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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Morris may have been a very good pitcher, but he is a total moron. Anybody who could possibly mistake a 95 mph two seamer for a spitter has about as much credibility as Joe.T.

But keep talking, boys, as it's quite clear that this phony controversy is all you've got. BTW, don't worry about Maddon and Girardi "keeping an eye" on Buchholz. They have more serious things to worry about.

Spent the evening tonight at the House that Ruth Didn't Build. AJ Griffin is a lucky young man. Seems like there's no tonic for a middling ERA like an evening against the light hitting "Bombers."


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The problem with Bucholz is Gibbons and his staff did not complain so there was nothing for the umpires to do. The game was not protested.
Gee, I wonder why Gibbons and his coaches didn't complain. Oh, I know. How about there was nothing to complain about? Duh.

Nice show of support for Buchholz tonight from David Price.

Hoo boy. Hayhurst's at it again. Now he's calling Cliff Lee a cheater. Lee's reply? "Who's Dirk Hayhurst?" The answer, of course, is a failed pitcher who is rapidly becoming the laughingstock of baseball. And guess who's lapping it up. Iggy, Joe, Doc and his little buddy. Feel silly yet, boys?


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Feb 9, 2004
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Morris may have been a very good pitcher, but he is a total moron. Anybody who could possibly mistake a 95 mph two seamer for a spitter has about as much credibility as Joe.T.

Keep those insults coming, rumps.

Can't wait (not) for your next complaint when someone says something about you.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
John Gibbons appeared on Baseball Central yesterday & indicated he had no idea about Bucholz antics while the game was going on. He assured Jeff Blair & Dirk Hayhurst that he immediately would have given the umpiring crew his concerns about Bucholz doctoring the ball had he known so. He did add that he expects other managers will bring it up in future games whenever a game involving Bucholz or Tazawa will be on the line.

Bob McCown later said on Primetime Sports that it's as much the umpires' responsibility to approach Bucholz/Tazawa & the Red Sox with their concerns if they notice it during a game. That it doesn't always have to be an opposing team's manager to bring it up. That's it the umpires' jobs to make sure teams & players abide by the rules imposed by MLB. He understood that the home plate umpire can't do and see everything that goes on out there, but what else do the third base & first base umps do when there's no one on base?

Again, i'll repeat it: Mister Clay Bucholz & the entire Red Sox pitching staff are now under scrutiny and you will no longer see Mister Clay Bucholz being given a monthly award for top pitcher (a.k.a. cheater) in this league. To show his innocence in the matter, maybe he should maybe stop looking like a hippie from the 60's and get a haircut and look clean instead of a dirty slob. It's obvious his hair contains a lot of products he uses to doctor the baseball. Now the time has come for him (and others) to show the fans that he can pitch clean & be successful at it. "No more cheating for you, Mister Bucholz. No more throwing spitballs."

(Cheating insinuations somehow seem to follow John Farrell wherever he he MLB's version of Bill Bellichick?)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth he MLB's version of Bill Bellichick?)[/I]

Have you become the Merb Sports version of Michelle Bachman.

Before the start of the season nearly everyone was picking the Blue Jays to win the American League East. It was a great boost of expectations in a city where every sports team had been a playoff failure Even I thought the odds of the Jays winning the division was better than any other team, though with reservations about team chemistry and leadership...noting that appearances on paper may not be the reality. Yet, so far the team is a failure again, and in angry disappointment their fan here has quit on them and turned, like Hayhurst, to divert from the truth of being a Toronto being miserable.

Deep Thoughts: Hayhurst-Morris accusations against Clay Buchholz edition

Craig Calcaterra

So I’ve been looking at this whole little Clay Buchholz drama. Or, I should say, this Dirk Hayhurst-Jack Morris drama, because it seems to be centering way more on them than Buchholz. For those who missed it: Hayhurst accused Buchholz of doctoring the ball on Wednesday and Morris chimed in and agreed.

Worth noting:

No Blue Jays player or coach accused Buchholz of anything;
No umpire was asked to inspect Buchholz’s arm, which allegedly had goop on it;
Buchholz’s pitches did not appear to be doing anything out of the ordinary;
Buchholz’s explanation — that it was rosin on his arm — satisfies my Occam’s Razor requirements and has the benefit of appearing to be true, which is always good.

