Montreal Escorts

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  1. G

    Asking an escort to go out?

    I was reading this thread but nobody shared his / her own experience dating a professionnal. Been asked maybe 2 times by MPs but I think I said no before she even finished her sentence. One time I regretted though, so it's up for you... To me it looks like trouble.
  2. G

    Has hobbying f**ked up your life?

    Oui moi au début (ça fait tout juste un an que je pratique le hobby) je pouvais aller à 3 salons de massage par semaine, alors que mon budget ne me le permettait pas. 300-400$ par semaine c'est beaucoup pour un étudiant... Après 3 mois intensifs je me suis contrôlé heureusement. C'est difficile...
  3. G

    Adult Friend Finder That's got to suck.
  4. G

    Adult Friend Finder

    I've been reading nothing but bad reviews on the web about this web site, I'm just wondering if it ever worked for someone out here.
  5. G

    Has Anyone honestly had success with something like adultfriendfinder, etc

    I suscribed for 3 months. The chat is boring. Most girls dont reply because they don't even check their mail. Lots of the girls are pros. They bait you with fake messages when you suscribe for free so that you get the silver/gold membership and realize it was a bot sending you messages. The only...
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