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4 more years of Bush, OMG.

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Sure, that's why 911 hqppened -- bad security guards.

We had some failure of leadrership at the top there. Conversely, we had some leaders making the right decisions when Clinton stopped the millennium plot.

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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hornyanglo66 said:
regnad, under your logic the West should never have gotten involved with Hitler in WWII. Japan bombed the US, not Germany so Hitler was a good guy in your eyes and should not have been touched by the US.?

Some big differences there. First, FDR did not pretend Hitler was somehow behind Pearl Harbor. He didn't have to because Germany and Japan were clearly allies -- they had proclaimed themselves such. And when Japan attacked us, Germany declared war too. Whereas al-Qaeda and Iraq, as we have found, never had much to do with each other.

Similary, FDR didn't have to pretend Hitler had WMDs because Hitler had already made his bad intentions very clear. He was on the march across Europe, not sitting penned up in his country with the US conducting flyovers of his territory. When FDR wanted to show Hitler was a bad guy, he could point to things Hitler was doing right then, not to things Hitler had done twenty or fifteen years before with the help of the president's own party.

Because Hitler was really a danger and Saddam was a broken-down junkyard dog. FDR didn't have to hype because his war made sense. Bush hyped like crazy because his war, on the merits, did not make sense.

But you know what? This is just facts and logic, so screw it. That stuff never got you anywhere.


2-2 in bans... loser...
You're right... Saddam was such a nice guy. Let's ask the tens of thousands of dead Kurds and Shiites how nice he is. Let's ask the tortured sports stars how nice he is. Oops sorry that's his nice son....

I back the war 110% and believe the West needs to be more proactive in rooting out and eliminating evil like this. Clinton should have started this with North Korea but he didn't.

Don't forget in Canada we have way too liberal immigration policies and if you don't believe we have already let in hundreds, if not thousands, of 'terrorists' then that's your right.

You have your beliefs and I have mine. I'll leave it at that.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Liberal Canadian Immigration Policies

HornyAnglo66 has stumbled upon a very important but little discussed issue which is the effect of the liberal Canadian immigration policies on the USA's internal security. Obviously, letting the criminal riffraff sex traders in from Eastern Europe we don't give a shit about (as far as security), because all they do is exploit women for profit within Canadian borders. The problem is allowing the terrorist types from the Arab world into Canada, who will then set up shop, plan and plot, and strike within the USA. Already, we have seen a planned semi-militarization of the USA-Canada border with 5 new airbases from which helicopter flyovers will be conducted. This is likely done with my tax dollars in response to concerns over Canada allowing everyone and their brother to immigrate. I predict it will only be a matter of time before some al Qaeda nuts plot an attack within the USA from Canada. Once that happens, we will see dramatic changes at the border and perhaps full militarization.

I hope this never happens, but I fear it will be yet another one of my correct predictions.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Suicide Over Bush Re-Election

I hope that this wasn't Red Paul!

Suicide suspected at WTC site
Friends say man was distraught over election results
Sunday, November 7, 2004 Posted: 9:48 AM EST (1448 GMT)

NEW YORK (AP) -- A 25-year-old from Georgia who was distraught over President Bush's re-election apparently killed himself at ground zero.

Andrew Veal's body was found Saturday morning inside the off-limits area of the former World Trade Center site, said Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

A shotgun was found nearby, but no suicide note was found, Coleman said.

Veal's mother said her son was upset about the result of the presidential election and had driven to New York, Gus Danese, president of the Port Authority Police Benevolent Association, told The New York Times in Sunday's editions.

Friends said Veal worked in a computer lab at the University of Georgia and was planning to marry.

"I'm absolutely sure it's a protest," Mary Anne Mauney, Veal's supervisor at the lab, told The Daily News. "I don't know what made him commit suicide, but where he did it was symbolic."

Police were investigating how Veal entered the former World Trade Center site, which is protected by high fences and owned by the Port Authority.


