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American Politics and Government -- the never-ending struggle

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May 28, 2012
The fact was and remain .........................................his worshippers who still don't know sh!t about how the world is today !

Cheers !


I tried to only quote what I was going to respond to. But since your post was devoid of any facts and constituted nothing but the rants of a disorganized mind, I decided to quote just enough to identify the post and clarify for everyone that which made no sense.

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Seriously i don't see any reason to keep this thread open....

I do. I started the thread because I think Merbites should have a place to talk about US politics.

If you don't like one guy's posts, you're free to put up your own and make any case you like (as long as it's about US politics).


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I can confirm the effects and the medaling by Janet Reno during the Clinton Administration.

I'm sure you can, you being merb's resident expert on paranoia and all things right wing whacko.

Sir, I was at Ground Zero prior to, during and after the 2008 Meltdown.
I would hardly call Disney World ground zero.

But since your post was devoid of any facts and constituted nothing but the rants of a disorganized mind.
And who would know better than you about "devoid of facts" and the "rants of a disorganized mind?"
May 28, 2012
You gotta just laugh in absolute wonderment as to how Nancy Pelosi stays in office. She obviously took Professor Obama's Constitution Law Course given her lack of knowledge of the constitution:

No Nancy the First Amendment has little to do with gun control unless you count Obama's comment about those folks holding on to their "Guns & Bibles" comment. Thinking about it again, I guess I can see how she stays in office. I mean look at the relative common sense of the folks from that derranged city. Hell I'll bet they've banned the teaching of the Constitution from that cities' education.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have not followed all your posts here but I am surprised at the lack of an obligatory quote or two from Dick Cheney, who most recently made news for ripping Obama's Cabinet appointees as "second rate."
May 28, 2012

I have not followed all your posts here but I am surprised at the lack of an obligatory quote or two from Dick Cheney, who most recently made news for ripping Obama's Cabinet appointees as "second rate."

Frankly I didn't think it needed to be said. It's kind of like having to say the Ravens are a good team. The issue is self evident. No, the real funny thing is how Leon Panetta threw Obama and Hillary under the bus last week in Senate hearings. He admitted that BO & Hillary were AWOL on Bengazi-gate:

Why bother with Cheney when BO's own best lieutenants** are hanging him out to dry. Unfortunatly the reality is the press will bury the issue via non-coverage. Always look for the Libs and the enabling press to circle the wagons.

They wonder why the publc is putting up such resistance to any encroachments on their 2nd amendment rights when BO continues to strip the military of its best officers. The public is getting ready to defend itself from a tyranical government. This was and is the real basis of the 2nd Amendment:

Now watch all of the creatures get all excited and start calling me all kinds of names which the Mods will ignore. This should be fun.....

**Leon Pannetta being one of the very few good people BO has working for him.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
CS, I could stay behind you and defend you each time you do something that will cause other members to be mean but, MERB isn't my full time job and I wouldn't have enough of 24 yours/days to keep up with you.

Your Facebook? Guess, what: usually, people we accept as friends on Facebook are people who think like us and we associate with. By association, people seeing your post via those who are your friends will likely think the same way. That's no surprise people who have access to your Facebook "like" your posts.
I am certain all dictators this world ever known would have thousand and thousand of "like" on whatever they post on Facebook, if Facebook had existed during their time. That wouldn't make whatever they posted true or good, it would only mean many people were "deranged" enough to think like them.

What about stopping to preach on MERB? It's obvious, most here don't think the way you do and won't change their mind. All you're doing is wasting your time and give ammunition to those who want to take shots at you. Mods aren't here to be used as shields: you have to get out of the line-of-fire.

At this point, maybe a session with Alyssa is what you should think of to get rid of your need to be dominated? You act like you're masochist and you keep coming for more, each time a member reply to you, digging even deeper if you're ignored, to ensure you'll trigger a reaction.

Oh! I forgot! You don't like the place? The moderators aren't fair or objective? Nobody is forcing you to visit.
I'm certain there's plenty of US-based boards dedicated to people who think the same way you do. That way, you won't have to deal with retards who dare think differently than you do.



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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While I imagine that my political views are close to Merlot's or Alyssa's, I disagree with Mod 11's suggestion for Vercingentorix to stop posting here.

Firstly, on principle: Free Speech means tolerating those who disagree with you. It is meaningless if only extended to those who reinforce your own beliefs.

Secondly, while occasionally he has been impolite, he certainly hasn't been worse than some of his attackers.

