Montreal Escorts

How long will you wait?

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I am curious to know, when this is finally over and we are given the ok to return to our normal daily lives, on how long you are willing to wait before you actually book your first appointment?

Sorry guys, but i read your corona virus thread every day and im confused by all the stuff you write and the articles that say this and that, and i am not sure what is true or fake anymore. And the negative outlooks are very rough on the mind, so i am looking at the positive side on when this subsides and our lives our given back to us. I already pre-booked 3 beautiful ladies for as soon as they say ok. I may even pull off a hat trick and see them all in the same evening. lol.

I hope the ladies will be ready for some marathon action, cause man, we are going to be in rare form when things get back to normal. The only thing that is on my mind is the rates? What will become of the rates? My take on this is, there will be a lot of horny guys running around with their pants and ready for action, so i dont see any need to raise any rates cause we will be lining up for a quick date.

So, what will be your buffer zone for a first booking?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2008
One thing for sure,my first book gonna be whit a regular,with someone i have trust in! It's not gonna be with a girl that money count more than her customer!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
They will be rolling antibody testing out soon. My guess is it will be widespread soon and will be a marker to determine who goes back to work. If i get tested and have antibodies showing i had an infection in the past, we’ll, I’d have a good amount of confidence to book.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Between the clients who already pre-booked and the crazyness of a bunch of horny men wanting to book when its possible to book again, i already figured out i may have to wait a little longer after we get the "ok" that lives can go back to normal.

My emotions with this virus change all the time, one day im like "ill isolate as much as i can to make sure i don't catch it, im so afraid of death, even if im a mid 30s man in relative good health (my overweight is not a big overweight anymore)

But other days i wake up and im like not caring, i just want normal society back and think maybe society immunity would be the best answer... but then i think about the old folks and peoples with diseases/health conditions and i revert back to "well we must protect them"

Honestly im usually a very positive person in life, i NEVER get depression or such, always fine with what i got, but LATELY my moral been rocking a bit up and down, even if overall im not that affected by the crysis. I mean not on the level as some others. Simple things like seeing my empty cans/bottles pilling up in a corner, loto quebec just not confirming my idendity so i can't big online, knowing all my summer projects are done for (comiccon, shows etc), i was even telling myself this summer i would probably go in town once a month just to have a fun day, even if by myself, like go to a few video game store, watch a movie at the theatre, drink a beer on a terasse, even that is unclear at the moment.

The worst thing is we just don't have an estimation on when its going to be over. Quebec is on pause, but so much peoples do not respect the rules that therefore its just "slowing it down", not stopping it. It discourage me to see 900+ NEW cases everyday in a freaking Quebec on pause for 2 weeks... i just can't seem to process how the hell peoples still get infected. Then i think that Montreal probably still has subway stations running and im like... duh... They won't close them cause too much peoples need them for their job but then its a bacteria/virus nest...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2008
Immediately when the agencies are opened back up. I already caught coronavirus 3 weeks ago and recovered from it. (Had a fever and body aches, recovered in a week).

The thing is that its not the same for every body....even if youre top shape person(like me) you never know how bad you gonna get it!

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Immediately when the agencies are opened back up.

Well envelopes, since there are a few agency's still up and running(check leolist), not to mention Indy's, unless they get wise and shut down for a bit, you wont have to wait for a reopening. But, seriously guys, i can not wait to re-engage with a young lady, to feel her warmth, share a smile, and since i am a slow lover, i am going to take my time in re-establishing a connection with the ladies, the scenarios going thru my mind on a daily basis is so pleasing.

And also, i know this might sound weird, but man i miss golf just as much, just being out in the fresh air and hitting that ball. My first tee time is just as important as the first time back with a lady. Sorry ladies, but rest assured, you will have my full attention when i am with you and the gifts will be very well deserved and presented.

The way things are going, this day may be a few months away, and this is not something i am happy with, but i am being positive about it, that it may be sooner.