2-2 in bans... loser...
EagerBeaver said:
HornyAnglo66 has stumbled upon a very important but little discussed issue which is the effect of the liberal Canadian immigration policies on the USA's internal security. Obviously, letting the criminal riffraff sex traders in from Eastern Europe we don't give a shit about (as far as security), because all they do is exploit women for profit within Canadian borders. The problem is allowing the terrorist types from the Arab world into Canada, who will then set up shop, plan and plot, and strike within the USA. Already, we have seen a planned semi-militarization of the USA-Canada border with 5 new airbases from which helicopter flyovers will be conducted. This is likely done with my tax dollars in response to concerns over Canada allowing everyone and their brother to immigrate. I predict it will only be a matter of time before some al Qaeda nuts plot an attack within the USA from Canada. Once that happens, we will see dramatic changes at the border and perhaps full militarization.

I hope this never happens, but I fear it will be yet another one of my correct predictions.

I think it is about time that this happens to be honest. Do you feel as safe in Montreal today as you did 10 years ago? I sure don't. Enough of our open borders. The world today is not the same as it was 10 years ago and we need our immigration laws (and criminal laws) to reflect that.


2-2 in bans... loser...
shemaleluver, the Iraqis want the US out and return to a peaceful nation. The US wants to be out with Iraq a peaceful nation. Unfortunately there are thousands and thousands of insurgents in Falluja who are perfectly happy to kill their OWN people who are trying to establish the peace wanted by all. How many policemen have been deliberately targetted and killed by these insurgents? Hundreds.

Unfortunately in that region there are too many people who care about nothing else than to be the all powerful force able to steal and kill at will.


Total Archbushman
Aug 16, 2003
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Please don't burn me for posting this or because of who wrote it but it's kinda relevant in light of The Beav's post...

17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Michael Moore

Dear Friends,

Ok, it sucks. Really sucks. But before you go and cash it all in, let's, in the words of Monty Python, “always look on the bright side of life!” There IS some good news from Tuesday's election.

Here are 17 reasons not to slit your wrists:

1. It is against the law for George W. Bush to run for president again.

2. Bush's victory was the NARROWEST win for a sitting president since Woodrow Wilson in 1916.

3. The only age group in which the majority voted for Kerry was young adults (Kerry: 54%, Bush: 44%), proving once again that your parents are always wrong and you should never listen to them.

4. In spite of Bush's win, the majority of Americans still think the country is headed in the wrong direction (56%), think the war wasn't worth fighting (51%), and don’t approve of the job George W. Bush is doing (52%). (Note to foreigners: Don't try to figure this one out. It's an American thing, like Pop Tarts.)

5. The Republicans will not have a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the Senate. If the Democrats do their job, Bush won't be able to pack the Supreme Court with right-wing ideologues. Did I say "if the Democrats do their job?" Um, maybe better to scratch this one.

6. Michigan voted for Kerry! So did the entire Northeast, the birthplace of our democracy. So did 6 of the 8 Great Lakes States. And the whole West Coast! Plus Hawaii. Ok, that's a start. We've got most of the fresh water, all of Broadway, and Mt. St. Helens. We can dehydrate them or bury them in lava. And no more show tunes!

7. Once again we are reminded that the buckeye is a nut, and not just any old nut -- a poisonous nut. A great nation was felled by a poisonous nut. May Ohio State pay dearly this Saturday when it faces Michigan State.

8. 88% of Bush's support came from white voters. In 50 years, America will no longer have a white majority. Hey, 50 years isn't such a long time! If you're ten years old and reading this, your golden years will be truly golden and you will be well cared for in your old age.

9. Gays, thanks to the ballot measures passed on Tuesday, cannot get married in 11 new states. Thank God. Just think of all those wedding gifts we won't have to buy now.

10. Five more African Americans were elected as members of Congress, including the return of Cynthia McKinney of Georgia. It's always good to have more blacks in there fighting for us and doing the job our candidates can't.

11. The CEO of Coors was defeated for Senate in Colorado. Drink up!

12. Admit it: We like the Bush twins and we don't want them to go away.

13. At the state legislative level, Democrats picked up a net of at least 3 chambers in Tuesday's elections. Of the 98 partisan-controlled state legislative chambers (house/assembly and senate), Democrats went into the 2004 elections in control of 44 chambers, Republicans controlled 53 chambers, and 1 chamber was tied. After Tuesday, Democrats now control 47 chambers, Republicans control 49 chambers, 1 chamber is tied and 1 chamber (Montana House) is still undecided.

