false... and falseness is worse than a lie, because it builds your reality up from a foundation that is NOT real. When the delusion is removed, your reality goes with it. Everything you thought you knew evaporates, and it is not a matter of just picking up the thread before the fabric unraveled. There is no fabric. simple as a mirage: Facts are not truths. Transparency is not honesty.... So oyu might be thinking:
if not transparency, what IS important to men?

Back in the days when I was a sex provider, most of my married clients deal with bullshit at work and they deal with bullshit at home...all day, everyday. They were seeking just an hour's haitus from bullshit, something simple that is open and closed within parameters fixed by professionalism..they were paying for an simple as it sounds.. for a gratification without expectation, release without obligation or guilt, without drama, without crisis, without consequences. The main transactions which will determine success and failure in the lives they have when they leave me do not overwhelm this shelter sex creates.

Now that I have explained my point of view, since you wanted our opinion; the consequences and collateral damages of a subsequent lie are waayyyy far less devastating than flawed expectations (desillusion) in the first place.

Your thoughts? (other than they don't know I am back in the scene lol)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just my opinion but men tell lies to their spawning partners because in our minds playing poker and having beers is not a bad thing to do but to your spawning partner it is evil or she does not believe you assuming you are in a pub doing tequila shots from the waitresses bellybutton.
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Human trait....interesting. Is it learnt or woven into our genes ? Is it a survival skill ?

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
Heli/EB: it is funny though, I remember in one of my class, my teacher was talking about a study that said; men are lying to protect their ego...women are lying to protect their family...of course, there are many exceptions...

I guess they used the logi behind the behaviors and let say a woman won't admit her affair because she is scared of her husband reaction, she fears a divorce which would break their family and the kids would be sad, torn apart, etc....when men won't admit their affaire because if the wife knows his sins, she would destroy him in court and takes everything he owns

I would have to go back in my notes in rder to find the real stats/conclusion of this study but it was truly interesting

STN: you just resumed my

Cloud; you are getting deeper than I...loll...what are your knowledge in this field? If I tell you Sigmund you know much about his psychodynamic theory (me VA it, etc)? The 5 moralities? Our personal thought processes?

Then I can figure out where to start in order of answering your questions... :lol: (sounds rude isn't it? but this wasn't the tone I wanted at all...but my theory is based on those points merged..

:yield: )


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I often travel to Montreal with 3 married friends. I must admit that in the past I was deeply amused by the elaborate lies they told their wives in order to get their Montreal trips allowed/permitted by the wives. However, my amusement came to an end when one of them saw fit to involve me in one of his elaborate lies, and he did so without telling me about it. I only found out about it by accident. This was a problem and did not sit well with me for two primary reasons, (1) I know his wife, and I think she is a wonderful lady, and (2) he exposed me to the situation where she could have asked me about the lie and I would not have known anything about the lie and, as a result, easily could have unwittingly blown his cover.

What he did was he told her this elaborate story that he needed to go to Montreal because I had purchased a condominium in Montreal, and was having a housewarming party and inviting some clients and real estate speculators and he felt it important to attend for business and personal reasons. None of this was remotely true. I do not and never have owned a condo in Montreal, I do not take clients to Montreal (except for him and one other American friend) and have no clients in Montreal, and I do not throw parties for real estate speculators.

The lie was uncovered when the two of us were walking back to our hotel, the Omni on Sherbrooke, from a lunch at Winnie's on Crescent Street. For purposes of this story I will use the name of Ralph, which is not my real name. As we walked up Crescent his cellphone rang. It was his wife and he decided to take the call. I heard her voice on the other end ask him, "so what are you doing?" And he said "Ralph and I are walking back to our hotel." He then quickly corrected himself and said, "I meant to say Ralph and I are walking back to his condo." They then exchanged a few pleasantries and the conversation ended.

I then said to him somewhat heatedly, "Ralph's condo? Are you kidding me? What the fuck kind of bullshit was that?" He then said to me, "Ralph, look man, I had to come up with something that sounded good, I think she was kind of suspicious and I knew she would believe that because she knows your in Montreal a lot." I then said to him, "don't ever involve me in your fucking lies and bullshit ever again. Your lies and bullshit are on your own time and without my involvement. Did it occur to you that she could have asked me about it and I would not know what to say? I mean, you exposed me and yourself to complete embarrassment and blown cover by not telling me the details of this preposterous bullshit." He then told me all the details of the lie he had concocted. His wife never asked me about the fictional condo, and he later told her that I sold the condo and made a big profit (at my behest that he clear the lie off the table).

This happened around 4 years ago. He is still a close friend, and I have no idea what lies he is telling his wife these days, but he must have come up with some good ones because we have done escort parties since then, including a few months ago.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Alyssa, first thank you for this interesting thread.

I truly appreciated your reflection about lies and why men do it. I recognized myself when you mentioned we deal with bullshit all day everyday and that we seek an island of piece for one hour where we are not judged, belittled, crushed, screamed at, pushed or pulled. True. Also true is the fact that the more jealous and drama queen our partner is, the more we want to lie just to avoid it, the more we want to get away from her.

But I'd like to add another dimension which is inevitable in long term relationship (I'm talking 10, 20, 30 years here): routine. I have seen SPs sometimes just to have diversity and stimulate my libido, and the ultimate winner of this was my regular partner. She won because it gave me ideas to try, fantasies, increased sex drive, things that usually women count on men for. Is boredom inevitable? I believe it's the case... And certainly trying to explain that to her is virtually impossible. I can just picture this: "Are you telling me that you are cheating me is better to improve our relationship?".... so we give up and lie....


