Wine is always a nice touch to provide when you're receiving an escort and know she enjoys it, i.e. writen on website. Some will even state which kinds they like but if they don't chose one of your liking or follow a suggestion from one who knows more about wine.
It doesn't need to be expensive, you can find many decent ones around 15$ C.D. and honestly, it's really the intention that counts. I used to love arriving to an appointment and see something prepared wether it be wine or other refreshments. I saw it as someone who was nice enough to want to do a proper introduction and it was a nice opportunity to start flirting.
Getting a bottle or half bottle depends on how long you plan the appointment to be. 2 hours or more IMO would warrant a full bottle if you will be partaking as a standard 750ml bottle contains about 4 reasonable sized glasses. That's not by any means an excessive amount of alcohol to ingest by either party (2 each). But if you are not partaking yourself, a half bottle will be fine. No sense in getting more and risking the chance that she'll get tanked, I've heard of it happening...
As to red or white, you might be a tad safer with white as it doesn't stain as much (clothes, linens, teeth, etc.), you never know what can happen in the throws of passion
If you usually don't drink, during your session is NOT a good time to start. Aside from making you feel ill it may very well impair your performance as well.
Enjoy your appointment