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2016 Olympics


New Member
May 14, 2016
The favored U.S. 4x100 women's relay team dropped the baton and is out of the competition unless a claim of interference is upheld. At the end of the 2nd leg as Felix got bumped just as she was trying to hand off. On instant replay you could see the runner to Felix's right was leaning over into Felix's lane and then as both were running the opposition runner bumps Felix's arm as she was trying to hand off.

The United States is out of the women's 4x100 relay at the 2016 Olympics after disaster struck during qualifying on Thursday. Allyson Felix failed to hand the baton to teammate English Gardner to transition to the third leg of the race following a collision with another runner, effectively ending the Americans' run for gold.

The mess will not be without controversy, as Felix seemed to be knocked by the competitor the next lane over just as she was about to hand off the baton. This appears to be what caused Felix to miss the hand off and throw the baton, which cost the U.S. a chance to advance to the semifinals.

The team finished dead last with a time of 1:06.71, over 23 seconds behind 15th-place Kazakhstan. Jamaica won the qualifying with a time of 41.79 seconds.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The mess will not be without controversy, as Felix seemed to be knocked by the competitor the next lane over just as she was about to hand off the baton. This appears to be what caused Felix to miss the hand off and throw the baton, which cost the U.S. a chance to advance to the semifinals.

Now they've somewhat been reinstated. They will re-do their race tonight. All by themselves. If they beat China's time (as it's expected), they'll be racing in the final.

In other Olympics news, the Ryan Lochte (and the other swimmers) mugging incident is becoming more and more bizarre. Now it seems that the athletes supposedly vandalized a gas station that night. His two colleagues now have told that the entire incident was a fabrication and that Lochte lied to the authorities. Here is what we've learned so far:

Ryan Lochte Fabricated Robbery Story, Teammates Tell Rio Police

Ryan Lochte's teammates confirmed to Brazilian police that he fabricated the alleged robbery that has been the center of an international controversy, reports The Associated Press.

A Brazilian official said that Lochte's teammates Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz, who were pulled off a plane headed back to the U.S. late Wednesday for questioning, told police that the robbery had been fabricated, according to the AP.

An official who has direct knowledge of the investigation told PEOPLE that around 6 a.m. on Sunday, Lochte, along with Conger, Bentz and Jimmy Feigen, stopped at a gas stopped at a gas station in Barra da Tijuca, a suburb of Rio.

One of the swimmers reportedly tried to open the door of a bathroom at the gas station and found that it was locked. The swimmer then began kicking the door open. A security officer and the gas station manager approached the group and asked them to pay damages.

The men then became belligerent, the official said. An argument ensued, leading the security guard to point a gun at the men and insist that they pay for the damages. The swimmers then reportedly handed over their wallets and left the station. The official says the manager called the police, but when they arrived, the swimmers were already gone.

After the incident, the 32-year-old Olympian told media that he and his fellow athletes were held up after robbers posing as police officers pulled them over in a taxi.

"Their story was not right," the police source tells PEOPLE. "We knew on Sunday that their story was not right, because it didn't make sense."

"The stories that the two men told us were not the same," the source continued. "The other two men would not speak to us. So we knew that they were lying."

The incident was captured in CCTV footage obtained by PEOPLE that shows the men attempting to get into the wrong cab to leave the scene, then being asked to get out of their second cab by gas station security.

"Everything they said was a lie and not true," the official said of the men's later reports of a robbery. "When [Lochte] went on American TV and said his story, it made Brazil look bad when he was the one who had been doing the wrong thing."

The United States Olympic Committee is aware of the video and has not yet seen it, a source told PEOPLE.

"We are reaching out to Ryan to ask him to set the record straight and be completely upfront with what happened, whatever it was," the source said. "Nothing happened that can't be fixed, but everyone needs to be on the same page, and we all need to know exactly what happened."

"All four of them need to be completely honest right now," the source continued. "This affects the safety of everyone who is still down here."