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I entered into a relationship with my wife totally and completely in love with her. I knew that I would never cheat on her and hence never have the need to lie to her. Early in our relationship she began to criticise me for little things, what I ate for lunch while at work. I would tell her and then have to listen to the speech about how bad my choices were etc etc etc. I decided that it made more sense to just tell her I ate a argument ! I played hockey in a men's league, after the game we would have a couple of beer and shoot the shit, when I got home. Who was I talking to and why ? How many beer did I have ? 2 Why two, why not just come home ? etc etc etc. Then she got pregnant ! She decided that sex was out of the equation for the duration :( I was young, no bad looking and attracted my fair share of attention. Eventually the cheating started and led to me just telling her one day that I couldn't stand her controlling behaviour and I walked. I have been in relationships and have tried my best NOT to lie to a partner but sometimes the most trivial things require a cover up. I can't deal with the , Who were you texting ? Who were you on the phone with ? Why did you stop and see your friend on the way home ? etc etc etc. I love this hobby for the ability to be totally honest with a provider. I don't hide my identity, I can have a conversation that is totally honest and without repercussions. The only thing is the love and warmth of a relationship, I miss that.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
There is a saying.....I sneezed on the truth.
What about the guy who was hiding in the closet when her husband came home early. That was a life altering sneeze he

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
Sorry for the delay, still stuck in the tech-mess involving my pc (and it is not over yet!)..

During my years of studies, I've learn there are 26 different defense mechanisms humans will use in order to justify their (bad) behaviors... Because brains aren't made to be name-calling the mind, to create a feeling of guilt... Since I did get this point, understanding people is way much easier...

Lies happens after the person had deal with at least one of those feelings: fear, anger or sadness.. Most of the time, fear will be the feeling behind lies in order to cheat on our partner... worried for a divorce, being drained by the ex, worries of disappointing our kids, breaking our family (more than it is already broken)... lie becomes the lesser of 2 evils, from the "liar's" order to getting closer of their personal happiness (or not disturbing their current happiness)..

Wives might become a sort of long-term of their husband since they secretly decided to stay even without feelings, just for their own well-being simply to not taking any risk of loosing their husbands AND their fancy lifestyle because they are perfectly aware of the consequences of telling the truth...

Hapiness : being truly happy is a matter of opinion/perception, and not of an official truth (there is no common reality anyway, only pperception...we all live our personal reality depending on our own perspective which if often different from one to another...) . In, fact, it is when reality and expectations meet. So being happy for one isn't the same happiness for the other. So this is mainly when lies occur. We want to get our reality closer to our own expectation without disturbind our soulmate happiness...

Admitting our own selfishness is very often too hard for our brain so hiding behind one of those 26 defense mechanisms is the easy way to do it and remain happy

So my message to my friend was mainly about the doubts she is dealing with because of her exs and NOT the one she is with at the moment...but being a real pain in the ass to the one who hasn't create her doubts will most probably give him a very good reason to act exactly the way she is accusing him of...


Mar 8, 2018
Lies are a necessary Evil

I truly feel that I have to lie...when I come home to my SO I am instantly interrogated...what did you do at work? who did you see? who did you talk to? what did you talk about? was she pretty? etc. etc. I have tried to let her know that these "conversations" make me feel like I am in an interrogation room even though I have not done anything out of the ordinary. Many times I tell her that if I had her imagination I would be in trouble all the time.

So lies are a convenient way to avoid detailed explanations that will lead to more and more questions and greater and greater exasperation. There are times I feel like doing what I am "accused of doing" since the assumption is that I already did it UGH!

Okay that is all


Sep 24, 2009
I never lie except to spare someone's feelings. Other than that ... I sort of enjoy confrontation. I'm a bad bitch.


Sep 24, 2009
I truly feel that I have to lie...when I come home to my SO I am instantly interrogated...what did you do at work? who did you see? who did you talk to? what did you talk about? was she pretty? etc. etc. I have tried to let her know that these "conversations" make me feel like I am in an interrogation room even though I have not done anything out of the ordinary. Many times I tell her that if I had her imagination I would be in trouble all the time.

So lies are a convenient way to avoid detailed explanations that will lead to more and more questions and greater and greater exasperation. There are times I feel like doing what I am "accused of doing" since the assumption is that I already did it UGH!

Okay that is all

Dude, you're on a forum about fucking other people. How significant is she? .... If she's asking you "was she pretty" "what did you talk about" etc etc ... she may be wondering why you're not doing as much to, you know, the woman right in front of you... who apparently likes you.


Jan 14, 2012
Wifes and girlfriend

We all like to have new bodies between our hands. You have a wife or girlfriend at home, why do play with escorts ?
Older and looking for younger ? Your wife doesn’t suck like those girls do ?
Do you think about what you have home when you fuck ? Do you talk about your girlfriend with the escort ?

I personally like to tell the escort that I’m a bad boy to fuck her.

Tell us your stories :)

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Hahaha I remember telling a favorite of mine ''You're a sweetheart'' and he looked at me and said ''well depends from which point of view... I'm cheating on my wife.'' and then I started calling a sweet & sour heart hahaha


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
Men will lie. Damn, they will even lie about lying.
Maybe it's the way you're brought up.
Or should we bring up that old syllogism - a tad modified: All men are liars, I am a man, therefore I lie.
The catch is if I say that I lie am I telling the truth? If so how can that be if all men lie?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Maybe it's the way you're brought up.
Or should we bring up that old syllogism - a tad modified: All men are liars, I am a man, therefore I lie.
The catch is if I say that I lie am I telling the truth? If so how can that be if all men lie?

That's an old one, but we'll plugged! Lol

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
About lying and cheating, the late comedian Patrice O'Neal said it best.

The relevant and funniest part are the first 1 minute, 40 seconds or so. (It's really hard not to ruin the punch line)
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