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Anyone else sick of the extra up sell?

Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
I feel like the grumpy old man but "in my day" we paid the SP her donation for the hour (usually $160 although I do recall $130 rates at LFMJ) and the only real consistent extra was Greek. If it was on her menu, it was included.

Now it seems like most agencies are $180 with the up sell (don't get me started on the agencies with the 160/180/200/220 pricing tiers)

Things I can recall of the top of my head that I have been offered:

Anal digits ($40)
BBJTC ($40 to 60)
BBJTCIM ($60 to 100)
COF ($40 to 60)
DATY ($50 - one SP)
Greek (anywhere from $40 to $100)
GS ($60)
MSOG (yes one SP said it would be another $60 to pop twice)


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Then you have take control of the situation.

It's up to you to tell the person answering the call that you expect full GFE, no Greek, with no extra charges.

If agency person says, of course, no additional charges, when the girl comes to your room or place, you ask her the same thing as soon as she arrives.

If she says she charges extra, you tell her to leave. You then cross the agency off your list.

If enough customers do this, the girls won't up sell any more.


Mar 14, 2008
What is sick is when they offer BBFS as an upsell. This has been offered to me a few times. Any guy who takes up that offer is stupid and crazy!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What is sick is when they offer BBFS as an upsell. This has been offered to me a few times. Any guy who takes up that offer is stupid and crazy!
True. But this business survives because of too many stupid guys. Myself included, isn't it terribly stupid to spend all that money just to get laid?

p.s. For the record, i've never been offered bbfs by an sp. However, there have been a couple of them in the past who made me wonder if it wouldn't have happened had i not called 'time-out' in order to put on the rain coat. Finally, i will never pay a penny for an 'extra'. If it's part of the menu, fine. If you have to pay extra for something, my impression is that the girl is only doing it for the extra money & that's a no-no for me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Which agencies are doing this? I am planning a "Deer Hunting" trip in November and I want to avoid such crazyness.

P.S. Don't be shocked if you see me in a blaze orange coat and red checkerboard wool pants pulling into the Holiday Inn on Sherbrooke St.
Hello gentlemen...General question for you... Do you think that client 1 and client 2 should pay the same amount?

1) Wants 1 service. Mostly just a cbj.. With a quick penetration..Some good conversation.

2) Wants unlimited service, wcim, cof and maybe anal..

Personally I have never did or would ever offer bbfs as and extra, but have been asked Many times during sessions and maybe twice while calling for inquiries. like you said whoever engages in that is obviously :crazy:

Great advice daydreamer...``It`s up to you to tell the person answering the call that you expect full GFE, no Greek, with no extra charges.

If agency person says, of course, no additional charges, when the girl comes to your room or place, you ask her the same thing as soon as she arrives. ``

Ned Nobody

May 16, 2003
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Hello gentlemen...General question for you... Do you think that client 1 and client 2 should pay the same amount?

1) Wants 1 service. Mostly just a cbj.. With a quick penetration..Some good conversation.

2) Wants unlimited service, wcim, cof and maybe anal..

Aren`t we paying for the time, and not the specific services?

Except for one ``extra`` that`s a bit more understandable, I`ve never really enjoyed hearing the menu with a price attached to each option. For those who do give more than what I expect, I take care of them at the end, with a little extra or a gift. But only when I didn`t get the upsell.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Aren't we paying for the time, and not the specific services?

Except for one "extra" that's a bit more understandable, I've never really enjoyed hearing the menu with a price attached to each option. For those who do give more than what I expect, I take care of them at the end, with a little extra or a gift. But only when I didn't get the upsell.

Wise words by a wise man. I couldn't have said it any better! I totally agree! :thumb:

p.s. I now suggest that you now change your handle to 'Ned Somebody'. :eyebrows:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
...and not fucking you out of the goodness of her heart.

ain't all money extra money? :rolleyes:

No. 'Extra' means 'in addition to'. In addition to a set amount. For example, a girl might say "okay, i'm charging you $50 to go for a walk with you & i'll hold your hand for an extra $20. If you want me to suck your cock, it's an extra $60. If you want me to fuck your brains out, it's an extra $100. And so on....... :D


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Hello gentlemen...General question for you... Do you think that client 1 and client 2 should pay the same amount?

1) Wants 1 service. Mostly just a cbj.. With a quick penetration..Some good conversation.

2) Wants unlimited service, wcim, cof and maybe anal.