The news comes just after two other U.S. swimmers were pulled off of their flight out of Rio, Wednesday night, and detained for police questioning in connection with Lochte's claims.

Gunnar Bentz and Jack Conger were released after questioning, but remain in Rio.

Lochte said that Bentz, Conger and James Feigen were all with him when they were allegedly robbed early Sunday as they returned to the Olympic village in a taxi.

Patrick Sandusky, United States Olympic Committee spokesperson, said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE: "The three U.S. Olympic swimmers (Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and James Feigen) are cooperating with authorities and in the process of scheduling a time and place today to provide further statements to the Brazilian authorities. All are represented by counsel and being appropriately supported by the USOC and the U.S. Consulate in Rio."

Lochte and teammates reportedly made up entire robbery story

Doc Holliday says: "Absolutely incredible!! No wonder Ryan Lochte ran away from Rio as soon as he got the chance!"


New Member
May 14, 2016
Now they've somewhat been reinstated. They will re-do their race tonight. All by themselves. If they beat China's time (as it's expected), they'll be racing in the final.

A redo of the run based on time was exactly the solution I was thinking of. Still, I never believed that would happen given certain history of bad Olympic officiating up to just plain cheating. I remember the 1972 men's basketball and seeing the worst cheat in history when I was a small kid like it was yesterday. I shocked and ecstatic to see the officials this time decided on the right solution and the U.S. women's team is back in the medals hunt.

In other Olympics news, the Ryan Lochte (and the other swimmers) mugging incident is becoming more and more bizarre. Now it seems that the athletes supposedly vandalized a gas station that night. His two colleagues now have told that the entire incident was a fabrication and that Lochte lied to the authorities. Here is what we've learned so far:

I just heard Lochte and some pals were so drunk they were pissing on things at the gas station and basically vandalizing some other assholes. How embarrassing, and in this case with the world watching. IDIOTS!!!

Congratulations to Ashton Eaton on winning his 2nd straight decathlon the 2nd man in history to accomplish this amazing feat. Kévin Mayer of France was only 59 points behind for the silver medal. His wife Brianne Theisen-Eaton of Canada won the bronze in the Heptathlon after finishing 11th in London.




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The swimmers story is very confusing to me. Human behavior is confusing to me. Why did Ryan Lochte fabricate such a story? Yes, this would not be out of character for the Rio Police but why such a story? At what time in your life did you learn that it was better to say nothing than to make up a big lie to cover your ass? I learned at 5 years old. At what age did you learn to respect others property? Lochte is 32 years old? And these guys are in Rio???? What an opportunity. I would have competed and then been in every termas still left in Rio and then the privies and out to Atlantica Ave and the Balcony to close the place everynight drinking with other hobbyists and meeting freelancer GDPs. In fact when I learned that the race was in Rio I was thinking of entering the Men's 20 or 50K walk. If they ever do the Winter Olympics in Germany I will enter the luge event and be in the FKKs as much as possible. I can sled down a hill and point my toes.

I digress but here is a clear case of what the hobby can do. If these swimmers were hobbyists they would have been in the termas of Brasil and not in trouble.


Sep 14, 2011
Can't wait to get the full story from both sides. Who knows why Lochte embellished/lied about the events - perhaps he was still pissed off and wanted to exact a sort of revenge against the Security a-holes. I was deported from Brazil several years ago because of some trumped up b.s. from Brazilian Police. Rather than be extorted out of $500 USD or its equivalent in reales I decided to not fight the deportation and I have not been back to Brazil since that time. Of course that doesn't excuse drunken revelry by the swimmers and any resulting property damage - but it doesn't justify having guns drawn on you to extort money either. I was forced to sign a sheet of paper (of course in Portuguese which I did not understand) basically admitting to the b.s. police characterization of events. I'm sure the Brazilian authorities are attempting to get a signed statement from the swimmers of their version of events. Luckily the swimmers have U.S. Embassy support and may not be so easily forced into admissions against their will, like I was. Let's see how this plays out.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It seems that the facts that are agreed upon by both sides is that a gun was brandished and then there was an exchange of money between the swimmers and the security guys.

