Montreal Escorts

2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh BOYZ,

It is not even established that the guy is a Yankees fan he just commented on the territory of Yankees fans, and CT (especially in that area just east of New Haven) is divided between Yankees and Red Sox fans. If you live here you would know this.

So let's get this straight. You say in a situation where the attacker was either a Red Sox fan or a yAnkEes fans, as you just asserted above, the attacker who was so upset at the presence of Red Sox fans that he eventually got so emotional about it he felt he had to stab the victim, the attacker might actually be a Red Sox fan??? OMG!!! Of course a Sox fan would claim Yankees territory. :noidea: That may be funniest bit of bullshit you ever wrote. Damn Beav, that's some good crap they smoke at UConn. :eyebrows:

Not a typical Yankee fan.

So let's get THIS straight. According to you in the past, everything a Red Sox fan did is typical of Boston fans, but when a yaNKeeS fan does something it's not typical of being a yAnKeEs fan. You must own a whole fleet of honeywagons because you are so wholly full of hypocrisy your eyes are deep deep brown. :lol: Rumps he does have a sense of humor after all.

Beaver would likely have used a defense not entirely unlike the Twinkie defense, to wit: the perpetrator, an obvious Yankee fan was more than likely unhinged and prone to erratic and possibly violent behavior and, in light of his teams inability to score runs on a regular basis, is not responsible for his behavior.

Which he did at the top of my post. The best thing about it is he was so totally boldfaced unashamed about the nonsense. That's one helluva great lawyer. :D

OK, here's the situation: Team A is starting it's ace, a six time All Star. Team B is starting a rookie, a second-rate reliever making his first major league start. An easy win for Team A, wouldn't you say.

Let's now re-phrase this a little. The Yankees are starting their ace, cc sAbathia, a six time All Star. The Orioles are starting some guy named TJ Mcfarland, a rookie, a second-rate reliever making his first major league start. An easy win for the Yankees, wouldn't you say. Not so fast. These are the light hitting Yankees of 2013.

Orioles 4-3. However, every cloud does have a silver lining: vErnon wElls got a hit.

Oh say it ain't so. Don't tell me the great and perfect yaNKeeS gOd cc saBaThiA blew it against a nobody, and on top of that Allen Webster with his formerly 11.25 ERA beat everyone's preseason favorites to take the division tRoNto blUe jAys during their recently declared hot streak. It's a world gone mad. :cool:

Despite the very recently predicted return of the big bats by all-knowing yAnkEes fans, including the firm of Beaver, Beaver, and Beaver, along with the very recently asserted resurgence of the formerly streaking but now plunging blUe jaYs, the Red Sox have increased their division lead to 5.5 games over the corpse of the liGHt hIttiNg yaNKees and 8.5 over mighty toRoNto.

No wonder YAnKees fans have nothing better to do than make sad attempts to whitewash their teams image by attempting to defend a psychotic thug YANKeE FAN!!!

Happy delusions NY fans,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
From Ken Davidoff, NY Post:

Yanks roster full of jokers
BALTIMORE — Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. In case you thought the Yankees could fake their way through more of their demanding schedule than they already have, we present last night at Camden Yards.

Their ace on the mound. A makeshift starting pitcher going for the other guys. An early lead and a no-hitter through five innings.

Nope, still not enough. In about two blinks, CC Sabathia’s run at history turned into one of the worst losses of this fighting-for-its-life Yankees season. Joe Girardi’s group dropped its third straight game, 4-3 to the Orioles, and if you believe in omens, well, this was pretty terrible for the 2013 Yankees.

The Yankees (42-37) now trail the Red Sox by 5 1/3 games in the American League East and the Orioles by two games in the race for the second AL wild card. They have dropped 19 of their last 31 games and have been outscored, 311-305.

Of this current roster, it’s hard to point to anyone and expect much more. Maybe this is the new Sabathia, more of second or third starter in a contending rotation. Maybe Andy Pettitte finally has reached his twilight. For sure, guys like Vernon Wells, Ichiro Suzuki, Chris Stewart, Almonte, Adams and Gonzalez — the fourth through ninth hitters in the Yankees’ lineup — don’t possess unrealized ceilings.

