beautydigger said:I really resent what some members can get away with and others can't![]()
General Gonad said:I guess there is a double standard on these boards.![]()
traveller_76 said:I can attest to thatIt would be nice if a warning might be issued ...
I beg to differ, but only slightly, M4. Had you said that there are certain tensions between one member of the board and everyone else, you'd have been more accurate. And, as for the "Make Love, Not War" not applying here, I'd argue that it does during the frequent bans earned by a certain member suffering from what mod7 has referred to more than once as "I'm God" syndrome. I submit that your jobs would all be a lot easier and this board would be a much more peaceful place if this cancer was cut out once and for all.Mod 4 said:Clearly, there are tensions between certain members of the board. In any community, it is unreasonable to assume that everyone will get along with each other. It's sadly ironic that "Make love, not war" doesn't apply here more often.
Let me join Maria Divina, Le Guy, and Dee in agreeing with this statement. I couldn't have said it better myself.Ziggy Montana said:Maria,
Let's just say that GG has this unique talent to bring the worst out of everyone. 'nuff said...![]()
M4,Mod 4 said:However, do you see the hypocrisy of promoting dialogue by advocating the elimination of another member who has differing views?
rumpleforeskiin said:I beg to differ, but only slightly, M4. Had you said that there are certain tensions between one member of the board and everyone else, you'd have been more accurate. And, as for the "Make Love, Not War" not applying here, I'd argue that it does during the frequent bans earned by a certain member suffering from what mod7 has referred to more than once as "I'm God" syndrome. I submit that your jobs would all be a lot easier and this board would be a much more peaceful place if this cancer was cut out once and for all.
I don't often agree with GG, but he might be right about the double standard. I wonder how many other members of this board could be banned permanently, be reinstated, be banned four more times in a six month period, totally nearly six months, and yet still be allowed to return.
For the record, here's his banning history for the last year. (I might add that his history of bellicose, anti-social behavior goes back much farther:
Sept. 10, 2006 - Two weeks: Flaming, name calling, insults towards other members despite several previous warnings.
@Oct. 15, 2006 - Permanent:
Nov. 14, 2006 - Second Handle - Permanent
Mar. 10, 2007 - One week: Total disrespect to board members.
Mar. 27, 2007 - Three months: Constantly causing flame wars. Afflicted by the "I'm God" syndrome.
Jul. 10, 2007 - Two months: He was recently banned three months, and as soon as he came back got in a fight with other members, made judgmental comments toward the community at large (those paying for sex), unusual activities, people with different taste for women and what not. The first 3 months were for him to learn and hopefully accept that other people may have a different opinion than his. The 'God' syndrome. It's obvious he needs more time.
Oct. 1, 2007 - Two days: Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc..., Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.
Was GG's reinstatement from his permanent ban not on a trial basis? And, if so, has he not failed this trial numerous times?
"everyone" was certainly hyperbole. Given the posts of the last day or so by such respected posters as Dee, Maria, Maria, Athana, LeGuy, Ziggy, and T76, I think that I am not alone in the desire to see peace restored to this board.eastender said:You certainly do not have a mandate to speak for everyone else, so don't. I for one do not have "tensions" with GG. When I do not agree with him and it merits a response I post like I would with any other member.
Joe, who has a sense of humour, is certainly aware that it is a term of endearment. And I'd hardly call an 88 page thread one where participation is discouraged.eastender said:As for insulting, name calling, vulgarity and the like you certainly are a fine example in the baseball thread which you started by inserting a vulgarity in the title. The NFL thread manages to move along without vulgarities and obsceneties.Yet for curious reasons the mods tolerate this in the baseball thread thereby discouraging participation.
I also respond articulately to challenges that are intelligible.eastender said:As for the "God Syndrome". Pot calling the Kettle black. When challenged to support your positions in the aforementionned baseball thread and other baseball related threads you either waffle,turtle or resort to your strong point name-calling,obsceneties and vulgarities.