14. Bush is now a lame duck president. He will have no greater moment than the one he's having this week. It's all downhill for him from here on out -- and, more significantly, he's just not going to want to do all the hard work that will be expected of him. It'll be like everyone's last month in 12th grade -- you've already made it, so it's party time! Perhaps he'll treat the next four years like a permanent Friday, spending even more time at the ranch or in Kennebunkport. And why shouldn't he? He's already proved his point, avenged his father and kicked our ass.

15. Should Bush decide to show up to work and take this country down a very dark road, it is also just as likely that either of the following two scenarios will happen: a) Now that he doesn't ever need to pander to the Christian conservatives again to get elected, someone may whisper in his ear that he should spend these last four years building "a legacy" so that history will render a kinder verdict on him and thus he will not push for too aggressive a right-wing agenda; or b) He will become so cocky and arrogant -- and thus, reckless -- that he will commit a blunder of such major proportions that even his own party will have to remove him from office.

16. There are nearly 300 million Americans -- 200 million of them of voting age. We only lost by three and a half million! That's not a landslide -- it means we're almost there. Imagine losing by 20 million. If you had 58 yards to go before you reached the goal line and then you barreled down 55 of those yards, would you stop on the three yard line, pick up the ball and go home crying -- especially when you get to start the next down on the three yard line? Of course not! Buck up! Have hope! More sports analogies are coming!!!

17. Finally and most importantly, over 55 million Americans voted for the candidate dubbed "The #1 Liberal in the Senate." That's more than the total number of voters who voted for either Reagan, Bush I, Clinton or Gore. Again, more people voted for Kerry than Reagan. If the media are looking for a trend it should be this -- that so many Americans were, for the first time since Kennedy, willing to vote for an out-and-out liberal. The country has always been filled with evangelicals -- that is not news. What IS news is that so many people have shifted toward a Massachusetts liberal. In fact, that's BIG news. Which means, don't expect the mainstream media, the ones who brought you the Iraq War, to ever report the real truth about November 2, 2004. In fact, it's better that they don't. We'll need the element of surprise in 2008.

Feeling better? I hope so. As my friend Mort wrote me yesterday, "My Romanian grandfather used to say to me, 'Remember, Morton, this is such a wonderful country -- it doesn't even need a president!'"

But it needs us. Rest up, I'll write you again tomorrow.


Michael Moore


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Mar 25, 2003
Reppy said:
It's true, he would flip flop a lot...if he was more consistent, he would have been preferred over a simple minded dummy like Bush...

Notice the states where Bush was elected compared to Kerry...just interesting..

Kerry won the high crime areas of the high crime states ;-)



New Member
Mar 25, 2003
ricola said:
A few comments...

Kerry presents himself as an intellectual, a no-no in American politics as it does not inspire trust in the great American unwashed. The great politician Bill Clinton, a Rhodes scholar, often played down his intellect with his good ol` boy routine. G.W. Bush on the other hand does not have the ``intellectual tag`` disadvantage mainly because he is a moron. Just think of the typical heartland American as a slightly retarded Forest Gump ... `` stupid is as stupid does``.

As for Arnold... no chance being President as he is not American born.

Hillary in 2008? Sure, i would love to hear about Bill Clinton getting a tc in the Whitehouse!

Ah the Liberal elitism that caused the Left to get their ass kicked (again) in loosing the White House, an additional 4 Senate seats and 5 House seats. Keep it up, please ......

Can you name the ONLY midterm election where a sitting President GAINED seats in Congress - yeap that`s right 2002!

Maybe it`s really Liberal is as Looser does.



New Member
Mar 25, 2003
regnad said:
Distort, my ass. Actually, he does have a history of embellishment. Not out and out lies, like Bush and Cheney, but certainly his writings contain a fair number of distortions.

Fahrenheit 911, however, was simply a collection of clips. The clips don't lie.

You're not really that stupid are you?



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Connecticut #2

Connecticut is #2, but as far as public universities, the University of Connecticut is the top public university in New England and is top 5 nationally at this point
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