Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

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  1. R

    Ask us anything part 3

    Have any of y’all been booked by a celeb or all around “famous person?” I know the local rappers and musicians like to indulge met one indie who told me she’s had politicians but that doesn’t surprise me a single bit haha
  2. R

    Ask us anything part 3

    For the providers out there- do you ever take it personally when a guy doesn’t come at the end of a session? I’m low key embarrassed to say that even though I’m only in my late 20s, it isn’t always easy to pop multiple times in a row bc of my glans being ultra sensitive (too used to rubbing it...
  3. R

    Ask us anything part 3

    Haha thanks LC and Luna :) Good to know that you guys get similar emotional fulfillment from this as we do. Will have to work in more dinner dates and calling providers "good girls" more often in my future visits ;)
  4. R

    Ask us anything part 3

    Not sure this has been asked before on the thread but- to the providers out there what is it that you love the most about your job? Obv besides the $$$ :p Some women I've talked to say that they have a high sex drive and love the thrill of doing it with strangers, but is there any part of you...
  5. R

    Ask us anything part 3

    Maybe I’m in the weird minority but I actually find it a huge turn on when providers talk about their “dirty details” during dates, including past encounters or their "favorite moments." I wouldn't say I'm a voyeur type, but its incredible to hear about the breadth of sexual experiences in your...
  6. R

    Ask us anything part 3

    Hi everyone! Thanks for putting this thread together and taking the time to answer our questions :) I’ve heard differing answers from various providers but wanted to set the tale straight- when is the “low season” for business in Canada/Montreal? I have a busy work schedule and am trying to...
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