It's not appropriate that the swimmers damaged property but it's also not appropriate that security detain them and compel a payment for the damage. The police should have been contacted and if the swimmers caused damage to property, that issue should have been resolved through the courts, not by a security guard playing judge, entering a judgment and awarding damages and compelling payment for the damages. There does seem to be something of a shakedown element to this. Was the payment equal to or greater than the value of the repair costs for the damage? Did the security guard do an appraisal of the damage before demanding payment? How was this appraisal done?

On the other side it seems like the swimmers used very poor judgment and these kinds of situations are why sports teams and organizations sometimes impose curfews and limit late night extracurricular activities. I suppose if the swimming competition ended, no curfew could realistically be applied. But going forward the USOC may think about curfews as a result of this incident. A few years back I recall the UConn basketball team suspended 3 of its players at a tournament in Puerto Rico after they got drunk and caused some issues at a hotel restaurant. I think those guys were suspended in part because they broke an existing 12 pm curfew.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Here's a very good article about the entire incident, as told by Bruce Arthur of the Toronto Star:

Don’t trust Ryan Lochte with a cover story, it’ll never end well

Lessons learned after American swimmer’s tale of being robbed at gunpoint in Rio falls apart.

by Bruce Arthur, Toronto Star

RIO DE JANEIRO—First, pretend you are stupid. This may be difficult, since you may not be someone who thinks Donald Trump is qualified to oversee the most powerful nation on earth, or that jeah is a good new word. But it will be instructive, and is important. Get dumb. Thick as a whale omelette, as the old saying goes. Bro.

So, you are Ryan Lochte. You have completed your Olympics. You did great, but were not the best American swimmer, or the headliner. You are never the headliner. But you were the only one to do it with bleached-blond hair, so you have that going for you. You got out with three younger teammates: Jack Congar, Gunnar Bentz and James Feigen, at least two of which might be stage names, who knows, right? Anyway.

You party. You party late into the Rio night and early into the Rio morning. Dude, it’s lit. You stop at a gas station, and you have to pee. Wait, the door is locked! Bro, break the door! Let’s pee outside, fine. OK. Hahaha.

Ah crap, the cops. Or something, whatever. They have guns. OK, sit down. They want you to pay for the door. How much, bro? 100 reals? That is too real, bro. Get it? Hahahaha. OK, that’s like $40, fine. All good, let’s go home.

OK, now be your own smart, Toronto Star-reading self again. Snap out of it. At this point, it’s OK, right? We’ve all done stupid things while drinking, while young, maybe even when 32 years old, with peroxide-bleached hair. Nobody in the media knows what happened. The gas station seems cool, you paid them. You got home with your phones, your wallets, your credentials, your watches. All good.

OK, back to having the intellect and strategic acuity of a sea cucumber. It is at this point that you talk to your mom. You are well known for partying. You had a reality show called What Would Ryan Lochte Do? There was some partying. It didn’t last the season, but parts of the memories last forever.

So here’s the plan: tell your mom you were robbed. Maybe that you lost your wallet, even. They pulled guns on you at a gas station and you lost your wallet. Dude. Sure.

OK, let’s stay smart, since being dumb too often can become a habit. It is at this point that a smart person might ask, why tell the story? What are you trying to cover up? If your mom asks what happened, go with this: We partied, got a little dumb, had to pay for a door. They pulled guns, can you believe it? But we’re fine.

Or: a story about being robbed, which your mom tells the media, which you then repeat to NBC. Not only that: you render your younger teammates as cowardly, sidewalk-hugging goofs, while you stand and face down the barrel of a gun and say, like, whatever. You are the hero of this tale, bro.