Stay golden and healthy ladies and gentlemen!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
As the border gates go up, I’ll be crossing into Quebec.


Trusted Since 2003
Aug 29, 2003
I could not help myself .. I know I am weak ... I bought a bag of Ruffles (200g) yesterday and I ate it all.

I haven't touched anyone in 4+ weeks and I am amazed that I am still alive.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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Unbelievable how when there is so much access with zero problems how we see as many as the wallent can handle, I for one haven't seen anyone in over 4 weeks, my wallet is much fatter and to be honest I'm not really missing it all that much . How long will I wait ? Trust me until this is a memory I will not be sharing fluids with anyone


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
I could not help myself .. I know I am weak ... I bought a bag of Ruffles (200g) yesterday and I ate it all.I haven't touched anyone in 4+ weeks and I am amazed that I am still alive.
Haha! I see your "Diet" is going well agent M! Me I bought Ketchup Pringles but even if the bottle is "Red" it will never replace our common passion. :(


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Prebook? Wait? ..... Any self respecting pervert will already hv the private numbers of several hot escorts and many r probably seeing them at special rates now that biz is down. Pervs will always need to get laid & ladies gotta make rent - no mere virus gonna stop the circle of lust.

Watch out for viral load though :eyebrows: Getting infected by a small dose of corona via someone’s misdirected cough versus a mega viral load infection through sucking face can result in the difference between a bad flu or a ventilator :fear:


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Moi, ça va dépendre de mes moyens financiers. Mais je vais surement prendre quelqu'un que j'ai déjà vu.

Et comme je suis quelqu'un qui aime beaucoup se coller, je vais voir quand est-ce qu'elle sera réellement à l'aise avec ça. C'est difficile de prédire comment le monde sortira de ce traumatisme. Mais tant que les filles ne seront pas trop à l'aise avec des contact rapprochés, ce qui est compréhensible actuellement, je vais m'abstenir


Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
the good side of this ( if there is such a thing ) is that i'm getting richer every week!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
No money on sex, restaurants, travel, gas , outside of home to be 2000 a month.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have continued paying for food at restaurants - takeout- although at the rate of once a week as opposed to the normal 3-4. Travel- still paying for gas to get to work.

My SA friend is coming over tonight for a platonic dinner and Netflix. I don't enjoy the celibate aspect but do enjoy her company as its enormously boring to have absolutely zero social interaction. So I am making dry rubbed baked chicken wings, and last night picked up all the sides: fresh baked jalapeño cornbread, mashed potatoes, Broccoli salad with cheddar and bacon, two bottles of wine (sparkling peach wine and sparkling Moscato rose, which she likes), and ice cream.
Feb 6, 2016
I think the criteria would be hospital capacity and adequate medical resources, all of which are being worked on and which probably does not need to correlate to survival rates, though it needs to give that impression to the general public. The problem is part political. No leader, party or administration gets re-elected with people dying in the hallways of hospitals. Human life has been weighed against dollars for a long time. So this concept of it will take as long as it takes and we will all do what we need to do, no matter what, has no basis in history. This is in part about optics. I concur with some of the avenues you look to explore. Others that seem to yell and scream in cap locks have the luxury of extreme conservatism in their approach because ultimately most who rely on experts and scientists to navigate this pandemic will also rely on others to fix the collapse of the economy that they will find themselves in.
Feb 6, 2016
Fromtheoutside, sorry, I did my post in the wrong thread and moved it. Your reply makes sense to me, and I agree with it, but I think it might have been in response to my post that I moved.

It was. And it’s not immediately obvious to me how I would move mine. If the board admins have the ability or will to move it, they can.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I have continued paying for food at restaurants - takeout- although at the rate of once a week as opposed to the normal 3-4. Travel- still paying for gas to get to work.

My SA friend is coming over tonight for a platonic dinner and Netflix.

I don’t think it makes huge difference in probability of being infected if you have sex with her or not after spending a lot of time together during vis-à-vis diner and movie
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