Thirdly, I have a certain morbid curiosity about the thoughts of those on the dark side, but not enough to spend any time watching Fox or trolling right wing websites. I also admire their creativity in spinning the news to justify their agendas. I found his comments about Leon Panetta interesting.
May 28, 2012
CS, I could stay behind you ....................................................................................................US-based boards dedicated to people who think the same way you do. That way, you won't have to deal with retards who dare think differently than you do.


I only have one question #11, will you allow me a period to speak as freely (without fear of banning or reprisal) to both you and Alyssa as you've had? Frankly, I have to measure my directly arguments and thoughts as it's clear you're looking for an opportunity to ban me either permanently or for some term. In other words you clearly have a different set of criteria for my posts as opposed to others. If not, let's understand that I take both your post and Alyssa's with less than a grain of salt. Thus I would normally ignore both as not worth responding to.

In other words, are you willing to go mano y mano without your ban button?? I think not.
May 28, 2012
I found his comments about Leon Panetta interesting.

It's OK to have respect for those with a more liberal tint when they behave like gentlemen and are genuine in their intentions. I particularly like Leon Panetta and Joe Lieberman. I keep telling everyone that I'm a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. I've recently even come around to being more open to thinking differently fiscally, but I still don't like liars and disingenuous people who seek to undermine the U.S. Government & its Constitution. People like Alyssa think with their hearts and not with what limited intelligence they have. They have little understanding of the US Constitution and quite frankly don't have sufficient mental resources to even attempt an understanding. Such folks often resort to name calling instead of any real discourse.
May 28, 2012
Firstly, on principle: Free Speech means tolerating those who disagree with you. It is meaningless if only extended to those who reinforce your own beliefs.

Secondly, while occasionally he has been impolite, he certainly hasn't been worse than some of his attackers.


What you're missing here is that Mod's 8 & 11 as well as the various mscrants are really running a popularity contest and not a discussion board. In typical Francophone fashion they come up with the action and then formulate their own form of logic to conform to it.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005

What you're missing here is that Mod's 8 & 11 as well as the various mscrants are really running a popularity contest and not a discussion board. In typical Francophone fashion they come up with the action and then formulate their own form of logic to conform to it.

Ex- CUSE me?!? you want to run that one by me again, mr ''do like I say, not like I do?''

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
CS, you're trying really hard to become a martyr, aren't you? Where did I specifically said I was going to ban YOU in my last post? Did you read that on Fox News? Sorry, I don't post there so it must be false but again, if Fox said so...

Where in that same post did I insult YOUR PERSON? I talked about your actions. You have to make a difference between somebody discussing your opinion or your actions and somebody talking about YOU as a person.

On the other hand...
I still don't like liars and disingenuous people
not with what limited intelligence they have.
frankly don't have sufficient mental resources to even attempt an understanding.
as well as the various mscrants
In typical Francophone fashion they come up with the action and then formulate their own form of logic to conform to it.
To me, these are personal insults directed at PEOPLE, not directed against opinions or ideas. You see the difference?
These are lines who should grant you a suspension but, I won't grant you your wish.
What can I say? I'm a sadist like that, I'm not going to please you on that one.

There's a HUGE difference between "You act like a gentleman." and "You are a gentleman.". No need to be a gentleman all the time to act like a gentleman once in a while.
Same way, I can love your ideas on a topic but I might not like you. See the nuances?

I only have one question #11, will you allow me a period to speak as freely (without fear of banning or reprisal) to both you and Alyssa as you've had?
I repeat, in my last post, where did I say I would ban you?
If you would speak to me the way I speak to you and speak that way to all members, nobody would have anything to say against your posts.

I don't care what you're posting, in terms of political views and the fact I agree or not is totally irrelevant. To be honest, I only scan what both sides post, I don't have time to read it all.

What bother me is simple: you are more often than not on the starting end of the insult wagon, with usually worst than other will splash back at you. And you're usually the one who complain the most about being insulted. I find that quite ironic and, after a while, annoying.

You have been given considerably more rope than other members. Don't forget you came back under a new name after being suspended and, you're still here. Just there, that's an infraction. To top it off, we allowed you back on the assumption you would not be back as the same ol' CS. That didn't last long, didn't it?
Last edited:

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
To all members, please read this carefully.

This part of the message is for everybody who want to participate in this thread, NO EXCEPTION!

  1. MERB rules now apply to this thread 100%. No more leniency, no case-by-case, no "he/she started it." bullshit.
  2. The counters are back to zero. Whoever breaks any rules will be held accountable, no matter when the feud started or who started it.
  3. Any infractions will get sanctioned at a level seen as appropriate by the moderators. You don't think it's fair and think it's arbitrary? Read the section in red in the rules
  4. If somebody is stirring shit, whoever follows will get the same sanction, no matter if it's 1 person or 10, no matter if it's a member since 2004 or a new member from yesterday.
  5. Insults, name-calling, Intentional name deformation, derogatory name variations, derogatory comments, all will be met by a sanction.
  6. Derogatory comments implying linguistic origins, religion, ethnicity, citizenhip and such will be met with an immediate 1 month suspension.
  7. Off-topic posts will get deleted without notice and posters might get suspended.
  8. This thread isn't about discussing MERB moderation.

