Montreal Escorts

Agencies Pressuring Hobbyists...Decide NOW Before the Meeting!


New Member
Nov 15, 2004

In general, agencies like Exxxtase, Eleganza, JdeMadison, Celine's, Asservissante, Devilish and others, responding to phone calls for last-minute "deliveries" are most probably going to book their girls back to back, as many times as possible until their shifts end. As SL said, you can't expect them to leave a gap between appointments "just in case". Higher-scale agencies operating mainly by emails are less prone to book back to back appointments. I'm not saying it can't happen, but you have better chances that you'll be able to extend.

Independents are also another way to go if you want this possibility. Most of them became independent because they were tired of the quantity and wanted to focus more on quality experiences. When you book with them you are most probably their only date for the evening.

If you want to book days in advance and still be able to extend with the lady on the spot (the g-spot? :rolleyes: ), your best bet is to book with "higher-scale" agencies like FKS, or independents.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Clarification again.

Hello all,

Whoa, I did not expect this post to get so much reaction in one night. Geeeeez, I go to see the Red Sox against the Mets and when I return...I find quite a thread going on. Hey...did you see the fabulous catch Coco Crisp made last night. DAAAAAAAMMMMNNNNNNN! Okay, time for reclarification here.

I realized as I was writing there would be a great need for further clarification later. I just did not want to turn my first post in to a doctoral thesis in trying cover every point I knew many would bring up. But here are the basic point for the several of you who have continued to misread my key grievance on this thread.

Most importantly, I have never suggested, in any way that the agency should lose any opportunity to maximize its business by holding or blocking an hour for any hobbyist by waiting for him to decide if he wants an extra hour or a few extra hours. The agency can obviously do whatever it wants with any uncommitted time. But is it right when some try to boost their profits by attempting to force a decision site unseen when the lady has few or no reviews. I am willing to take the risk of losing the opportunity to have more time if the agency gets the chance to book the lady during uncommitted time.

But why are some agencies asking for a commitment up front for multiple hours once I have said I cannot be sure because of the lack of reviews? Why attempt to force a decision with no previous meeting? It seems completely unnecessary to point out that if time is open, then it is open until someone books it and no one should expect the agency to risk a loss for a hobbyist who wants to wait at least until he meets the lady for a few minutes. In my five years it has seemed reasonable and logical for agencies and hobbysits to book open time as they wish. It seems to me that some agencies are now asking for unreasonable commitments so they can maximize their profits by asking the hobbyist to assume more risk. The agencies with well established good reputatuions aren't doing this.




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Maxima said:
Agree with Daringly. Most of us here have never been pressured into booking multiple hours. So Korbel's point seems to be the exception.
Korbel, would you name the agency(ies) that pressured you?


You at first talked about a trend, and it now sounds to me like an isolated incident with one agency. I would put them in the rear view mirror and not worry about it.


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Mar 12, 2003
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I don't know if this is an isloted incident, a trend or whatever, please name the agency or agencies that are acting in this manner & if you could actually post as close to the exact conversation in as full as possible, how it or they transpired.

If you aren't comfortable in doing this publicly, I'm offering to exchange PM's with you confidentially & call these agencies, trying to bait them into pressuring me. Under such an arrangement, it's would be up to you to post a conclusion.

I have done this for someone in the past but in that case it was a total personal situation that needed to get resolved.

P.S. Whether or not someone has been reviewed on a board has no bearing to me as to what an agency can or can't ask a client. Not all clients are board members.
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The Wizard of Oz

1006 yrs old and retiring
Dec 19, 2005
StripperLover said:
Just to add that it is totally reasonable for any agency to be able to book all their ladies as many clients as they are prepared to see in an evening.

That's another good reason. What I mean is agencies owners have to deal with some criteria like this one witch is a respectful attitude for their girls.

Maxima said:
Agree with Daringly. Most of us here have never been pressured into booking multiple hours. So Korbel's point seems to be the exception.
Korbel, would you name the agency(ies) that pressured you?