And if this is who they are, then by golly, they can’t lose games when it’s Sabathia against the fill-in from down the hall.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I'm not an original. I'm not the only guy who's been saying that the success of the 2013 Yankees has been all smoke and mirrors. No, it's been coming from much of the New York press as well. Yes, run differential is meaningful to anyone who is paying attention. While it can't change the past, it does give a good indication of the future. While people like Daydreamer don't believe in history (just look at his signature), some of us do learn from history. And what we know from history is that what Vernon Wells, Travis Hafner and Lyle Overbay did in April was not something they could sustain.

The simple fact of the matter is that the 2013 Yankees suck. In fact, they're easily the worst team in the division. After their smoke and mirrors start, their record over their last 31 games is 12-19, a .387 record that translates to a 63-99 record over the course of a full season.

They have no offense. Their starting pitching is weak. After Kuroda, they have CC Sabathia, while still a capable pitcher for a team that can score runs, entering the decline phase of his career. Andy Pettitte has clearly had the radish. Phil Hughes sucks. David Phelps is a capable back end of the rotation guy on a middle of the pack team. The only help on the way hasn't pitched above AA since 2011.

Sad. Sad. Sad.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Yankees bombed @Camden Yards!!!!!

At Camden Yards, the Yankees were demolished by the surging Baltimore Orioles!!

Yankees starter David Phelps was destroyed early by the Orioles. He gave up 9 earned runs in just over 2 innings of 'work'. Hard to believe, but Joe Girardi once again put THE WALKING DEAD a.k.a. Vernon Wells in the clean-up spot! However, surprise-surprise, he did manage to get a hit tonight.

Adams & Romine once again had another miserable day at the plate. What are those two doing in the major leagues anyway?? Is this the best Brian "The Brain" Cashman can come up with???

I never thought i'd ever say this, but boy do they miss the since-departed Eric Chavez & Russell Martin!!!!

Jays are now only 2 games back of the slumping Yankees.

This is a team in a major freefall!! How long before they'll be in last place?? I give them 1 more week and then they'll be permanently visiting the basement for the rest of the season! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Blue Jays finally beat Boston today by a score of 6-2 on two homeruns by Jose Bautista, who also played great defensively. Esmil Rogers was great for 6 innings. I may surprise many by stating this, but i'm very impressed by the Boston offense. They're currently the head of the class in the East. John Farrell has done a good job with that team. However, i wonder why Brian Butterfield kept challenging Bautista's arm. There's no reason for him not knowing that Bautista owns one of the majors' strongest arms in the outfield.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello BOYZ...minus off-the-bandwagon yaNKees fans,

Blue Jays finally beat Boston today. Esmil Rogers was great for 6 innings. I may surprise many by stating this, but i'm very impressed by the Boston offense. They're currently the head of the class in the East. John Farrell has done a good job with that team.

I'm very impressed too. I would have been happy this year just to see this team put up a decent fight, yet they've exceeded even most optimistic expectations. Imagine that if Farrell hadn't put in Bailey with a 1-run lead recently the Sox would likely already have 50 wins after having only 69 all of last year. That's remarkable enough, but the Sox are also leading offensively in a number of categories with only 2 bona fide stars in the lineup, and a lot of heart-and-soul effort guys. Where would they be if Buchholz stayed healthy and Lester was more consistent. It has been a great year so far.

yAnkEEs SUck!!!

OMG, does Phelps blow it huge tonight. The yANkeeS are so lucky they aren't 6.5 back of the Sox, though I did not think they would sweep a team like the Jays. But how bad is it for the liGHt hiTtiNG yaNkeeS? Did joBa speak for the entire team when he said: "I know I suck right now, there’s no getting around it."

David Phelps gets crushed by Orioles as Yankees fall again, 11-3

BALTIMORE – The first half of the meltdown was sufficient. When David Phelps allowed four runs in the first inning on Saturday night, the fate of the Yankees and their anemic lineup appeared all but sealed. But it was the second half of the meltdown that turned this 11-3 loss to Baltimore into a farce, a demoralizing moment in a season careening downward.

Their fourth loss in a row lacked the emotion of Friday’s defeat, when CC Sabathia raged at his inability to maintain a lead. But it did contain an implosion from Phelps, who allowed nine runs in 2 2/3 innings. Chris Davis boomed a three-run homer in the first. Ryan Flaherty punctuated a five-run third with another three-run shot. Davis added a two-run homer, his 30th on the year, off Ivan Nova in the sixth.

