I don't know why not. He is and I do it all the time. As for my brief reappearance on TBC (Tom's Blue Cesspool), it wasn't hard to figure out. Hell, even EE could have done it, though he'd certainly have found some way to confuse the issue.Ziggy Montana said:Generally speaking, I wouldn't go as far as to call him "full of shit" though it's quite visible that the scum line has reached pretty high in his case.
Leaving alone the possible reasons for his fixation, I'm wondering how vBulletin makes it possible for regular members to tell when people "try to log on". Doesn't one require Mod privilege in order to tell?hornyanglo66 said:Unfortunately the most useless of all still can't stay away from Merc and has tried to login again here on Aug 12 2007 at 8:33 AM (...)
You know, I was lurking around BFC (Bottom Feeder Central) yesterday to see if anything of any value remained and was left with the sense that it's fading rapidly, it's primary remaining purpose to afford those banished here, the crippled both physically and emotionally, a place to rant in the darkness.Ziggy Montana said:If that hornyanglo66(*) brown noser is indeed a Mod, then we know why moderation on the "Zero-Tolerance"TBC is so erratic and biased. While there are members being booted out on account of Mods personal dislikes, others, like Elf, GG and OK, are turning this board into a rubbish bin with complete impunity.
Wow. Just checked his links out. Not only is Fuckbrains a tormented, obsessive compulsive, narcissist, he's also a man of little taste and virtually no class. No wonder Mrs. G. rejects his sorry ass on a nightly basis.Ziggy Montana said:Great, now fuckbrains is posting juvenile pornography on the shitboard.
All expenses paid, including airfare? The destination of our choice? Do we get to choose a companion and are her expenses paid as well? (I wonder what Maria Divina is doing the next two weeks.)Mod 8 said:Anyone who continues to make references to another board's posts or it's members will be met with an immediate 2 week vacation
Pour le trouver, il faudrait d'abord que je retrouve le sommeil.traveller_76 said:M. Swann: Pour blanquetter il faudrait d'abord que vous m'ammeniez un catleya
Les deux clochers de Martinville, dans La Recherche...traveller_76 said:JacknJill: c'est où Martinville?
mer... ci... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxoxoxoxtraveller_76 said:Ziggy Montana: à mesure que vous lisez ceci vous devenez engourdi, votre corps se relaxe, vos paupières deviennent lourdes... fermez les yeux... vous entrevoyez une plage, quelque part dans le sud, sur laquelle vous vous faite dorer au soleil... loin des tracas quotidiens... border, par le shhhhh.... incessant de la mer... le sommeil vous gagne.... shhhhh.........
Ziggy Montana said:A stray jacket would do...
Will be back the day this sociopath will be banned permanently from this board.
Hurl till you die, you sick fuck...
I really resent what some members can get away with and others can'tZiggy Montana said:A stray jacket would do...
Will be back the day this sociopath will be banned permanently from this board.
Hurl till you die, you sick fuck...
beautydigger said:I really resent what some members can get away with and others can't![]()
Ziggy Montana said:Side effects:
Adverse Events
Autoimmune Disorders
Chest Pains
Decreased Peripheral Blood Counts
Depression and Suicide![]()
Hepatic Injury and Hepatitis
Menstruation and Abnormal Bleeding![]()
Psychiatric Disorders![]()
Renal and Urogenital Functioning
Wouldn't know about that one but you can always ask Dr. Peyton, she'll fill you in.Maria Divina said:Have you forget dysfunctional erection ?? but keep it for you to not injure below the waist?? (je veux dire "en dessous de la ceinture....??)