Agree also. After all, ain't hobbiest use the board to have these informations?


Special K

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May 3, 2003
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After all this and Korbels last "clarification" I'm going to have to say that this whole issue / thread is quite useless since I myself and apparently many others have never been "pressured" into booking 2 hours with an unseen/ unreviewed lady. You want to see her for 2 hours then it's the chance you take, "Buyer Beware" don't say you're being pressured, you have the option when calling up, you either want to see someone for 1 hour or you want them for longer. The problem I feel lies with Korbel in this situation.

Do what I assume most other people would do and see the lady for 1 hour, if you have a fabulous time then book her again at another date for the amount of time you feel necessary.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Hello all,

I know many of you deal with more elite agencies which, I am sure, are more accommodating since they I less likely to try to book their ladies one hour after another all night long. Yes, so it is my task to deal with whatever may come from dealing with LDL agencies. Still, during my last few visits the question of deciding on the number of hours has come up often enough to qualify in my view as a "trend".

I seem to be in the minority in this experience, but not alone. It is hard to believe that so few of you have ever been asked to decide how many hours you want with a fairly unknown new you have never met and were never ambivalent about making a firm commitment without before a first meeting. It seems I have read many posts over five years where someone has said they were not sure how many hours they wanted with someone new. If the agent never then said, okay I have to know now how long you want to keep her: then I and a few others have had rare experiences.

I have thought about identifying the name of the agencies for you. There are more than one. I don't think it is fair to cite an agency for a single incident; for what might be a lone abberation. So I will only name the one that tried to insist on the type of method I have described. I have called Dangerous Curves during two separate trips and when I asked about someone they ask how long. That is a normal question of course. What I object to is being told to decide firmly over the phone before I meet the lady even though her time is still open for a longer possibilty at the time I call. As I have said, if her time is booked before I can request a longer meeting I have no grievance. But why not just let each party take equal risks without attempt to require a firm commitment without any prior experience and too little information. This came from assistants at the agency, not the owner. My experiences directly with Peter have been very aimiable and successful. Other agents ( probably not the owners there either) at two other agencies have asked for similar commitments at least once.

As for explaining more on the basic elements of my grievance, I don't know what more I can say. I now seem to be repeating myself which is obviously not helping. I have described what happened and I have given my view of what I think would be a more balanced and friendlier approach. That's all of it for me.

Though most of you do not seem to have experienced things as I have described them, you seem to offer the same solution..."let the buyer beware". Make the best decision you can and take your chances like everyone else. That is reasonable. But I did feel the need to see what you thought about this. I never thought it was a critical matter. But I did find the approach by a few agents as described here to be fairly unreasonable, objectionable and "unbalanced".

Regarding Special Ks view that this thread is "useless"...I want to thank him for his tolerance and participation in providing multiple posts on this thread. For me, when I find a thread doesn't interest me and seems...useless...I don't put any time and effort into it. I don't find it logically consistent to provide opinions uselessly. Others may see this contrast differently. Thanks to all of those who have read and contributed. I fully realize your time is valuable and I am gratefull for your input.


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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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My final thoughts on this subject.

Korbel said:
What I object to is being told to decide firmly over the phone before I meet the lady even though her time is still open for a longer possibilty at the time I call. As I have said, if her time is booked before I can request a longer meeting I have no grievance. But why not just let each party take equal risks without attempt to require a firm commitment without any prior experience and too little information.


At the time you far in advance do you usually call to see a lady? Do you start calling Asserv. at say 3pm when they start answering the phones for an appt at 7p or 8p, Devilish around 5pm give or take an hour, Eleganza 4pm??? The reason I ask is even though at the time of the call she's not yet booked after you it is pretty much guaranteed that she will be booked for the next appointment soon after you hang up the phone and the phone rings with the next customer, this is why it is completely non feasible for a popular LDL agency to block out an extra hour just in case you decide at 8pm when you meet her that you want to have a 2 hour date instead of 1.

I mean no disrespect at all and welcome your participation but to me this seems completely unworthy of any debate at all.

