metoo4 said:
Some forum rightfully prohibit login by directly going to the index page, without going to the main page. Why? Where's the most publicity? On the main page!
Bingo! And by the ways, since I have bookmarked the main page I am no longer experiencing the automatic logouts. I think the new software upgrade prohibits logins from the index page after a certain period of time. You are then automatically timed out and evicted. I had always bookmarked the index page in the past and never got booted out. Now, I time out after a few log ins if I bookmark the index page.
I guess someone must have told Fred that the one extra click needed to get to the index page means all the difference in the world in terms of additional exposure for MERB advertisers.

Truthfully it is not that big a deal, but it would have been nice if someone had actually explained this to the members instead of leaving us to figure out what happened on our own.