The hope engendered in the season’s first two months has been all but dashed here in June. Mark Teixeira is out for the season; a return for Kevn Youkilis is considered unlikely. Alex Rodriguez and Derek Jeter are still mired in the rehabilitation process. Curtis Granderson hasn’t swung a bat.

And the Yankees (42-38) keep dropping decisions. They are now 11-15 this month, losing ground as they stumbled toward the All-Star Break. For their latest lapse, they can blame Phelps (5-4, 4.95 ERA)

NEW YORK -- Joba Chamberlain had another stinker of an outing on Wednesday. At least he didn't sugarcoat it afterwards.

The Yankees had just scored two runs in the bottom of the sixth inning, cutting their deficit to 4-3. But starter Andy Pettitte had already thrown 107 pitches, so manager Joe Girardi turned to Chamberlain in the top of the seventh.

Chamberlain quickly gave those two runs back, courtesy of an Elvis Andrus single, followed by a Nelson Cruz home run to left-center field. The Rangers went on to win 8-5. (Chamberlain gave up two more hits in the inning, too.)

"He’s just making mistakes in the middle of the plate," Girardi said. "Tonight it was with the curveball (to Cruz). I think Andrus hit a fastball. He’s just getting too much of the plate, and they’re not missing it."

Since returning from the disabled list on May 30, Chamberlain has made nine relief appearances for the Yanks. In nine innings pitched, he has surrendered nine earned runs.

His ERA on the season? A team-high 6.38.

Damn, do I feel sorry for the yANkeES? The hell I do, not a chance. :lo:

iGgY and jOe.T

I'm worried about my boyz. I hear rumors iGgy was trying to talk joE out of jumping off of his piNstriPed hope chest, but IgGy got so depressed he decided to join him. Talk to us to us. Is the rock you're under really that heavy??? MISS YOU GUYZ! :eyebrows:




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Blue Jays finally beat Boston today by a score of 6-2 on two homeruns by Jose Bautista, who also played great defensively.
The Jays played a great game today. Rogers was very impressive. But...but...but...there was an element of luck involved. The Jays were very lucky that Brian Butterfield had his head up his ass. Really, two players thrown out at home with nobody out. Just inexcusable. I could understand if this was the light hitting Yankees trying desperately to push a run across, but not the Sox.

The silver lining in this one was another fine outing from from Felix Dubront, who has given up a total of 16 runs in his last nine starts.

You know, Doc, it was a week or so ago when one of us predicted the light hitting, pitching poor yAnkees would hit the basement on July 3, the other predicting July 7. It's now looking like about July 5. MY GOD WHAT A POUNDING THE POOR YANKEES TOOK TONIGHT. Just when you think they've hit the bottom, they go even lower.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Wow? That was some ass-kicking the Birds laid on the pitching poor yANKees tonight.


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Merb Official Obnoxious Red Sox Fan


  • Rumpleforeskin aka Rumps

  • MerLOt

  • Special K

  • Jman (MIA)

Now that the All Star Game is almost here and the voting is in for the All Stars, we need to crown Merb's Official Obnoxious Red Sox Fan.

It may be difficult because ... these nominees are known to ... well ... you know. But I think we have 2 or 3 standouts and voting may be tough.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Best record in Baseball? First team to win 50?

Pittsburgh Pirates

Pittsburgh, amazingly, has not had a winning season in 20 years, ever since they lost to the Atlanta Braves in the NLCS in the 9th inning of the 7th game, when they had both Barry Bonds and Bobby Bonilla in the outfield.

Pittsburgh could both earn a playoff spot and break their 20 year losing streak this year.

Pirates currently have an 8 game winning streak and are 1 game ahead of St. Louis and 5 games ahead of Cincinnati.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Way back in April, remember April, both Doc and I posted that the light hitting, pitching poor Yankees were stone last place team. It seems now that Ken Davidoff of the NY Post agrees:

These Bombers capable of going from bad to worse

BALTIMORE — How low can they go?

Could the 2013 Yankees be an 80-win team? A 75-win team? Even worse?

Undoubtedly, they could be a last-place team.

Everything is on the table now. Not that we needed last night’s 11-3 shellacking at the hands of the Orioles at Camden Yards to comprehend that. But there’s something to be said for opening eyes with a flourish like this, for both the smoke and the mirrors malfunctioning at the same time.

“We’ve just got to keep fighting, and hopefully sooner than later, we can start winning games so we can get closer,” Robinson Cano said in a quiet Yankees clubhouse.

