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  1. D

    How long will you wait?

    Forget the clients, how many of the SP's ( quality ) will be back and how soon ?
  2. D

    How long will you wait?

    For the past 29 days I have left my home 2 times. ( other than a 10 minute walk around the block ) once to deposit cheques in a drive through bank machine the other to pick up milk and bread at my local small grocery store. I'm working from home now so no travel, saving on gas, cleaning, eating...
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    How long will you wait?

    Unbelievable how when there is so much access with zero problems how we see as many as the wallent can handle, I for one haven't seen anyone in over 4 weeks, my wallet is much fatter and to be honest I'm not really missing it all that much . How long will I wait ? Trust me until this is a memory...
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    There is NO shot for covid-19, I repeat, there is NO SHOT so the criteria is not the same, not even close !
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    I can't believe how Quebecers aren't taking this as seriously as they should. I've been home now for 15 days and plan to remain here until this is done, a week, a month whatever. There are still so many members her continuing to see SP's in spite of the risk and this is reflective of the general...
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    Thoughts about Onlyfans

    The other thing is some of the women have multiple platforms for content, Onlyfans, Snapchat Premium, Paetron, you name it if there is a platform to make $$$ they will have it and to give you all they post and ALL My Links . I am away from this hobby for a couple of months so the free porn...
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    What are your favorite video games of all times

    Pacman they were the best
  8. D

    Thoughts about Onlyfans

    If there is a way to scam people for money someone will figure out a way to do it. I'm still getting Revenue Canada threatening calls to send me to jail, calls telling me my computer is at risk but they will help me with the problem etc etc. So many folks fall for these scams and the sex...
  9. D

    Thoughts about Onlyfans

    Everywhere you look some girl has an Onlyfans link . They range in price $5.99/mo up to the most I've seen is $39.99 US / month, this means an expense from $72.00/yr to almost $500/yr to look at pictures and videos and jerk off. There have been some that I seriously might have been interested in...
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    To be serious, even if you were infected with the virus it takes 5-6 days before any symptoms will present. After that testing will not be done until there is a serious shortness of breath ( around day 12 ) if you aren't self isolating.....imagine how many people you would have come into contact...
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    I am a stockbroker and will offer a little advice. Can you time the market, sure sometimes. What is the best course of action ? Hold fast to your investments ( assuming they are good companies or mutual funds ) they will rebound. It may take time but selling now only locks in any losses you...
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    I do believe that it's time to put family and friends and your own health above all else. The ATF that we all have will be there once this scare has come and gone, I hope no one wants to be a casualty of this virus. Life will move as it has in the past but on the positive side this is a chance...
  13. D

    Do you like Puppies?

    I too am looking for a dog to adopt, not necessarily a puppy. I would be interested in an adult dog as well, a dog that needs a forever home . I have had dogs my whole life and my dog passed away four months ago at 16 yrs. so when I say forever, thats what I mean . I live in a home on a large...
  14. D

    Abuse denunciation: Le Rubicon and Carte Blanche Agency in Montreal

    I've never participated in a gang bang and doubt that I would ever. That being said I have thought about this thread so many times since April Rose started it and really feel for what she and others have had to endure . I have a friend, a former Sp who does these 3 or 4 times a year and it...
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    Do You, or would You Pay for Online Porn?

    With so much free porn, why would I pay for it ? And the biggest scam out there is the onlyfans sites !
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    Cutting The Cord on Cable TV and Going With Streaming Service?

    Several of my friends have cut the cable service and purchased antennas at a cost of about $100. and get all the channels they want coupled with the streaming service . One of my friends has cut his monthly cost from $200/mo to $60./mo
  17. D

    Who is your favorite porn star?

    Hazel Moore
  18. D

    Go Habs Go!

    Habs, time to sell ? Time for a management review ! I think the reality of this season and making the playoffs has hit most fans in the face now. I believe it's time for Bergevin to do what he can to unload several players now to obtain whatever he can in the way of draft picks and tank for the...
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    Sad story of abuse

    I don’t think the fact that I’ve seen this up close and personal a few times that I am unique. I believe others have come across similar situations and have not posted their experiences. I have to say that this most recent experience has really made me question continuing to dabble in this hobby...
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    Sad story of abuse

    Being exposed to this incident has made me question my involvement in this hobby. I spoke to this young woman again after the post here and referred her to Stella and as a result of her contact with them she told me she was returning to her home to be with family and re-evaluate her life. Sad...
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