Montreal Escorts

Advance Booking Schedules RANT

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Booker said he worked back in the old days, pre-internet and such, i would really doubt any SP of today would know him outside of seeing him as a client. As for clients, why would they know the booker personally? lol, they may have seen his girls, but why would they have seen him personally? Unless something went wrong...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello STN

You are definitely a talented reader

For professional athlete and Celine Dion, their managers would be the same as bookers, do you actually think that a SP who hires a booker is now under the employment of the booker??? Really?

Some examples in this thread,STN quoating Booker with a twist
Well definitly not employees
Is a professionnal athlete the employee of is agent ?
Was Celine the employee of René Angelil ?

Really very talented :lol::lol::lol:
As for SP's refusing to see a client that would be the same as someone refusing to do unsafe work, so really there is no difference, as for collection donations it would be impossible to have the booker collect so things are tweaked a little, again since the employee and SP get the bulk of the money another moot point.
Opinions based on 8-10 years escort Boards ?
Unsafe work ?Is that a arguement to say that escorting is a safe work ?But with very little exceptions ?
STN since you declare yourself a highly competent business administrator 100 + employees ,please in light us on a reasonable salary percentage

This marraige thing has me stumped, WTF are you trying to say and what does it have to do with this.
This quitting and firing thing, you just running out of things to say, let me type this slowly... SP's
Lets read it again !!
You can quit your mariage/relationship ,you where still not a employee .
The quitting and firing part are not exclusive wording to the a employer vs employee relationship
Its now Bolded for easier reading ;)
WTF are you trying to say
You are trying to say .......???????????????????????
working for an agency and an employee ( or contractor ) subing out to some company can both be fired or quit so there is no real difference.
The point being ? A contractor or sub or employee can all be fired or quite ,how does that prove that a lady working for a agency is a employee ,since
there is no real difference.
Correct no real differences.............
As for your decades of running many successful agencies, really, never heard of that before
Ok it seems you know a lot about this business ,you must know SweetCaroline or maybe not ,since you getting your infos on escorts Board .
And there is structured escorting off of Boards ,either you acknowledge it or not, its a fact

( you have also claimed to have ran a multi million dollar retail chain, multi million dollar bakery, own investment property all over Canada,
One correction Retail chain Bakery and investment properties in B.C. and Quebec ,not all over Canada

buy your cars with cash, leave crips hundreds as tips and the list goes on ),

What is impressive about paying a new car cash ?:confused:

the people I talked to who have been hobbying for decades and even SP's have never see or heard of you before ( when you were at the MTLGFE party ).
How often and why does a Booker meet up with his clients ?
You are proving that I was and still am very Discreet
Booker said he worked back in the old days, pre-internet and such, i would really doubt any SP of today would know him outside of seeing him as a client. As for clients, why would they know the booker personally? lol, they may have seen his girls, but why would they have seen him personally? Unless something went wrong...

You get the point exactly HM
So sorry if I am not in awe.
Now this is just my opinion but when someone constantly brags about something and I mean always and add to that on a escort review board where no one knows anyone really ( ok a few do )
Yes I do agree it is just your opinion ..........
Remind me again whats the purpose of a escort review board ???:lol:

I am very cautious of what to believe,
This is a good advice ,
So your are suggesting people be cautious about what you say ?

all sucessfull people I know keep a low key and do not brag every chance they get to remind people of how successful and important they are. Again, these are just my opinions and.
Well for someone so opinionated in politics it is very very surprising :confused:
am not affiliated with any secret spy orginization.
Now this I do believe

PS: If a bust did go down with an agency incall or outcall you can be guaranteed that the agency would be charged as they do the advertising and make the bookings for their employees.
Thats a personal guarantee of yours ?Ok:thumb:
You seem to be full of knowledge ,without bragging,Great

Escorts working for agencies are still not employees :cool:;)

And yeah STN you forgot to comment the quotes of the two active Bookers




Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
One correction Retail chain Bakery and investment properties in B.C. and Quebec ,not all over Canada

I do remember reading that a looong time ago in another galaxy :)
Well and yes I prefer Indy... seems the booking is much easier..

Lily from Montreal

I do not do same day meeting unless I've met the gentleman before so prebooking is preferred but the drawback with prebooking is the longer in advance the more chances it will not happen...

I am sure there is a formula somewhere someone who is more into numbers then me can create,it would be inversely proportionate I think, it is like I go to my twice a year dentist appointment,
they always ask me to book already for the next one in 6 months,six months in advance my day is always free and 90% of the time when the day arrives real life finds something to prevent me to go...
What was the odds that I book my dentist appointment six months before and 3 days before the hospital called to tell me my surgery day was the same? After being on a waiting list for ,yes,six months?

It is the same with the hobby but worse because so many real life activities takes precedence to playing,work,family,health ,name it ,it can and will play havoc with your playtime.

I understand those cancellations by the way,planes do get delayed ,work meetings get scheduled,I am fine with that and won't hold it against you .

Some reasons are a bit strange but I am not judging and that belong to another thread.

What I do not get is the guy who book me on Thursday afternoon for the next morning and then cancel the next morning ,one hour before the meeting,thank God I was still at home,to say he has to cancel because he has a cold, I would guess cold feet...

But with experience I had a feeling he was just playing at booking...I have developed a sixth sense lol
And yes those I will refuse to see when they asks again,in these case one strike you're out.

After I've met you once I know you are legit and not just playing at booking but I strongly recommend you are as sure as possible of your schedule when booking with a lady the first time,I will make allowance for work reasons but you will get one chance only...


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
the drawback with prebooking is the longer in advance the more chances it will not happen... (...)
After I've met you once I know you are legit and not just playing at booking but I strongly recommend you are as sure as possible of your schedule when booking with a lady the first time,I will make allowance for work reasons but you will get one chance only...

Makes sense... I'd say that once you've seen someone the delay for booking might be a tad longer - not too much mind you - as the seriousness of that person is not in question.

Lily from Montreal

Yes, with out of towner it can be very long and I appreciate a hello once in a while to keep in touch,
and with my demographic of choice it is also a ''sign of life'' lol
That is if there will be a encore...
I do not have time and energy to exchange with gentleman who won't book...
I am not a penpal no matter how I like to write.
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