The key word there being, for the Yankees, “hopefully.” This is a mediocre baseball team, now having lost four straight games and 20 of 32, that has overachieved thanks to a strong bullpen and good luck and is not well positioned to accomplish much of impact in the trade market.

The Yankees are counting on the return of many injured players, none of whom has a firm timeline, two of whom are hindered by age and two of whom are being pursued by Major League Baseball investigators.

It’s a shaky plan designed to rescue a shaky operation.

Though David Phelps took a beating last night, giving up nine runs and nine hits in just 2 1/3 innings — including the first of Chris Davis’ two homers on the night, giving the Orioles first baseman a major-league-leading 30 — the Yankees’ woeful lineup put up an acceptable 11 hits and three walks, only to strand 10 men on base. The Yankees (42-38) have scored 308 runs (12th in the American League) and allowed 322, which puts them on a mathematical track to finish 77-85.

To their credit, the Yankees have outperformed their run differential, which has allowed them to retain their relevance. They trail the AL East-leading Red Sox (49-34) by 5 1/2 games and the Orioles (46-36) by three games for the final playoff spot; they lead the last-place Blue Jays (40-40) by two games. They of course shouldn’t surrender the season. Not yet, anyway.

The problem, however, lies in the worst-case scenario. As much as Yankees fans fretted over every slump of the prior 18 years, the roster’s talent level and track record indicated the team would find a path to the playoffs; only in 2008 did they fall short. This team pales in comparison. eighth and Austin Romine ninth.You’re simply not going to win many games with a lineup featuring Jayson Nix hitting second, David Adams seventh, a platoon-disadvantaged Lyle Overbay

“I still think these guys can get it done,” Joe Girardi said. “I know we have some young guys that are playing out there, and we’ve got some guys that have struggled the last couple of years that are playing out there, but I still think they can get it done.”

Asked why he thinks that, the Yankees manager responded, “Because I’m optimistic. That’s my nature.”

Pressed on such lollipops-and-clouds thinking, he said, “I thought we had good at-bats tonight. I thought we swung the bats as good tonight as we have in a while. And maybe that’s the start of something.”

Then again, maybe the Yankees’ starters outside of Hiroki Kuroda won’t find a rhythm, the injured guys won’t be the same and MLB actually prevails in some of these performance-enhancing drug pursuits. It wouldn’t be shocking either if the Yankees put up their first losing campaign since 1992, when they went 76-86 as rookie manager Buck Showalter learned the ropes and taught them to his players, too. They even could be sellers at the trade deadline, though that remains a long shot.

How low can they go? If the Yankees keep trending downward, that question might be the most interesting one concerning their 2013.

We do know from the Beav that the yAnks are awaiting the return of their heavy hitters. We're now waiting for the Beav to return and identify these mystery men.


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Jun 20, 2003
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Have as much fun as possible while it lasts Red Sox fans because we all know what will happen when September comes around(My prediction) http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytime...collapse-of-red-sox-could-be-worst-ever/?_r=0

Is there a lazier player in all of baseball than Mike Napoli, his home run trot is basically the way he runs after every at bat, the guy makes Robinson Cano look like Usain Bolt running the bases, lazy, lazy, lazy, definitely not a guy that I would want on my team.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Have as much fun as possible while it lasts Red Sox fans because we all know what will happen when September comes around(My prediction) http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytime...collapse-of-red-sox-could-be-worst-ever/?_r=0

Is there a lazier player in all of baseball than Mike Napoli, his home run trot is basically the way he runs after every at bat, the guy makes Robinson Cano look like Usain Bolt running the bases, lazy, lazy, lazy, definitely not a guy that I would want on my team.

You know the Red Sox fans posting like mad on this thread pulling out every damning article, and pointing out every negative statistic against the Yankees, as though it's a 24/7 job for them. Kind of obnoxious if you think about it. And Merlot, the Obnoxious Boston fan is a copyright column of the Boston Globe. It's nothing I made up. I didn't have to.

Well, the Yankees may have a difficult year this year, and they may not. But at the moment, they still are in the hunt.

Which team or teams look like they could be around in September in the AL East?

Orioles for sure, as they are probably the strongest team in the AL East.

Blue Jays, probably. Blue Jays do have a solid lineup.

