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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

How many people at the grocery store are giving BJ or sticking their tongue in your mouth or actually touching.

u beat me to it Fradi, I was envisioning someone running around stickin their dick into a pineapple, but same point

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
What’s the MTL count for today? Btw, wtf is a premier? Who is the lagult chap? Is that the equivalent of a MP or governor?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Everybody is obviously free to make their own decisions according to their beliefs and conscience.

I for one am keeping to my home except for groceries and medication.
I live with and take car of someone in their 90s and I am in my sixties.
I will not put my needs above that of my family and risk infecting them.

Yes I will miss my ATF especially, who by the way has stopped her SP activities also.
I will not risk harming her also, this lady has been a total angel with me from the first day I met her, I don’t consider her as an escort but an amazing friend with out of this world benefits.
If we all get through this I will double up on my visits to her and make up all this lost time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I have never understood DATY and have never done it with an SP. This should be avoided at all cost.

That and kissing for me is probably the most enjoyable.
There is nothing that compares being able to giving a woman pleasure and most love DATY

But what makes you think that is more dangerous than kissing or a BJ or even just holding her in your arms.
Perhaps Jeopardy should a have a title and questions on DATY lol.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have never understood DATY and have never done it with an SP. This should be avoided at all cost.

After all the cold medical wipes kissing the genitals has to be a safer surface than any other part of the body. I would guess that DFK probably has to be the riskiest activity for Corona. IDK, maybe there are a few in the BDSM/Kink community that like to be sneezed on?

Whoever said that XO is taking all precautions at their incalls...I inserted a clip from Naked Gun where Lt. Drebin of Police Squad has safe sex with Priscilla Presley in full length body condoms. That is about all you can do for this one. The prudent thing to do is to close immediately for two weeks. I got this from a Dr. at the Cornell Medical CNTR:

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
There is an exception. Montreal Sex City is closed. Kudos to Jessy.

Thank you!

I beleive it was the most respectful decision to take for the ladies and the gentlemen for the moment as no one can precisely say where this is going.

Money is not always everything. It shall never be in my personal opinion anyway.

To all the ladies out there, you surely remember that someone one day warned you to make some savings $ as you never know what is going to happen. Well, this is one of a hell of exemple.

Be safe before being sorry.

To all, have a great day!
Miss Jessy xxx


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I do believe that it's time to put family and friends and your own health above all else. The ATF that we all have will be there once this scare has come and gone, I hope no one wants to be a casualty of this virus. Life will move as it has in the past but on the positive side this is a chance to reflect and catch up on all those things we were going to get to but didn't because of our time hobbying. Everyone needs to recognize the seriousness of this situation and take the necessary precautions. I hope everone remains safe


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
To all the ladies out there, you surely remember that someone one day warned you to make some savings $ as you never know what is going to happen. Well, this is one of a hell of exemple.

Thank you for being proactive. I will remember this responsible gesture.

I think all of us need an emergency fund and I'm not talking about that 1000$-2000$ you have stashed away in case you have to make calls in Montreal or Toronto and want to take advantage of the the local Hobby scene while you are there. I should have sold some stock and had a more robust emergency fund like Dave Ramsey told me to do.

What can we do financially? I'm hoping that Sharkman can comment. I'm thinking that this is a good time to move some funds from your 401K over to your ROTH IRA? Pay the tax on the stock and move it over...but what is the timing? Should I wait? Is it possible to time the market?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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I am a stockbroker and will offer a little advice. Can you time the market, sure sometimes. What is the best course of action ? Hold fast to your investments ( assuming they are good companies or mutual funds ) they will rebound. It may take time but selling now only locks in any losses you have. That being said if you have crap and it would create a loss to sell but you have ( In Canada ) paid taxes on capital gains in the past 3 years, crystallize your losses and claim back the capital gains taxes you have paid over those years. This is a time to work with your broker to take advantage of tax loss selling but if the investments are in a registered account ( RRSP, TFSA, RRIF ) where losses cannot be taken , leave thins alone, again unless you own junk.

mod: please remain on the subject of the thread also please make an effort to shorten quotes


Jun 5, 2011
Living the good life!
I beleive it was the most respectful decision to take for the ladies and the gentlemen for the moment as no one can precisely say where this is going. Money is not always everything.
Miss Jessy xxx

Miss Jessy,

You have always been a class act! You being one of the first agency to take immediate action in these uncertain times truly speaks volumes about how you are as a person but also shows your concern for others. Hope the others will follow suit. Much respect to you! :yo:


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
The problem is that most people are reactive and not pro-active. Both clients and girls are looking at low infection numbers and think there is still time to see ladies and the ladies want to make a quick buck before shit hits the fan. Based on the mathematics I can tell you the shit is on the fan already, right now. The time to cut all activities and enter the lockdown mode is now. Today. When the numbers start to go up substantially it will be too late to have any effect on the slope of the curve.
Dec 22, 2017
minutemenX;[URL="[URL said:
tel:1266086[/URL]"]1266086[/URL]]The problem is that most people are reactive and not pro-active. Both clients and girls are looking at low infection numbers and think there is still time to see ladies and the ladies want to make a quick buck before shit hits the fan. Based on the mathematics I can tell you the shit is on the fan already, right now. The time to cut all activities and enter the lockdown mode is now. Today. When the numbers start to go up substantially it will be too late to have any effect on the slope of the curve.
So true.
This is how bad it is in Italy and if we are not pro-active, that’s where we are heading.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I am afraid we are heading directly where Italy went... That Twitter feed is incredible! And Italy is a country with great free healthcare system...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Canadian border are now closed to non Canadians. If you have something planned in the next 3-4 months cancel it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It has not been closed to Americans.
As much as I love our neighbours and I have half my closest family members there, this is a huge mistake.

The US right now is a complete shit show as far as testing or preparedness to what is coming at them, I just hope we are better prepared than that of which I am not sure.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Canadian border are now closed to non Canadians. If you have something planned in the next 3-4 months cancel it.

Should have done it last week while the cases still low in Canada ! He refuses to do it on Friday saying that there is no scientific proof that if we close the borders, it will slow down!
now he is under pressure from all the Premiers to do it.
Me, as a Canadian I should quarantine myself for 14 days after I come back, while the guy sitting next to me as a tourist is free to go anywhere? come on Trudeau !

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
Canada closing borders to non-citizens, Americans exempted
"All Canadians as much as possible should stay home."

updated on March 16, 2020 | 2:18 PM
TORONTO (AP) — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday he will close the country’s borders to anyone not a citizen, an American or a permanent resident and asked all Canadians to say home amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“All Canadians as much as possible should stay home,” Trudeau said said outside his residence, where is self isolating after his wife tested positive for the virus.

Trudeau said his government based its decisions on science and public health recommendations ,but said Americans would exempted despite cases surging in the U.S.

“We recognize that the level of integration of our two economies,” he said.

The U.S. is by far Canada’s largest trading partner — accounting for 75 percent of the country’s exports. Trudeau has spoken to U.S. President Donald Trump in recent days.

Trudeau also said his government will restrict flights to Canada to airports in four major cities. The Canadian government is also mandating air carriers to screen passengers with symptoms of the novel coronavirus out of lines so they don’t board planes home.

Just shut IT (The Border) Down!

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