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2016 Olympics

The Snark

Feb 24, 2005
Also Marie-Laurence Jungfleisch in the high jump...



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Airine Is quite possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Yes, I would love to rent time with her.




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
On another note, there are female athletes that not only look scary but are not really women. What should be done about Caster Semenya of South Africa? She has internal testicles and not ovaries. She has 3x the testosterone of the woman she is racing against. Should she be competing against woman? If she only screwed up and too much aspirin or had some ADHD medicine.


The South African middle-distance runner Caster Semenya will compete in the women’s 800-meter final this Saturday in Rio de Janeiro, and she’s favored to win. Her potential victory is already being described as a “dilemma.”

At best, her detractors will give the credit for her win to the 25-year-old's body chemistry rather than her skill. It might even prompt international sporting agencies to once again rethink what it means to be a female athlete.

No one is accusing Semenya of using illicit substances. Quite the opposite: Some have suggested she should be taking drugs in order to bring her hormone levels more closely in line with those of average women.

Semenya was raised and identifies as female. But according to a leaked medical test, Semenya’s testosterone levels are three times as high as those of most women, and she has internal testes instead of ovaries.

Semenya quite literally burst onto the scene in 2009, tearing swiftly past her rivals at the world track and field championships in Berlin, and she took home a silver medal at the 2012 Olympics. The more successful she became, the more speculations swirled that she’s not quite female.

Olympics 2016

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Soon after her 2009 victory, the International Association of Athletics Federations general secretary Pierre Weisse cracked, “She is a woman, but maybe not 100 percent.” Russia’s Mariya Savinova, meanwhile, invited people to “Just look at her.”

And look at her they did. Track fans were quick to note that Semenya, with her beefy biceps and flat chest, doesn’t look like most women. The New Yorker called her “breathtakingly butch,” noting that, “Semenya became accustomed to visiting the bathroom with a member of a competing team so that they could look at her private parts and then get on with the race.”

Semenya was banned from competing for several months and underwent a gender test. In 2011, the IAAF capped the amount of testosterone female athletes could naturally possess and still compete with other women.

It’s unclear how much of an advantage testosterone gives women in running—or in anything else. Men are faster, on average, than women, but testosterone is not the only reason: Men also have more red blood cells and bigger hearts and lungs. Due in part to the lack of scientific clarity, in 2015 the Court of Arbitration for Sport suspended the IAAF’s testosterone regulations for two years.

That policy change allowed women like Semenya and Dutee Chand, an Indian runner who was at one point banned for her elevated testosterone levels, to compete in this year’s Olympics.

But as the New York Times reported, several female athletes had already gone to extreme lengths to comply with the testosterone rules:

At the London Olympics, four female athletes, all 18 to 21 years old and from rural areas of developing countries, were flagged for high levels of natural testosterone. Each of them subsequently had surgery to remove internal testes, which produce testosterone, as well as procedures that were not required for resuming competition: feminizing vaginoplasty, estrogen replacement therapy and a reduction in the size of the clitoris.
Chand, meanwhile, refused to take testosterone-reducing hormone drugs, telling officials, “I want to remain who I am.” (Chand performed poorly in her heat in Rio, further underscoring that testosterone isn’t quite “jet fuel,” as Stanford University bioethicist Katrina Karkazis put it to the Times.)

Regardless of where sports’ governing bodies ultimately land on gender tests for female athletes—the IAAF has signaled it may challenge the Court of Arbitration’s decision—the controversy is unlikely to rest, since athletes are more likely to have intersex features than the general population. The growing societal acceptance of transgender athletes is also bound to complicate things for gender-sticklers.

The debate over Semenya, Chand, and others like them should make viewers question what, specifically, it is we want from Olympic events and athletes. In analyzing a related issue, Oscar Pistorius’ carbon-fiber legs, David Epstein quoted philosopher Bernard Suits in defining sports as “the voluntary acceptance of unnecessary obstacles.” Sports have rules because it’s just not fun to watch someone drive a Ford F-350 across the finish line, leaving a pack of honest runners in the dust. But if you’re born with a V8 engine in your bones, is it against the rules to use it?

As the historian and writer Louisa Thomas pointed out recently, integrity is at the core of the Olympics. The modern Games were founded by a French baron who sought to forge not just strong bodies, but characters: “The Olympics were an elaborate ritual constructed around the idea that a running race—or a wrestling match, or a ski jump—could tell you something about the virtue of its competitors,” she writes.