This is, in its entirety then, an accusation by a couple of Blue Jays analysts. Which seems to be — sorry Dirk and Jack, and do know that I love ya otherwise — pretty weak on the substance. Maybe it’ll lead to future Buchholz opponents to ask umps to inspect balls as a means of getting into his head, but there just isn’t any there there.

Is Hayhurst just conducting an ugly publicity stunt. He has just published a new book "Out of My League" he says shows the uglier side of Baseball, an appropriate title and tactic for a failed ball player who couldn't stay in the Majors long enough to get his name on a parking space. What better way to create attention than to create a viral controversy by attacking an apparent phenom of the kind he could never hope to be for attention.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
merlot, you feeling ok? Your post above did not mention Joe nor myself once.... i am bummed........ (sad face followed by a big huge and hearty "bwahha") It's ok, i know i am always on your mind my friend.

Phil Hughes, what more can i say. Said it after his last start that he was getting back to the PH we new and loved just a cpl short seasons ago and man if the real PH is truly back, look out MLB, this Yankees team is deep in starting pitching and overall pitching as well.

Count em:

4.The REAL Phil Hughes

Thats 4 starters that are #1's on many staffs in baseball. Add in Phelps who looks great at times and just needs to refine his game a bit, Nova hopefully getting some more teaching lessons from the Master, Rivera, while on the DL ( thats a true teacher not a fake self entitled one) and Pineda working his way back sometime in June or July...... Impressive to say the least.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hughes hurled 8 innings and 118 pitches worth of 4 hit shutout ball, and the Yankees had to have that length with the bullpen short, with Joba and his 8 straight scoreless performances on the DL, and Robertson out of action this weekend. Hughes simply dominated the As with his fastball. The front 4 of the Yankees looks better than any other front 4 in the AL East right now. The Yankees also have the best bullpen top 3 in the AL East when Joba and Robertson are healthy, and both should be soon.

The Yankees also continue to lead the AL with 40 homers after today. This without their best power hitters.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Well well well......... after nearing the 30 game mark of the season, i took a quick look at the overall standings in MLB and what da ya know? After tonights red sox/Rangers game, thee Bronx Bombers will be a game and a half away from being the best team in all of baseball, this with half the team from last year not currently playing in the greater NYC area. Cashman = Hall of Fame one day.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
CCF, i would really be surprised to see Arod before August and maybe not at all this season. The guy i wanna see this season in the Bronx is Pineda and a return to form for Wang would be awesome as well.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Two relevant things that the baseball world learned last week, one, the Red Sox pitchers are a bunch of cheaters who got caught red handed and two, Dennis Eckersley is a douchebag.

I also can't wait to see Pineda pitch, word is that he is almost fully healed and he will be in the line up soon, his fastball reportedly touched 95 MPH this past Thursday, I can't wait to see him pitch for the Yankees.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Two relevant things that the baseball world learned last week, one, the Red Sox pitchers are a bunch of cheaters who got caught red handed and two...


The only relevant thing about your statement is your inability to understand. I hope you never serve on a jury because you have no grip on what a "fact" is.

Fact 1: Two commentators hired by the opposing team dealing with an extremely disappointing season so far have made an accusation.

Fact 2: Multiple other commentators who don't work for the Red Sox with far more credibility than Hayhurst and at least as much as Morris have said they don't see any evidence of cheating.

Fact 3: No accusation is proof of anything.

Fact 4: If accusations were proof then by that standard Mariano Rivera would be a dirty rotten cheater who should be banned from the Hall of Fame for life. Note, I am not saying and have never said he is.

On Mariano Rivera's Spit Ball

So, there's this video making the rounds on the internet that appears to show Mariano Rivera preparing a spitball in Game Three of the ALCS. Since spitballs are illegal, this has become all the rage lately.

Now, a few things must be addressed here.

First, was that a spitball? It certainly appears that way.

Second, did the spit actually land on the ball? It looks like it to me, but there are some people out there with DVRs and HDTVs that zoomed in and say no.

Third, if this is a spitball, does it invalidate everything Mariano Rivera has ever accomplished?

I say no, for one reason. I find it incredibly doubtful that Rivera would be so ignorant of MLB rules. I mean, if that's a spitball, he didn't even try to hide it. He just blatantly spat on the ball. Not even a lick of the fingers or anything. There's no way he does that before every pitch.


Clay Buchholz stands in the same position Mariano Rivera did, with accusations being hurled. In Rivera's case the video shows him actually spitting on the ball according to the report, though the MLB decided to seize all video evidence to protect him. Normally Joe.t would call that act...conspiracy. But of course when one wears pinstripes it all gets a beautiful whitewash. Except some video still is available.