This is the part where the only explanation that anybody can think of so far is, he’s really dumb. Maybe he was drunk enough that this is how he remembered it? Maybe he also lost his wallet while partying? Maybe it was traumatic? He didn’t look traumatized when he returned to the athletes’ village, but you never know.

Anyway, all that happened was an international incident. Lochte got on a plane home before the authorities demanded his passport, but police pulled two of his teammates off a plane, and the one whose passport was sought by a Brazilian judge didn’t show for the flight. This was like the Olympics version of Argo, except that the plane didn’t get out in time and the Canadian embassy wisely stayed the hell out of it. To paraphrase my friend Mina Kimes of ESPN: It’s not the crime, it’s the pool cover-up.

Lochte has always craved fame, it seems: maybe it’s not being a headliner, maybe it’s just him. There’s nothing wrong with that, in and of itself. But he’s the most famous dummy in the world not running for President, right now.

Let’s focus on the positive. Rio 2016 spokesman and cool dad Mario Andrada didn’t pile on, saying, “They trained for four years, they competed under gigantic pressure, I understand that this issue is under investigation, but let’s give these kids a break. Sometimes you take actions that you take to regret. They are magnificent athletes, Lochte is one of the best swimmers of all time. They had fun, they made a mistake, it’s part of life, life goes on, let’s go.”

Of course, Andrada was also asked about several people being held up at gunpoint during these Games, and he said, “I think that when you said several at gunpoint, we didn’t have several reports at gunpoint, we had some.”

Some in Rio are sensitive about the crime issue here, and there was an angry crowd outside the police station, but then, a British and an Australian athlete were robbed the other night, and nobody seems to care. Meanwhile, Lochte and Feigen were not charged with filing a false report yet, and apparently are standing by the story. What a mess.

So, what have we learned? One, don’t lie to your mom. Two, don’t lie to the cops. Three, don’t lie to NBC. And four, do not entrust Ryan Lochte with a cover story. It will not end well, kids. Jeah.

Don't trust Ryan Lochte

Bruce Arthur is also on Twitter and i enjoy following his tweets. He also published a blog about his flight to Rio two weeks ago which was absolutely hillarious.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Paige Spiranac - USA Golf. Astounding curves couldn't be drawn better by an artist.

Zsuzsanna Jakabos - Hungary Swimmer. Drop dead gorgeous.


New Member
May 14, 2016
The Lochte story is ridiculous indeed. Why make up such a shameful story. Now he's the joke of the Olympics and his earning potential is in the tank. Not to mention the embarrassment as a representative of his country.

Still, security people assessing damages and collecting payments? The crimes: pissing in public and knocking over a sign that popped loose from it's frame. For that a security guard seemed to pull out a gun, which he stuck into the cab, and ordered the swimmers out of the cab then collect cash.

Lochte's story was excessive, but I'm not so sure it's as far off in some elements as it seemed when the guards seem to use what might be by American standards of legal process also inappropriate and somewhat excessive.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Paige Spiranac. I have been following her on Instagram over the past year. Until now, i thought her name was Renee Paige. Gorgeous woman!!!

I wasn't aware that she was at the Olympics. I'll have to tune in.

I'm surprised no one's posted pictures of black Olympians. I've been watching track and field this week and many of them are absolutely gorgeous!

By the way, i watched the Canada/Brazil soccer game yesterday and one brazilian in particular caught my eye and was absolutely beautiful! I'll try to look for a picture....


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I like all the latest additions to the Olympians I want to Fuck thread. When you look at lists of the most beautiful olympians this VB player from the host country always shows up: Winifer Fernandez




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
When mongering in Argentina they say when is doubt always choose the Peruvian. How about this Olympian?
Gorgeous Rocío - Peruvian player gifted for both volleyball and modeling




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
As a class, the female heptathletes are among the most beautiful and fuckable. I like this Heptathlete from Great Briton: Jessica Ennis:


The Snark

Feb 24, 2005
Currently watching Airinė Palšytė in the high jump... easy on the eyes, as are most of the competitors.
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