So pure of heart were these early Games that professional, as opposed to amateur, athletes were banned until the 1980s. These notions of athletic righteousness live on with the near-universal rejection of doping, at least by Olympics fans and judges. It’s no longer considered crude for athletes to earn money, but drugs to boost performance are clearly verboten. Russia’s extensive doping program was met with worldwide scorn.

Still, it’s not considered unsportsmanlike to simply be strange-looking. Countless Olympians are celebrated for unorthodox features that give them an edge in their sports. Much has been made of Michael Phelps’s preternatural wingspan and ultra-flexible feet that turn into “virtual flippers.” Biostaticians have said Usain Bolt’s 6-foot-5-inch height and fast-twitch muscle fibers make him perfectly suited to sprinting. Other athletes have less obvious advantages, like high levels of hemoglobin or diminutive heights tailor-made for tumbling passes.

It takes something special to become an Olympian, even if it’s an unusually gritty mindset. For Marla Runyan, the first legally blind runner to have competed in the able-bodied Olympics, the path to Sydney involved living hand-to-mouth on disability insurance, battling intense foot pain, and begging Nike for free shoes. And that’s on top of the small issue that she couldn’t see the track.

To be an Olympian, is, in other words, to be abnormal. The event draws people from the ends of every bell curve, and a zen attitude or shaved torso can make all the difference.

And judging by the fascination with Olympians’ body measurements, audiences like that the athletes are all so singular. Just as it wouldn’t be enjoyable to see the aforementioned pickup trucker square off against marathoners, we probably wouldn’t glue ourselves to our TVs to watch tubby Midwestern accountants hurl themselves through the air.

Sports must have rules, in other words, but the Olympics are already filled with social, cultural, and biological rule-breakers. The fact that people are alarmed about the masculinity of athletes like Semenya, but not the myriad other ways Olympians deviate from the norm, suggests that our anxieties about her might be rooted in something other than a love of fairness.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Looks Like South Africa's Semenya won the 800M.

This took third:

Margaret Wambui of Kenya.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sorry, but I need to look at a Russian Long Jumper after those two scary he/shes (no fault to them).

Darya Klishina


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I just watched Ryan Lochte's pathetic interview. Why didn't he just shut his trap and go into hiding? He is an idiot that compounds problems every time he opens his mouth. I was embarrassed for him. Lochte blamed his actions on his intoxication. I was pretty drunk towards the end of VIP 7 for example and I managed to get back to my room and go to sleep without breaking anything. Just sayin....I can't stand to hear this bull shit.

One question I have. The security guards that forced the restitution money at gun point. Does anyone know how much damage in reals or dollars the divers caused? Does anyone know if that money got back to the owners of the establishment? I am wondering if the guards just pocketed the money? This is what I would anticipate as most likely to happen.

Also to EB. I would rather bribe or pay-off a crooked cop than have to go through some long, drawn out court case that would cost 20,000$ - 100,000$ grand to settle a dispute over a few hundred dollars of damage. No, I would not like to look down the barrel of a gun but after everything was said and done Lochte got off easy. (interestingly enough the only time in my life that I ever observed policemen with guns drawn was in Sao Paulo.)


New Member
May 14, 2016
I just watched Lochte's interview with Matt Lauer. Lochte didn't do well. He sounded like he didn't know what to say. But at least it didn't sound like he was repeating lines from a lawyer's script.

One question I have. The security guards that forced the restitution money at gun point. Does anyone know how much damage in reals or dollars the divers caused?

The other thing was Matt Lauer kept characterizing what happened between Lochte and the guards as a "NEGOTIATION" for restitution for damages. Every time Lauer said that he failed to acknowledge the guards had already pulled a gun out and pointed it at the divers. Unless they define NEGOTIATION in Brazil as something that happens at gun point I don't get how Lauer failed to include this extremely key point. Lochte knocked down a billboard out of it's frame. Okay, so that's cause to pull a gun??? Sounds more like a scene from the Godfather. I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Back to what matters.

Thanks Snark for that blue-eyes beauty Airinė Palšytė. What is it with women long jumpers, including Darya Klishina.

Brazilian volleyball player Jaqueline Carvalho. Cheeks from heaven.



New Member
May 14, 2016

Okay guys this is fair warning. Put down anything you have in your hands. Make sure there are no sharp object or breakables around. Take a deep breath and get ready. Here are 30 of the most awesome Brazilian BUTTS you'll ever see. Hit the link and scroll down carefully. Try not to hurt yourselves.