Spit at 45 seconds in the video. The case is much stronger against Rivera who is seen spitting over the ball.

So which is it Joe. wouldn't-know-evidence-if-it-flew-up-his-A...errr...I mean, his nose. ;) Are they both dirty CHEATERS or just the unproven accused???

Don't bother .t, we know... "You can't handle the truth"!!!

Cheers boy,



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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You are full of it, you can't even provide a video of this accusation on Mariano, where is the "45" seconds spit video, you can't show it because it never existed, this allegedly happened in 2009, also dickweed in the video looks inebriated, is this the best that you can come up with, a drunk, pathetic, Red Sox fan makes a video on youtube, I can even do that, nice try merlie.

Meanwhile Hayhurst sticks to his guns, we need more, honest people like Hayhurst in baseball.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A rotation of CC, Pettitte, Kiroda, Hughes and Pineda would be pretty awesome.

I would go a step further and say it would be incredible, the best the Yankees have had since the 1990s and maybe better. It also raises the possibility of going to a 6 man rotation with one of Phelps or Nova being the 6th guy down the stretch so as to rest the arms for the playoffs, and then you can go with the 4 hottest guys of the 6. I seriously doubt Girardi would go with a 3 man rotation as he did when the Yankees won the World Series in 2009 with Sabathia, Pettite and AJ Burnett starting all postseason games and the Yankees getting quality starts in 14 of 15 postseason games. In 2009 he was forced to, but when you go with the 6 man rotation to distill down to the 4 hottest guys and then put the other 2 in the bullpen, the options become more unlimited. The Yankees pitching looks to be very good for the second half as of right now.
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Better, but then again it is only early May, something red sox fans seem to forget, but they will never ever learn, lol........

I see Jose Campos is back pitching in the minors.... anyone know how he is progressing since he got hurt?

I would go a step further and say it would be incredible, the best the Yankees have had since the 1990s and maybe better.


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Feb 9, 2004
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No Red Sox fans posted last night or this morning. Very interesting.

Anyhow, Red Sox on a 2 game slide, losing 7-0, 5-1, meaning Red Sox have scored 1 lone run in the last 2 games. Only 1 run in 18 innings.

Hey Merlot and rumps, the Red Sox can't win many games scoring only a 1 run every other game. Can they? Clay B. and his hair tonic only pitches a game every 5 games. Maybe, he can teach his teammates? You, know, team work!

Anyways, all eyes on Clay.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
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When enjoying the delights Montreal has to offer DD41 I don't make the usual time to be here in the baseball thread. I think that's a pretty f'n good excuse! Lol. Yes, the Sox have struggled against Texas the past couple games, doesn't look any easier going against Yu Darvish tonight. Yankees win ONE IN A ROW, score a whopping 4 runs in 18 innings and suddenly their posse is planning the parade. You guys are priceless!

Who's the Wang character Yankee fans are so high on? We're not talking the washed up corpse of CM Wang, are we? Wow.


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Feb 9, 2004
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When enjoying the delights Montreal has to offer DD41 I don't make the usual time to be here in the baseball thread. I think that's a pretty f'n good excuse! Lol. Yes, the Sox have struggled against Texas the past couple games, doesn't look any easier going against Yu Darvish tonight. Yankees win ONE IN A ROW, score a whopping 4 runs in 18 innings and suddenly their posse is planning the parade. You guys are priceless!

Who's the Wang character Yankee fans are so high on? We're not talking the washed up corpse of CM Wang, are we? Wow.

Well, you are excused Mr. K. Your friends, are they visiting the Mecca with you?

Anyhow, Red Sox scored 4 runs in 27 innings against the Rangers in the Sox's 3 game slide. Not enough runs to win many games.

Also, I hear there is a back order in Brill Cream. Or was the order cancelled? :noidea:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Nobody can know for sure with injuries, complications and relapses, but I think that a freshly tuned up hip will allow ARod to mash like he did when he returned in 2009.
I agree completely, because, after all, he hasn't aged any since 2009.

Took a little trip to NYC this weekend and happened to take in a game at The House That Ruth Didn't Build. Must say, I haven't been to that desolate a ballpark since the Expos left town. I wonder why people don't want to go to Yankee games. Maybe 20,000 in the house.
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