This is a great question. There is at least one agency that I know of that has a 2-tier price. Regular service which includes cbj and cfs. And then GFE service at $20 or $30 an hour more, which covers , dfk, and the rest, greek or cim, is up to the girl. This is an honest way to do business. You know what you are getting by how much you are paying. The girl gets extra because she is doing more. I like this model because the girl is actually getting more for what she is doing. If a girl chooses to upsell at the GFE price for services generally considered GFE, like dfk or , then it is a rip-off.

Many agencies advertise GFE because of competition. If they advertise it, then it becomes expected. When it is advertised, then if a customers opts for non-GFE, he will not pay less for it, just as the customer who calls and does not opt out of GFE service, he is expecting GFE. The girl gets the same either way. This is because of the business model that the agency has selected.

To expect Greek or CIM with the GFE is unfair because the girl may not like Greek or find it painful, and the CIM, well, that`s up to the discretion of the provider. Girls perform GFE with extras at no charge because it is more in demand and they will get more customers, but no one should be forced into extras beyond the GFE if it is not advertised as such.

Kansas Frank

I am planning a "Deer Hunting" trip in November . . . .

No moose hunting? :) I heard about two sisters getting into separate auto accidents with mooses -- first sister was in the hospital after crashing her car into a moose; the second sister also unluckily crash into a moose on her way to visit her sister in the hospital. Lighting struck twice in that family.

Morale of the story: fool me once, I'll make sure other Merbites took fall into the same trap.

If B&S "upselling" is happening widely, it must mean business is great for the SP's -- more demand than supply, which I imagine is NOT the case, given that the US$ has gained some against the C$, not that it's much of an indicator in Hobbyland, but I figure it plays a small factor in Hobbyland.

I too might be able to visit beautiful Montreal in November or December; hell, hotels are cheaper.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
This is an interesting subject, one that I have jungle with for a while before making something
out of it to make it interesting for everyone involved.

About GFE / PSE services and the possible extras related to the PSE service.

GFE Services and PSE Service aren’t the same. Here at Montreal Sex City, I hired ladies willing to
offer the basic GFE services. But some are willing to offer PSE service as well.

Some clients are not interested in the PSE service, but some do. We have a regular clientele, there is
a good screening for the newcomers as per the ladies testimonies, but I am not the one in the rooms
where reality goes.

So I have decided a while ago to deal the situation this way :

Service that are more then GFE are chargeable and it is up to the Ladies if they want to charge between
0$ and some reasonable extras for the PSE services, for those who offers them of course. (Perhaps, they
get aroused by agencies that offers them more for those services, implying they may have not much choice
to provide the said services. Witch I believe may be disrespectful to a point). Perhaps, it offers the liberty to
those lovelies to decide who comes up with a comfortable situation to share those said PSE services.

Nothing much difference to compare to some competitors or ladies with highter rates for total GFE PSE packages.
Plus, the ladies get to keep all the extra dollars made out of those PSE service as the agency % does not change.
So no arm against the agency management with this arrangement.

PLUS : Having the flexibility of GFE services without extras and PSE services with extras doesn't cut off the gentlemen
that are looking for the GFE services only by catching them with the PSE rates !

If the Ladies are saying different then this, returning her an crossing the agency ain’t the best way to do. Who knows,
maybe she is trying to pull a fast one on you or didn’t understand how to manage this (perhaps, if she is a new addition)
and then you may end up missing something good. As I always say, you called one specific phone number to book the lady,
call back that same number if something is not going well.

Att the end, I believe everyone is winner with this formula.



New Member
Jul 10, 2003
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True. But this business survives because of too many stupid guys. Myself included, isn't it terribly stupid to spend all that money just to get laid?

p.s. For the record, i've never been offered bbfs by an sp. However, there have been a couple of them in the past who made me wonder if it wouldn't have happened had i not called 'time-out' in order to put on the rain coat. Finally, i will never pay a penny for an 'extra'. If it's part of the menu, fine. If you have to pay extra for something, my impression is that the girl is only doing it for the extra money & that's a no-no for me.

Doc, maybe I'm in left field but do we all have the same understanding of GFE? Does it necessarily entail bareback contact or the shopping list of extras? Nowadays, seems like almost every advertiser is using the term.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
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I had a very popular incall SP charge me $50 for a clothing request (skirt, high heels, nylons, make-up, etc..)...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I didn't bother.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I had a very popular incall SP charge me $50 for a clothing request (skirt, high heels, nylons, make-up, etc..)...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I didn't bother.

Did she also want to upcharge you for taking off her clothes? That would be the pits.


New Member
May 12, 2011
Some places are starting the up sell at the beginning of the massage, I you do not take the higher priced options you will get a shitty massage.
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