Here's a complete guide to Red Sox beards. Some of you might need this to follow their ride through October.
Dont cry like a little BITCH...
...that many sp's told me u never had...
u will never meet ur match, ever!
Dont cry like a little BITCH Merlow when you see this, you wanna shit disturb and change names when the mods told u 3 yrs ago to not do so, then take it like a man and grow a set of balls that many sp's told me u never had........... if u wanna come at me, come hard bro cause u will never meet ur match, ever! Mr, "low" :lol:
No wonder u never get invited to private PENTHOUSE Gt's .........oupppppppppppppppppppppppppppsss
Yup, there's no telling what a few gallons of PBR Light can do to a grown man by 5 am.Hahahahahah, ME THINKS angry, drunk, 5am Iggy is letting the failure of the Yanks get to him. :nod: It's okay buddy, there's always 2017!!
Again??? Yup, another good old fashioned ass-kicking as the October bound Sox beat the piss out of the pitiful Yankees for the last time this year.Another good old fashioned ass-kicking of the hapless Yankees tonight in Fenway to reduce the Sox' magic number to 7.
Hell, you can have 30, what with Jonny F'in G's defensive game being what it is, you better hope he combines for 50 dingers and doubles, AT LEAST!.... what happened to the rumps of a few seasons ago when all he could talk about was speed and defense in the outfield? Oh yea, now that the Yankees have that you change your tune, lol...... classic rumps!
They call the Victorino signing the worst this year so far, I'm shocked to say the least iggy, I'm totally shocked!!!!:![]()
Now this is "Hahaha"
Victorino (13 mil per) $39 mil for 3 years ... talk about overpayments lol......
The Yanks with their starting pitching alone will be a good team and contend, the red sox, well not so much. Their starters as we stand are el stinko and again for the 100th time, UNLESS they go out and get a #1 and #2 or two #2's, kiss the playoffs goodbye for a 3rd straight year. The guys they have signed so far are ALL overpaid "decent" players. Napoli and Victorino, are no Agone and Ross, yes rumps I know Ross played left, so therefore Gomes is no Ross either.
Oh man, lol........Benny Boy is playing Santa pretty good this offseason so far, David Ross (who?) overpaid? CHECK!.... Jonny F'in Gomes, overpaid? CHECK! Mike Napoli, overpaid? CHECK! Shane Victorino, overpaid? CHECK! Man this is good stuff lol
7 World Series in the last 112 years, I think that it's pretty safe to call that a failure of epic proportions.![]()
Talk about ancient history. Well, when you ain't got nothin', you got nothin.'bwhahahahahahaa........... dont forget 86 Years!, talk about EPIC!