Montreal Escorts

Anyone up for a GT soon???


Apr 1, 2009

It was really Fun, I was there with Fiona and later, Manuella ! you merbist are so lovely and nice. Sorry if i was a little shy but I did try my best to be sweet :D LOL!
bye bye !!


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Yesterday, I made a quick visit to my first GT in Montréal. Unfortunately I had to leave at midnight – don’t get me wrong here, I’m not a modern incarnation of Cinderella! The reason of my early departure is more mundane: I’m working this morning. This is the plight of the vulgum pecus…

However, I spent two wonderful hours. When I arrived, a couple of minutes before 10hpm – I had the chance to meet two gentlemen that were already there: Dadycool and oups! I forgot the name of the other person (sorry about that but my memory tend to be selective. I don’t want to hurt your feelings but my mind was more focused on the ladies that night. I enjoyed chatting with you).

Naturally, the highlight of the evening was the girls. I met wonderful and beautiful ladies with nice personalities. Miss Maria you’re a gorgeous sassy lady with a radiant smile; a genuine firecracker that knows how to enliven a party. Athana, you charmed me with your sharpness and it was a pleasure «de bater um papo» (to chat a little bit) in Portuguese with you.
I also enjoyed talking with Marie-Eve and Maxime, two pure gems. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to talk to Anita because she was constantly assailed by hordes of astounded admirers. Boy! That young lady is so beautiful. Brief contact also with Yzabelle; your smile is unforgettable! I didn’t have time to talk to Tami but it was sufficient to see how beautiful she was.

After a five years hiatus, I’m planning a return to active hobbying in Montreal. Seeing Fiona (MSC) was a tantalizing experience. She’s exactly the kind of woman that attracts me: mixed background, nice complexion, curly hairs and she seems to be a woman with a definite character. I do love intelligent woman and she gave me that impression.

I have no words to describe Samantha (indy). She’s definitively the epitome of feminine beauty. I was totally mesmerized by her. It was nice talking to her. I have a close friend who is a former escort (with Les Filles de Monsieur Jacques, Luxure, Satin Dreamz) and I remember that a couple of years ago (in 2004, maybe) she met Samantha at a diner that was organized by Celine (then at Satin Dreamz). My friend told me then that Samantha was a woman of an incredible beauty and that if I would like to indulge myself I should go out with Sami. My friend sensed that Sami is the kind of woman I like. Bull’s-eye!!!!

Finally, I also had the pleasure to meet Special K. You can count on me bro, if you go down to Rio (as you whish) you will have access to the best spots (that are not tourist traps).

Thank you everybody for the GT, it was a pleasant experience.
Apr 16, 2005
What a great turnout. Met and chatted with some old friends and acquaintances, Sapman, Shilak, Techman. A warm welcome from Maria, chatted a bit with Isabelle. Met and chatted at length with some new friends in Daddy Cool, Voyager and Protagoras, met and chatted with Joe T. and Wide Open.
The ladies as usual turned heads. Marie Eve from Gems brought Anita and Maxime. Absolutely charmed the socks off all the guys. Tremendous to find beauty and personality in three very charming packages. Very pleased to see Tami, another beauty from MSC, her shyness adding to her charm – a real sweetheart. Couldn't get near Samantha for all the guys sticking to her like velcro. Felt like I should go over and wipe a few chins. Didn't get an opportunity to meet Athana as our paths never seemed to cross. (Hope I didn't leave out anybody. If I did I truly apologize – This GT was so well attended that one just couldn't get around to all.) And last a big thank you to Maria who was her very attractive (dare I say delicious!), charming and personable self. Great idea, this GT!

I must say what a tremendous group of nice and sincere people. Anyone would be honoured to call them friends. A very enjoyable evening all round.

Yzabel Wolf

Sep 22, 2006
J'ai passé une soirée merveilleuse Merci à tous !! Athana, J'ai adoré aller dansé avec toi alors Ma belle c'est quand tu veux.

Je me sentais comme une feu follet Je ne pouvais rester en place pour Jaser.
j'avais des fourmis dans les jambes...
Samantha tu es époustouflante à quand ton site Web ??