Red Sox? Ehh, I think Joe is correct; Red Sox may fade. You have to hand it to their management. From a 69 win season to being in first place going into the All-Star break is an accomplishment. Yet, I think they may not have enough fire power to win it this year. It's just a hunch.

By the way, the NY Yankees have had lean years, like 1965 to 1975. If the Yankees have a bad year, it means they will have to look to the future. Yanks had a good run from 1996 to 2012. Every team that has a strong team declines and has to rebuild. Injuries have been a part of the Yankees problem, but they need to get some strong younger players to fill in the gap. What they have now does not cut it.

If you look at Baltimore, they have not had a good team until last year and before that going back into the mid 90s. Baltimore has a great nucleus for an excellent team for at least the next 5 to 7 years. I bet they will be in a couple of World Series. Manny Machado, Adam Jones, Nick Markakis, and Nate McLouth, are all under 30 except McLouth who is 31. All are excellent at the plate and on the field.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Ohhhhhhhhhhhh BOYZ,

So let's get THIS straight. According to you in the past, everything a Red Sox fan did is typical of Boston fans, but when a yaNKeeS fan does something it's not typical of being a yAnKeEs fan. You must own a whole fleet of honeywagons because you are so wholly full of hypocrisy your eyes are deep deep brown. :lol: Rumps he does have a sense of humor after all.

Which he did at the top of my post. The best thing about it is he was so totally boldfaced unashamed about the nonsense. That's one helluva great lawyer. :D

Despite the very recently predicted return of the big bats by all-knowing yAnkEes fans, including the firm of Beaver, Beaver, and Beaver, along with the very recently asserted resurgence of the formerly streaking but now plunging blUe jaYs, the Red Sox have increased their division lead to 5.5 games over the corpse of the liGHt hIttiNg yaNKees and 8.5 over mighty toRoNto.

No wonder YAnKees fans have nothing better to do than make sad attempts to whitewash their teams image by attempting to defend a psychotic thug YANKeE FAN!!!

Happy delusions NY fans,


Are you totally incapable of understanding yours is a 100% shit-disturbing free-for-all post. Our posts pick on the teams and predictions by members. We aren't using insults. You have nothing about baseball.


Gee, Merlot, don't you have a sense of humor? Or are just a hypocrite?

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
It seems that once again I have to remind everyone that the Official threads are to be kept free of flame posts and that all member, player and team names are to be spelled and written CORRECTLY, that includes the case of the letters. If you want to make flame posts, do it in the Free For All thread, not in this one.

Daydreamer41 in particular went too far over the line for what is permitted in an Official thread and has been suspended for two weeks. If anyone else wishes to join him, it only takes me a minute or so to suspend someone and post it on the board so I would be more than happy to grant your wish.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Have as much fun as possible while it lasts Red Sox fans because we all know what will happen when September comes around(My prediction) http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytime...collapse-of-red-sox-could-be-worst-ever/?_r=0.
Well, Joe me boy, seeing as you're such a big fan of ancient history, why don't you try some of this on for size.

Is there a lazier player in all of baseball than Mike Napoli, his home run trot is basically the way he runs after every at bat, the guy makes Robinson Cano look like Usain Bolt running the bases, lazy, lazy, lazy, definitely not a guy that I would want on my team.
No, you wouldn't want Napoli on your team. He'd definitely look out of place among all those .220 hitters.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Tough day for Daniel Bard at Trenton. Three innings, four hits, four earned runs, four walks. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch, Ouch. What you say? Not Bard. Those hideous numbers at AA weren't Daniel Bard's. They were whose? Michael Pineda? Oh. You mean Michael Pineda sucked hippo balls at AA today? Oh. You mean he's now pitching to a lofty 4.00 ERA at AA. Oh.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
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The O's just finished up a sweep of the Yanks at Camden Yards. Things are NOT looking good for the boys from NY these days.

On a side note, Chris Davis whacked his 31st homerun of the season in 294 at-bats, he hit 33 all of last year in 515 at-bats. There's no way this guys not on the shit. No f'n way. He's an absolute GIANT, his arms are the size of a professional bodybuilders, it's blatantly obvious he's got to be doing something.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
On a side note, Chris Davis whacked his 31st homerun of the season in 294 at-bats, he hit 33 all of last year in 515 at-bats. There's no way this guys not on the shit. No f'n way. He's an absolute GIANT, his arms are the size of a professional bodybuilders, it's blatantly obvious he's got to be doing something.