Mod 4 said:Clearly, there are tensions between certain members of the board.
rumpleforeskiin said:I beg to differ, but only slightly, M4. Had you said that there are certain tensions between one member of the board and everyone else, you'd have been more accurate. And, as for the "Make Love, Not War" not applying here, I'd argue that it does during the frequent bans earned by a certain member
rumpleforeskiin said:Mod 4 said:However, do you see the hypocrisy of promoting dialogue by advocating the elimination of another member who has differing views?
I don't see where T76 was asking for his elimination. My reading is that she was asking for him to be given a warning to cease his harrassment.
rumpleforeskiin said:...this board would be a much more peaceful place if this cancer was cut out once and for all.
rumpleforeskiin said:Ziggy Montana said:Let's just say that GG has this unique talent to bring the worst out of everyone. 'nuff said...
Let me join Maria Divina, Le Guy, and Dee in agreeing with this statement. I couldn't have said it better myself.
But tell me, oh Saint of Strip Club Patrons, why is it that some are capable of having heated debates without turning belligerent and some are not?Roland said:GG is doing this on purpose , to encourage "heated debates."
rumpleforeskiin said:"everyone" was certainly hyperbole. Given the posts of the last day or so by such respected posters as Dee, Maria, Maria, Athana, LeGuy, Ziggy, and T76, I think that I am not alone in the desire to see peace restored to this board.
Joe, who has a sense of humour, is certainly aware that it is a term of endearment. And I'd hardly call an 88 page thread one where participation is discouraged.
I also respond articulately to challenges that are intelligible.
Given that this is Canada and last season's Hockey thread ran 15 pages, I'd say the baseball thread is doing just fine thank you.eastender said:Given the subject matter,the small variety of posters, the limited number of teams discussed the baseball thread could be viewed as underachieving. Comparisons with previous years are tainted because of deletions and instability.
You didn't study logic in college, did you?eastender said:In the alternative, your point seems to be that if vulgarities, obsceneties, name calling was encouraged in every thread then every thread would run 88+ pages.
rumpleforeskiin said:But tell me, oh Saint of Strip Club Patrons, why is it that some are capable of having heated debates without turning belligerent and some are not?
I think you nailed this one, EE.eastender said:Many positive reasons come to mind from respect for others, self-confidence, integrity, history of success, an ability to step back and review a situation ......... .
Negative reasons come to mind as well.The opposites of the aforementionned, plus clinically recognized factors such as 'roid rage, alcohol abuse, admitted or proven illegal substance abuse, unfortunate experiences as a child, existing medical conditions,..............................
rumpleforeskiin said:Given that this is Canada and last season's Hockey thread ran 15 pages, I'd say the baseball thread is doing just fine thank you.
You didn't study logic in college, did you?
Mod 4 said:It's now time for people to move on. I really don't care where it started. I don't care who has been banned in the past. It's now time for our members to be civil with each other, or, if that is too much to ask, to ignore each other. If that's even too much to ask, it's within my power to give people time to think about it.
traveller_76 said:Maria Divina, Anik, Elizabeth when she was still around, Miss Maria, Jessy, myself and I don't know who else I missed who is welcomed to speak up, are all really tired of being this member's personal garbage disposal, in which to empty his own crap, his own issues in the form of stereotypes of women. The thing we all have in common is that none of us have had a 'real' date with him and all of us openly and regularly share our views.
We all just don't get that he is such a nice guy.... We are not being very 'nice' with him when we disagree...
This is not about disagreements over views. This is about one person's belief that he can be the judge of SPs. Afterall, so many have confided in him, he knows everything, he even knows what we think. Is it because he thinks that we think "all clients are losers" that we are deserving of his disrespect?
Mod 5 said:Don't tempt us General Gonad. If you want to believe people register on this board just to engage in discussion with you, go ahead. Do you wonder how the hundreds of other such escort review boards exist without a General Gonad ? Mind boggling , isn't it?
If I'm reading this correctly, you'd like to explore some controversial issues and only those that agree with you are welcome to reply in your threads?General Gonad said:Why not give me some leeway to explore some topics? I already stated that I will respect the other participants and I prefer it if they ignore me.