Maria oh sweety girl I like you so much...
Shijack tu es merveilleux
Wide Open Toujours aussi gentil
Contente de t'avoir rencontrer regularguy
Tecman au plaisir
J'en oubli je le sais mais je pense à vous quand même.
Superbe les GEM...;-))

Miss Maria

Sweet & Spicy
Feb 19, 2007

I was so surprised how many people came! All the effort I did was start this thread and decide on a date. So much work :cool: Turned out alot of us felt like getting together!

I was SHOCKED! Samantha was there and she is sooo sweet and nice PLUS those curves are soooo delicious.

Athana, Yzabelle c'est toujurs un grand plaisir de vous voir, j'adore converser avec vous.. And how charming you both looked!

I had the chance to speak with the Montreal Gems, Marie-Ève and Maxime.. Marie-Ève even gave me a flower! You girls are so excited about life and positive and beautiful. It is a great pleasure being around you and if ever you need any help, let me know ;)

The men: Shijack, thanks for sharing with me! I always have a good time with you. Sapman we had a breif talk but I always enjoy myself in your presence. Voyager, I like YOU.. I wish I could have spoken to you more, gotten some tips for my trip to Boston. Special K, Yes what Voyager said I said is true, I do think you are very handsome :eek: Regular Guy, we saw each other and said Hi so breifly, again I didn't have the chance to keep talking with you. Joe t, like tradition we got to sniff each other. Your hair looked great! Wide Open, you are always so cute and curious, thanks for the recipe. Daddy Cool it was nice meeting you. Rumples and Orallover, it is always nice to see you. Protagoras, I hope you don't find our GTs are too weak compared to Brazil.. I think you still had a great time and enjoyed yourself even if I didn't Samba.. maybe next time. Tecman, Grrrrr.. and Athana's Husband, SEXY Gorilla Arms..mmm..

If I forgot to mention anyone, please feel free to give me a little slap on the bum for my punishment next time we meet! ;)

Have a great day!

Last edited:


Time Traveler
Jul 29, 2006
Planet Earth
Miss Maria said:
If I forgot to mention anyone, please feel free to give me a little slap on the bum for my punishment next time we meet! ;)


Me! You forgot me!

But that's ok, I wasn't there anyway...

I am happy to see that this turned out well for you people.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I tried to post this earlier but the only thing I could seem to type was Samantha, over and over and over again.:p So I took my time and this is what I have come up with:

Well, for a spur of the moment decision to have a GT, this one was a rousing success! I arrived on the early side of things, around 10:15PM, to find a number of people around the piano, all male which didn't look good for the future of the evening. As we chatted I noticed someone enter the area with a lady I could only describe as a goddess in white.

Thinking that they must be a couple out for the evening, I didn't want to stare as not to be rude. But then I feel a tap on the shoulder from a gentleman introducing himself as Jeff Jones who then introduced the goddess as Miss Samantha! At this point I knew that this GT would be an unqualified success no matter what happened from there on out.

Things just continued to pick up as Voyager, Special K, Protagoras, Wide Open, Joe.t ( just love the hair, man!:D ), joined the party to be followed by the other lovely ladies who Athana and others have already listed above.

And of course I can't neglect to note the presence of the gruesome twosome of Orallover and Shijak ;) , two of my oldest and best friends on the board, who arrived together to a great welcome from everyone there. Rumples also came by and talking with him about his latest cycling exploits may actually give me the incentive to get the bike out and actually spend some time riding this summer.

Seeing my friend sapman arrive put the topping on an already very sweet dish of a GT! It was great to see you and catch up on things.

I'm sure that I'm forgetting to mention more than one person and you must forgive me because the vision of Samantha is seared into my mind and it's hard to think of anyone else. Maria, it was great to see you again after all this time and it was a pleasure to meet you, Athana after reading your posts for so long.

I really didn't get to meet most of the ladies in attendance as everyone was engaged in conversation as was I. Besides, as most everyone passed by our table during the evening to say hello to Samy I did get to chat with almost everyone I think.

Finally things started to break up around 1am with people slowly saying their goodbyes and the lovely ladies who graced this GT being among the last to leave at around 2. A number of us decided to grab a late night snack which ended too soon as the restaurant closed not long after our arrival. But I have a nice doggy bag of General Tao to snack on later on.