Just one example NOT among the 30:

Carine Felizardo. Miss Bum Bum 2012.




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I don't think that the Butt girls are in the Olympics but still they are from the host country and they are nice butts. But Jaqueline is so more of Jaqueline Carvalho, Brasileira:




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I noticed that there was not a representative from the Italian Olympic team. Since I have traveled there, I know that some of the most beautiful woman in the world reside there. How could we have over looked Marta Menegatti from Italia's Olympic Beach Volleyball team?


Something tells me that she would be good for CG?


What does it mean when the olympic VB players do this?

This hole open for business?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As a palate cleanser, here's our own Melissa Bishop, who finished fourth in the race:

She finished fourth and lost out to at least two guys. No way two of those other three were women! No way!!!

If they don't have balls, they must have had some at one time. There's no way those other two weren't dudes!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Doc, you read my post? The dude that won the woman's 800 wasn't. It has internal testicles - and not ovaries- and has 3X the testosterone of the other genetic females in the race. This is why I detest political correctness. We all know it is ridiculous to allow it to compete. This dude should be racing with other dudes...yes, she has a face that would stop a clock but that has nothing to do with it.

I also feel the same way about shemales and men who mutilate their penises and decide to compete against genetic females. Go ahead and do it. I hope they feel pretty, can legally get married, every professional job should be open to them, and they should be able to use whatever bathroom they would like. However, when it comes to competing in the Olympics or ultimate fighting or LPGA etc. you are a dude and should be banned.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
Gerina Piller

Samedi matin je me leve pour suivre les Olympiques. Deception en constatant que le golf feminin est a l honneur a RDS. Au moment où je m apprete à zapper, BAM!!!! Ca me saute en pleine face : les enormes boobs de la golfeuse Gerina Piller. Ouffff, je suis devenu, le temps de quelques heures un fan du golf feminin. Gerina est une superbe brunette bien roulée dont plusieurs page de la toile démontre comment cette golfeuse rempli bien ses chandails


New Member
May 14, 2016
you are a dude and should be banned.

I don't agree that person is a dude. I do agree that person should not be allowed to compete.

I don't see how political correctness has anything to do with this. Society requires each person to have a gender identification, always has. Such issues have been going on for thousands of years before political correctness was a concept. Allowing that person to compete is a failure to deal with a gender transition adequately.

Yana Kudryaytseva - Russian Rhythmic Gymnast

This hot:


This strong and flexible:



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
If it is Semeya that you speak of he/she was banned previously. She needs to be banned again. I do believe that political correctness has impeded common sense in this instance.

I refuse to post more pictures of Semeya. I cannot stand too. I had a late dinner. Instead, how about my dream 3-sum of US gymnasts?


If we are to start posting photos of rhythmic gymnasts that are fuckable we will use up the bandwidth fro all of MERB! LOL



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I do believe that political correctness has impeded common sense in this instance

I agree, anyone with testicles and no ovaries, is that not the very definition of male vs female?

In sport the differences between clearly defined males and females are huge. Throwing in-betweeners is unfair to both sexes.

How many of those alleged females decided they could not win against men and redefined themselves just so they could win? Someone who is a nobody in track and field suddenly becomes an Olympic medalist by reassigning themselves. That is not fair to ordinary women.

Maybe there could be an offshoot of the Paralympics for Parasexuals.


If we are to start posting photos of rhythmic gymnasts that are fuckable we will use up the bandwidth fro all of MERB! LOL

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Samedi matin je me leve pour suivre les Olympiques. Deception en constatant que le golf feminin est a l honneur a RDS. Au moment où je m apprete à zapper, BAM!!!! Ca me saute en pleine face : les enormes boobs de la golfeuse Gerina Piller. Ouffff, je suis devenu, le temps de quelques heures un fan du golf feminin. Gerina est une superbe brunette bien roulée dont plusieurs page de la toile démontre comment cette golfeuse rempli bien ses chandails ��

Yeah, i was watching golf also yesterday in order to check out how Brooke Henderson was doing. And then i see Gerina Piller's huge boobs and let's just say that i didn't switch channels. The hottest golfer out there, though, has to be Paige Spiranac. I also used to have a thing for Paula Creamer. But she always gave me the vibe that she was kinda bitchy in her private life.
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