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Anthony Bourdain RIP


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Its interesting , disgustingly so , how Argento is using Bourdain as a cover in her plea of innocence against recent accusations . Dead men can`t contradict her.....but recent evidence from her own texts, can.

Now I`m more certain than ever that her toxic relationship with Bourdain was a key factor in his suicide.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Maybe yes maybe no. If you read kitchen confidential, bourdain was a walking time bomb. Very emotionally perturbed at times and deeply pessimistic about everything. She probably pushed him over the edge, who knows. I suspect also that boudain’s health was problematic. I believe he had lost weight and was not feeling well, a few months before he killed himself. Anyways all conjecture at this time.

Jim Ignatowski

New Member
Jan 11, 2012
Bourdain may have been happier as a anonymous chef in a NTC restaurant the way he was 20 years ago. His ride to fame took him through two marriages and a divorce. One day he woke up and found he was hooked up with a satanist. The hectic schedule of his work did not help. He was in a place he did not want to be.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Am I the only one to have a hard time following the drama in this article? All I can say is wow!


New Member
Nov 10, 2010
It is possible for people to rise in fame and fortune and wake up one day and know that this has not made them happy. All that can be given up or tapered back. The satanism is another thing, once he has given up his immortal soul he may not know how to get it back.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Here is an article analyzing how "Parts Unknown" would transform well kept neighborhood secrets into "Parts Well Known", a phenomenon which Bourdain is quoted on in past interviews gleaned for this report:

I should also mention I finished reading "Kitchen Confidential" and really enjoyed it. But I am very surprised that nobody has mentioned Bourdain's candid discussion of suicide in the book-at one point he graphically articulates his own suicide fantasy during a dark period in the 1980s, when he was doing lots of drugs, and at another point he mentions a friend who fires his Executive Chef for cause, leading to the Executive Chef to go home and hang himself. When the friend confessed his guilty feelings over the tragic suicide to Bourdain, Bourdain assuaged him by telling him that the Chef, a troubled fellow Bourdain knew, "simply could not handle the life", and that the result was inevitable. Bourdain ironically must have come to the same conclusion about himself, some 25 years later.

One thing Bourdain has given me with the book is how to use shallots in my cooking. Bourdain extolls the use of shallots in his cooking and I have now incorporated the shallot into many of my own dishes. I must say they are too strong to eat raw in salads, but they are great sauteed in sauces with meats.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Interesting thought. CNN might have done the right thing by taking a pause for awhile and airing the episodes as a tribute to him. I'm sure they would've edited anything out that would've suggest a tormented, troubled man.
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