My highlight of the evening was an impromptu sing a long with Samy to a street musician outside of HDLM as she was leaving. I have to say that no matter what I have read of you on the board or heard of you in conversation, it can not compare with meeting you in person. It was a true pleasure and I must thank Jeff for escorting you to the GT and introducing us. You are radiant and the epitome of elegance and class. Yes, I admit it, I am smitten!

All in all it was a very nice GT that could hardly have been improved on. More of a gathering of friends than it was a gathering of hobbyists. Through all the fights and crap on the boards it reminded me of why I have stayed around here so long. It was rejuvenating!

Maria, thanks for getting the idea going, this wouldn't have happened without you, and to all who came by, thank you for contributing to such a fine evening. To those who didn't make it, well I would like to say you were missed but I really can't. It was definitely your loss and you missed a great evening!

Here's to the next GT and I hope it won't be as long a time coming as this one was!


CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Gee, if I'd known that Samy was going to be there I might have hopped on a plane. Samy is a lure a guy can't refuse.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
orallover said:
all talks no show :p

ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!! Given all the comments I've made on this subject, a person would be a fool the think I'd ever show up. We all say "never say never again" and Samy is the only bait I can think of that would get me to seriously reconsider. :D


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
The Goddess Conquers Techman.

Techman said:
My highlight of the evening was an impromptu sing a long with Samy to a street musician outside of HDLM as she was leaving. I have to say that no matter what I have read of you on the board or heard of you in conversation, it can not compare with meeting you in person. It was a true pleasure and I must thank Jeff for escorting you to the GT and introducing us. You are radiant and the epitome of elegance and class. Yes, I admit it, I am smitten!

All in all it was a very nice GT that could hardly have been improved on. More of a gathering of friends than it was a gathering of hobbyists. Through all the fights and crap on the boards it reminded me of why I have stayed around here so long. It was rejuvenating!

Maria, thanks for getting the idea going, this wouldn't have happened without you, and to all who came by, thank you for contributing to such a fine evening. To those who didn't make it, well I would like to say you were missed but I really can't. It was definitely your loss and you missed a great evening!

Here's to the next GT and I hope it won't be as long a time coming as this one was!


LOL Techman,

Are you in love or considering your first encounter??? I bet your heart is still pounding every time you think of her. Now imagine being alone with that wonderful lady and having her all to yourself for a few hours. Me...twice. Yes, all the reviews are TRUE! It wasn't fantasy you read, but 100% reality.

Now you know! ;) :D



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Merlot, you know that my heart is actually 'Intel Inside' :D I've tried to re-boot but it seems to be stuck in a loop for some reason. :p

And you better get your ass up here for the next GT. Got it?



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Hey Techman,

Sorry I could not make it, I would have come if I knew you were running things.
Did Bensonnabilia ever show up for the free drink you offered him?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
EagerBeaver said:
Hey Techman,

Sorry I could not make it, I would have come if I knew you were running things.
Did Bensonnabilia ever show up for the free drink you offered him?

Hi EB! Nope, I can't take any of the credit for the GT. It was all Maria's idea and all I did was show up and enjoy myself along with everyone else. But I do my best to help everyone have a good time. It's the least I can do as thanks.

And no, Benny the smurf didn't show up. But then considering that some of the ladies present are surely among those he has claimed to have met, it would have blown him out of the water if it turned out that none of them recognized him. Especially the fact that the very lovely Anita from Montreal Gems was there who he specifically posted the link to as his latest 'conquest'. I guess it could have been really embarrassing for him if she had not recognized him. :cool:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Techman said:
Merlot, you know that my heart is actually 'Intel Inside' :D I've tried to re-boot but it seems to be stuck in a loop for some reason. :p

And you better get your ass up here for the next GT. Got it?


Well Tech,

Maybe I ought to go if Samantha shows up to protect you from the spell of her beauty and endless charm. Maybe Shijak and I could keep you under control. If not, I'm going to have to call out an especially tough oak

Speaking of Shijak, I am sorry to have missed him too. I have only met him twice, but he seems like a great guy. Athana is such a sweet lady, and Maria has me extremely curious after some PM exchanges. And there are many others I have wanted to meet. It would be great to go to one of these GTs, but they never seem to coincide with my trips, which are few.

C'est la vie,

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