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agencies with ties?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Merlot said:
Hello all,

This thread started with a simple question that was ridiculed and the author insulted. Now it has become a "Bash Benson" thread. Really now...hasn't anyone got anything better to lip diddling??? This has got to be one of the most worthless threads ever. :(


Merlot Not really. I just got back from the game and needed to play with a troll to forget the sad performance of the Habs tonight. I'll be better tomorrow.:p


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
bensonnobalia said:
So IMHO by discouraging the original question posed at the start of this thread, ....senior posters are doing a major disservice.

I agree with Benson. Even though someone who already knows all about these ties may find it useless, I would wonder why someone should not be allowed to simply ask any question they want here. If the question is not worth it, just don't answer it! It behooves me to think that people spent more almost 2+ pages to debate about the value of this question! At least it was mildly entertaining!


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
hormone said:
to simply ask any question they want here. If the question is not worth it, just don't answer it!

For my part, before answering any question I look at the posting history of the member. I can then gauge whether to answer the question, or what tone an answer might have. I looked at this thread-starters history, and wondered what motive there was in asking the question.

This poster also started new threads to ask about SP-friendly hotel/motels, as if there aren't already numerous threads already. He started a thread to ask if Xtase was a good agency, even though there are pages of reviews. He started yet another GFE vs PSE thread, and this thread.

So, I asked a simple question in reply... What does agency ownership matter?
(BTW I still don't see his answer, but he has moved on to start other helpful threads)

I can't/won't speak for others, but my question was met with a personal attack, including name calling & wild assumptions, but knowing the source was described as an agency-hating s-disturber, it was easily dismissed.

You are right about 1 thing... the entertainment value has gone.




Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Thanks for the answer

Voyager said:
This poster also started new threads to ask about SP-friendly hotel/motels, as if there aren't already numerous threads already. He started a thread to ask if Xtase was a good agency, even though there are pages of reviews. He started yet another GFE vs PSE thread, and this thread.

So, I asked a simple question in reply... What does agency ownership matter?
(BTW I still don't see his answer, but he has moved on to start other helpful threads)

I can't/won't speak for others, but my question was met with a personal attack, including name calling & wild assumptions, but knowing the source was described as an agency-hating s-disturber, it was easily dismissed.

Thanks for your input on my questions Voyager. Sounds all reasonable to me. I can say that had I posted a question that gets replied with a why?, I would have answered.
Of course I was not targetting you specifically, simply commenting on the whole phenomenon. I personally prefer simply to ignore threads/ questions that are s***- disturbing or silly in my view. I am not sure that a nasty or "biting"-tone answer is a solution either--and again, I am not saying your answer was. I would think that most people who simply want attention die off when ignored properly... that's all.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Well, Benson, one more on my ignore list!

Isn't this funny! Each time I put somebody on my ignore list, they are soon after banned! I have no links with Mods and no power on banning peoples but, I guess it's coincidence!

Other funny part is, it's always the same type of posters I tend to put on my ignore list and, this type of poster usually have a beef about many, many members, yet the members getting beefed usually get along with the majority. How strange is life...

No need to reply Benson, I won't see it.


Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
Visit site
A relevant question

Getting back to the original question...which caught my attention because a) I'm a student of marketing and b) I'm cheap!

From a customer viewpoint, I find it quite relevant to know which agencies are owned/operated by the same pimps. Normally, I would expect pimps that operate more than one agency/brand to design their offering so as to go after different segments of the market, as in the Honda/Acura analogy. However, I would also expect girls who usually work the high end of the market to occasionnally (when in dire need of cash, say) work the lower end. These are buying opportunities, that some unrepentant bargain hunting clients want to know about! Naturally, it is not in a $300/h SP's interest to let it be known that she can occasionnally be had for significantly less. Nor is it in the pimp's interest, because that would hurt his high-end brand.

By monitoring all agencies under the same or associated management, it is easier for johns to spot those opportunities. That is why the original question is quite relevant, contrary to what several posters are claiming.


PS: Incidentally, on a personal note, I stopped partaking in the hobby about two years ago since I fell in love (yes, I dare use the word) with a civilian. Yet I remain interested in the hobby as an onlooker.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
joeblow said:
Getting back to the original question...

Its nice to get back to the original question, if we knew what it was. All he said/asked was "are some agencies the same in one?"

Everyone applies their own assumptions to what the thread-starter really meant, but he hasn't come back to the thread to explain. My first reply was to ask, but we are left to guess. Maybe he was only asking that specific question, and not infering anything beyond it? Its classic for some types to start threads, but not care about answers... there's a term for it, but far be it for me to jump to conclusions.

I stopped partaking in the hobby about two years ago since I fell in love (yes, I dare use the word) with a civilian.
Good luck to you.


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