As a side note to the last line of the first paragraph, I know for a fact of an agency that does give preference to "regulars" and will extend your session if you request once the lady arrives and just bump back or completely blow off the next "non regular" client. My lips are sealed though.




Jun 28, 2006
Pavlov's dogs...

Extending the apointment? Yes you can! Here is what you do:

Book for an hour. If you like the girl, when the hour is up, go downstair, stuff a $20 up the driver's ass and tell him to take a hike. I am sure he will do. When he comes back after the next hour is up I bet you he will be anxiously awaiting with his pants pulled down for the next $20 to be inserted up his pooper... whoof! whoof! :D
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May 14, 2004
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Korbel said:
Hello all,

I know many of you deal with more elite agencies which, I am sure, are more accommodating since they I less likely to try to book their ladies one hour after another all night long. Yes, so it is my task to deal with whatever may come from dealing with LDL agencies. Still, during my last few visits the question of deciding on the number of hours has come up often enough to qualify in my view as a "trend".

I seem to be in the minority in this experience, but not alone. It is hard to believe that so few of you have ever been asked to decide how many hours you want with a fairly unknown new you have never met and were never ambivalent about making a firm commitment without before a first meeting. It seems I have read many posts over five years where someone has said they were not sure how many hours they wanted with someone new. If the agent never then said, okay I have to know now how long you want to keep her: then I and a few others have had rare experiences.


One of the lessons I've learned in this hobby has been that picking women at random leads to random results. I remember several years back how Tom of First Time (agency that was since disbanded) sent over a Kim he advertised as 34B-24-34 over the phone. I had read of a well-reviewed Kim from his agency. The Kim who arrived was Rubenesque, upon taking off her heavy winter coat, and at the same time pleasant and sweet. Physically, she was not my type but I went through with the session and didn't pursue certain acts.

One of the more challenging aspects of being a hobbyist is exercising self-discipline and staying within budget. It's tremendously subjective. I dislike throwing away hard-earned money on encounters that are anything less than very memorable or pleasurable. So that narrows the field for me. The type of lady I'll seek out is typically 8+/10 across the board on looks/service/attitude/skill/enthusiasm. Based on posts I've read and pictures viewed, If I were to seek out one of the Asservissante ladies, for instance, I'd probably narrow the field to Caroline, Marie-France, Marie-Eve, and Channel. I'd be willing to pursue 2+ hours with any of these gals. For an unknown woman, if I ever went that route, I'd very likely keep it to 1 hour. If we clicked, there could always be a second encounter downstream. Seeing unreviewed gals sight-unseen often results in many average and below-average experiences. And an occasional dreadful experience.

The superstar ladies tend to be well-known, oft-reviewed, and routinely very deserving of their accolades. Applies to forums like Captain69, ignatzmice, and the Montreal forums. Samy, for instance, is one Montreal woman who has the Richter Scale equivalent of being exponentially more powerful and desirable than her typical peer in this pursuit. Just like an 8.3 earthquake on the Richter Scale has 10 times the ground-shaking movement of a 7.3 quake, Samy is in many ways head-and-shoulders above her peer group, in my very humble opinion. Looks, physique, "mileage", skill, enthusiasm, dedication, personality. You name it. Yet some guys will pick out the most minor physical flaws in gorgeous women and focus on that rather than revel in the unique beauty that the lady brings to bear.

