Montreal Escorts

Americans and passports


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
An American friend of mine wants to come to Montreal to visit but she has never bothered to get her passport.

So my questions are:

1) Can she get into Canada without her passport?

2) Can she get back into the USA without it?



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
naughtylady said:
An American friend of mine wants to come to Montreal to visit but she has never bothered to get her passport.

So my questions are:

1) Can she get into Canada without her passport?

2) Can she get back into the USA without it?


Hello Ronnie,

Try this:

Do Americans Need a Passport to Visit Canada?

-December, 2007-

Before answering the question, "Do I Need a Passport to Visit Canada?" travellers from the States should understand that US and Canada border requirements are not necessarily the same but inextricably linked. For example, Canada technically does not require a passport for US citizens arriving by plane to Canada, however, the US does require a passport to get back in; therefore no passport - no boarding a plane to Canada.

The answer to the question, "Do I Need a Passport to Visit Canada?" depends on how you are planning to cross the Canadian border and when. US Citizens Visiting Canada by Air

Since September 30, 2007, American citizens flying to Canada have needed a passport.

(In February 2007, the new passport requirements were relaxed for children. Read Crossing the Canada / US Border with Children.) US Citizens Visiting Canada by Land or Water

As of Dec 21, 2007, passport requirements have been once again delayed meaning that US citizens arriving in Canada by land or water do not need a passport until at least summer 2009.

Don`t wait! Apply online for your American passport now (PDF file).

Also, read our article on How to Rush Your Passport Application

Necessary ID to Enter Canada by Land or Water before the WHTI Dates:

Until the WHTI land and water dates go into effect, American citizens crossing the border into Canada by land or water need ID that proves two things: 1) Citizenship, and 2) Identity by way of a photo.

A driver`s license on its own or a Social Security Card on its own are not valid ID to cross the Canadian border.

The following pieces of identification will serve as satisfactory proof of American citizenship to enter Canada.

Please note, however, that photocopies of ID must be notarized:
  • US passport

  • Birth certificate,

  • Certificate of citizenship or naturalization,

  • Photo ID, such as current driver`s license
All U.S. citizens entering Canada from a third country must have a valid passport.

Alien permanent residents of the U.S. must present their Alien Registration Card, commonly called a “Green Card.”

For More Information:

Canada Border Services Agency OR The US Department of State

Further Reading about the Canadian Border:
Tips for Driving across the Border into Canada
Duty Free Shopping at the Canadian Border
Bringing Children across the Canadian Border
How Much Liquor Can I Buy at the Border?




Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
They now have (at least in NY) an Enhanced Drivers License. It can be used for land and sea travels to Canada and is cheaper than a passport. I believe that it only takes a couple of weeks to get so if your friend is looking to come over soon that may be the faster way to go.


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
Visit site
I always felt that brevity was the key so:
#1 yes, if she is driving
#2 yes, if she has a valid driver's license and a birth certificate (copy of birth cert. is ok)

How was that for an easy to read answer? jim

Classy Angel

Supporting Member
Sep 5, 2008
She may have a slightly harder time though

In general, people driving through without a passport are scrutinized quite a bit more. I know of several occurances where people were denied access for no reason - and it seems far more prevelant with the non passport carrying crowd.
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