I want to make it very clear: the free-for-all party is over!

Thread locked to ensure everybody have time to read this message. It will be reopen later.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Thread reopened.

Before anybody start posting again, I suggest you re-read my post above, even if you just did so a few minutes ago, just in case you missed something... Because I won't miss anything.

To all: the counters are back to zero, don't make them go up or your "time-out" counter will go up exponentially.

Please keep things respectful, civilized and accept other might have a different opinion and this doesn't make them idiots or retarded.
Sometimes, it's best to agree on disagreeing and leave it at that rather than escalating to a shouting match.

May 28, 2012
Here's an interesting fact. Apparently something has changed between 2009 and 2013 with regards to the Marine participation in the Inaugural Parade. It's sad when a sitting president is so scared of his own military that he has to disarm them in his precence. Maybe it's the systematic gutting of everything they are that's got him worried. Here's the story completed with video and historic verification:

Marines Were Disarmed for President Obama's Second Inaugural Parade
Katie Pavlich, News Editor, Townhall
Feb 11, 2013 11:00 AM EST

He's gutted their healthcare, plans to cut their pay and apparently, doesn't trust them either. David Codrea over at Gun Rights Examiner points out that Marines marching in President Obama's second inaugural parade recently were caring rifles without bolts, meaning they were removed.

“Didn't know the Marines had to take the bolts out of their rifles for the Inaugural,” an email forwarded to Gun Rights Examiner from a United States Marine Corps source observed. “Wonder if someone can explain why [they] would be marching in the inaugural parade with no bolts in their rifles!”

The email linked to a YouTube video of the 57th Presidential Inaugural Parade, embedded in this column, featuring Bravo Company Marines from the Marine Barracks Washington. Sure enough, the observation in the email is confirmed by watching the video, with screen shots provided in the photo and slide show accompanying this article.

This prompted an internet search to see if others had also noticed, and the Blur-Brain blog had.

“The bolts have been removed from the rifles rendering them unable to fire a round,” the post stated. “Apparently Obama’s Secret Service doesn’t trust the USMC. Simply searching each guy to make sure he didn’t have a live round hidden on him wasn’t enough, they had to make sure the guns were inoperable.

Wondering if this may be an inauguration policy of long standing that transcends administrations, Gun Rights Examiner made a cursory search and found something even more curious. In the 2009 Inaugural Parade, the United States Navy marched with rifles that had not been so disabled (see 1:24 into that video plus the final slide).

As Gateway Pundit points out, this isn't the first time Marines have been disarmed for an Obama administration event.

“In a sign of the nervousness surrounding Mr. Panetta’s trip, the Marines and other troops who were waiting in a tent for the defense secretary to speak were abruptly asked by their commander to get up, place their weapons — M-16 and M-4 automatic rifles and 9-mm pistols — outside the tent and then return unarmed. The commander, Sgt. Maj. Brandon Hall, told reporters he was acting on orders from superiors.

“All I know is, I was told to get the weapons out,” he said. Asked why, he replied, “Somebody got itchy, that’s all I’ve got to say. Somebody got itchy; we just adjust.”

Normally, American forces in Afghanistan keep their weapons with them when the defense secretary visits and speaks to them. The Afghans in the tent waiting for Mr. Panetta were not armed to begin with, as is typical.”


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Quite interesting. If you google, "Marines Were Disarmed for President Obama's Second Inaugural Parade" you find links to page after page of right wing nutblog, including the one that Marty just quoted, What you don't find, however, is a single link to a legitimate news source. Hey, Marty, did you know that Obama was born in Kenya? How do I know? Just check any of your favorit "news" sources, Mr. Fiscalconservativemyass.
May 28, 2012
Quite interesting. If you google, "Marines Were Disarmed for President Obama's Second Inaugural Parade" you find links to page after page of right wing nutblog, including the one that Marty just quoted, What you don't find, however, is a single link to a legitimate news source. Hey, Marty, did you know that Obama was born in Kenya? How do I know? Just check any of your favorit "news" sources, Mr. Fiscalconservativemyass.

Mod 11, I look to you for instruction on correct posting. How does this not violate your rules of post #185? It should be noted that when I used a deragatory name right after a similar post by Mod 8 I was banned for an entire month for doing it right after his post. I very much doubt this poster will receive same.
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