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$10/Mo. Canbest, Members Only, Yikes!

Peeping Tom

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Mar 11, 2003
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Forget about canbest now that merb is starting to roll. This vbb format, although second best to infopop's ubb, is light years ahead of whatever canbest is using.

dr torpedo

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May 6, 2003
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Agreed, but we need to get participation going. It is way too slow.

One thing that gets me is that there are, like, you know, several hundred or thousand views per thread, but something like 5 replies. Come on, now Enis, them Dukes is getting away.
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dr torpedo

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May 6, 2003
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The main thing I like about Canbest, other than their volume, is the information organization. Canbest arranges it's information according to specific agencies or girls. Not only did this make it easier to find relevant information, but it also encourages people to report on that specific agency because it is already listed.


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May 1, 2003
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Amazing how $10 can solve a chronic back problem...

I tend to prefer this type of forum - I want my reviews and opinions to be seen by more people, not less - and I want the most people to be able to contribute and such. People are who just traveling to Canada or Montreal once a year are not likely to pay just to read and post about things that maybe will only happen once to them.

I wish the owners of Canbest all the best - but you all know where the man about town will be...


Johny 99

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Jun 26, 2003
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Originally posted by dr torpedo
The main thing I like about Canbest, other than their volume, is the information organization. Canbest arranges it's information according to specific agencies or girls. Not only did this make it easier to find relevant information, but it also encourages people to report on that specific agency because it is already listed.

I agree. The organization is much better. I loved CanBest, but It's not worth $10. a month. Maybe I would sign up for 1 month prior to a trip to all the reading I need, and then cancel.

Hopefully the success of this will make that unnecessary.


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Jun 7, 2003
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I agree that the canbest organization made it very useful. Independents listed seperate from agencies, with alphabetical lists of each. It seems that we now have seperate threads for every girl at asservisante. I liked having the threads organized by agency because you seemed to get a feel for how the agency was being run, and if you could probably trust that agency when you agree to see a lady who was not yet reviewed. I still won't pay the fee, as I suspect that by excluding people that do not wish to pay it, including both misers and the casual hobbiests, there will be much less useful information. I do miss the old canbest board though.
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