I was thinking the same thing last week when they played against the Jays. I don't know what kind of drug-testing program MLB has, but i get the feeling it's not very efficient.

On another note, don't you think it's kind of sad what's happening with the Yankees this season? I predicted that the Jays will have caught up to them by July 7th. Right now, my prediction looks mighty good.

Most of my predictions in regards to the Yankees have been fairly accurate all season long. Actually, they've ALL been accurate!

I'm not going to make a prediction, but i wouldn't be surprised if Mariano Rivera retired before this season is over. It must be pretty depressing for the poor guy considering all he's been through in order to come back, and now having to personally witness lack of support for the pitching staff by the team's extremely anemic offense. Poor Mo!!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey hey hey y'aaaaallll,

First: can you believe the Red Sox made it to 50 wins before the All-Star break, the best team in the American League...and this despite blowing a late lead. It's almost like there really is kizmet for this team. After earning only 69 wins for all of 2012 it's hard to believe it's possible have to 69 wins by the end of July though it's unlikely they would go the 19-7 it would take to to that. Still to get to 65 they would only have to go 15-11 next month. It's unreal.

Red-hot Sox cool Jays for 50th win

Brandon Snyder, a member of the Boston Red Sox for all of five days and a catalyst Sunday to a 5-4 walk-off win over the Toronto Blue Jays in his first start for the team, was wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with that message under his uniform. On the back was a Sox logo. The T-shirt came, he said, from Jonny Gomes.


"It's kind of like, 'Keep calm, relax,'" Snyder said. "They made the shirts after the [Boston Marathon] bombings as a charity [item]. They sent them all to Jonny, because he's kind of the leader. Great cause."

And an apt slogan for a team that has won an American League-best 50 games by the end of June, especially on an afternoon like this, when the Sox prevailed under circumstances that might have shaken a lesser bunch, a ninth-inning lead evaporating on Jose Bautista's third home run in two days, this one off Koji Uehara.

"We could have been totally crushed," said right-fielder Shane Victorino, whose terrific sliding catch at the foul line of Jose Reyes' liner just before Bautista's 19th home run may have saved a run. "But we never are. We just say, 'All right, guys, let's get right back at it.'

"And people here are buying into that. Stephen coming in with that big knock today, you look at that and say, 'Wow.


All that and Buchholz is injured, Lester still a bit shaky, Uehara very good but not a true closer, and a mostly young underpowered lineup that still has the spirit and GUTS to produce. It's a been a great year so far, and I still won't be disappointed if they only play .500 the rest of the way. Anything in the upper 80s for wins is good for me.

The Silence of the Yankees fans: :thumb:

The light-hitting Yankees fell to a new low of 6.5 games out of 1st place after being swept, despite all the now absent Yankees fans predictions of an imminent resurgence. As a team they batted only .223 for all of June, with a .290 OBP, .330 SLG, and .681 OPS...huuuuuge OUCH, I mean peeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! They're 12-21 in their last 33 games.

Here's the funny part. In 1996 the Yankees officially trademarked the chant "Yankees Suck!!!" They've made $100 billion off of that and now that they do suck it would be in their interest to keep on sucking. Way to go Yankees. You really OWN that phrase now. :lol:

AP Sports Writer

BALTIMORE (AP) _ The New York Yankees don’t intend to lament their misdeeds during a miserable June.

No, they figure the only way to get out the funk they’re in is to look ahead to July.

Hiroki Kuroda gave up three home runs, and the Yankees couldn’t muster a significant clutch hit in a 4-2 loss to the Baltimore Orioles on Sunday night. The defeat was New York’s fifth straight and put an emphatic exclamation point on an 11-16 June.

“You can’t go back and change anything that’s been done,” outfielder Vernon Wells said. “You want to go back and look at the negatives? You’re not going to get anywhere. Turn the page and start over and let’s have a better July.”

The Yankees were 37-26 and in second place in the AL East on June 10. Now they’re 42-39 and mired in fourth.


It doesn’t look good, but manager Joe Girardi will not panic.

“There are a lot of things that go on in life that are struggles that you go through, and you have to figure out how to get through them,” manager Joe Girardi said. “This is like life. Everything is not going to be easy. You find ways to get through it. I’m not going to get frustrated. I know the effort these guys are putting in. I’m going to stick up for them.”


"IT DOESN'T LOOK GOOD"! :noidea: :nod:


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