My mentality is that less is sometimes more in this hobby. Sabbiticals are a great way to avoid becoming addicted to this hobby. I once dated a woman who was a genuine 9.5+/10 for both face and body, without exaggeration. Absolutely stunning. With lots of character and inner beauty too. She was in her 20s at the time. She could have easily been a Playmate of the Year in the pages of Playboy. Hands-down. Awesome C-cup breasts with a shape and lift that men quickly noticed. Akin to the famous Nanci Li Brandi centerfold picture in Playboy in the mid-1970s (do a web search), if not more stunning. But she was somewhat reserved and modest. She'd never go the Playmate route. Guys would throw themselves at her. One guy that she treated platonically wanted her romantically; he saw me as a competitor for her affection and wouldn't so much as acknowledge me. A few guys would even drop to their knees and propose marriage upon first sight. And this was while I was dating her. The sad part was that she was physically abused by a couple guys and went through many years of repeated heartache in her relationships, including multiple divorces. I hear she's happily married now and doing well. I mention this because our views in this hobby are rather skewed by our personal experiences. In the real world, extremely beautiful women sometimes have very complicated personal lives. As for the Montreal escorts we've all had the good fortune to meet, we should thank our lucky stars.

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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
This situation is the reason that attending dinners and get togethers are such advantageous events.



New Member
Jun 11, 2006

:D I had problems with Devilish, Chris charged me full rate for 3 hours, he will get the money but will lose the customer. You surely won my friend. I had asked for two hours, then when I decided to go for three she was already booked. Had to come back later. But Chris asked for full charge. So the mather is settled get the money lose the bussiness. Shit appens end of story. Sorry Sophie.


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
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I had problems with Devilish, Chris charged me full rate for 3 hours, he will get the money but will lose the customer. You surely won my friend. I had asked for two hours, then when I decided to go for three she was already booked. Had to come back later. But Chris asked for full charge. So the mather is settled get the money lose the bussiness. Shit appens end of story. Sorry Sophie

So what you're saying is that because you hadn't booked her for all 3 consecutive hours together, they had to bring her back to see you later that evening and charged you the full $160 for each of the 3 hours (total $ 480) that you saw her, instead of their published rate(s) of $320 for 2 hours & then $140 for each extra hour for a total of $460 ?
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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Interesting topic...

I think Korbel had indeed experienced pressure to decide how many hours over the phone, though, I would be more inclined to say that that was "sales pressure" more than anything else. You know, create a buzz, "get it now before its gone" type pressure.

Korbel, why not just choose an hour and then decide if you will extend or not? If she is not booked after you once she gets to you, I am positive that no agency would refuse to extend?!

AL - transportation costs money, and time lost by traveling back and forth. Really, you cannot expect the girl, or the driver, or even the agency for that matter to pay for the fact that you didn't book enough time with the lady.

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clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
Mmmmaybe my English has gotten poor, but... I really do not see anywhere that Korbel has asked that a lady be "blocked off" for any length of time other than for what he initially asks. It sounds to me like he would have no problem with Anik's suggestion of booking an hour to start and then maybe more if he likes what's happening when the lady shows up (at his own risk of not being able to extend, if another appointment gets booked in the meanwhile).

The ONLY thing I'm seeing him ask is that, when he initially calls the agency, whoever answers not tell him that he HAS to decide about multiple hours immediately. I could see it as an attempt to "boost sales," and I don't have a problem with a sales pitch, but it's easy to come across as not so much cajoling as more like demanding (phrasing, etc.).

Did I miss something here, Korbel?

Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
just say no


I believe you feeled pressured when "asked" to decide NOW on multiple hours before the meeting and you don't consider that reasonable, and you see that as a trend.

There is a simple solution- just say NO to multiple hours and say YES to 1 hour, and take it from there.

You are the King in deciding how to spend your hard earned money. If these agencies don't treat you right, I would say take your money and spend it somewhere else. If most or all agencies do not treat you right, then we may be looking at a different problem that would require a different solution.
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Feb 24, 2005
I'm totally agree with Maxima and Rex let say you book a girl for 21 to 23pm and then another merbite book the girl for 23h30 but the first one want keep her for longer appointement what the agency should do? I believe that's correct that the girl leave to go meet the 2nd clients.

Now figure your the second client and agency decide to delay your appointement what you gonna do? Goes on merb and start bitching girl was late etc... Try to book your appointement for time desired and if she's not available for longer stay once she get there too bad.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There is absolutely no basis for any complaint against Devilish based on the facts you have articulated here. Transportation costs are part of reality whether you wish to acknowledge it or not.
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