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Apple releases iPad...

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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I do credit the iPhone for some innovations such as larger screen, and touch screen improvements. But the selling point of a phone connected to the Internet had been around (i.e. Blackberry).

Hello all,

A lot of you seem to be knowledgeable about new technology and the advantages in their "innovations", while also having the funds to indulge yourselves with such purchases despite having very capable technology in hand already. But for the greater number of less knowledgeable and more marginally funded tech buyers who can't afford these indulgences can any of you explain why they should buy the new iPad over other technology to accomplish and fulfill the broadest range of necessary daily tasks and also offer the best possible range in entertainment value???




The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Hello all,

... can any of you explain why they should buy the new iPad over other technology to accomplish and fulfill the broadest range of necessary daily tasks and also offer the best possible range in entertainment value???



After reading all the info I could find on the iPad, I honestly can't understand why anyone would need it. As a book reader, a Kindle beats it hands down with it's use of electronic ink and it has been rumoured that a colour version is on the way. As a video player, it is handicapped by it's 4X3 profile, as a web tool it's limited by the lack of Flash which is used by the majority of multimedia web sites for audio and video. The base price unit has only 16 GB of storage which makes it marginal even as an MP3 player. And it's overall size makes it unlikely to be carried around like an iPod is.

As is typical for Apple, you are required to buy proprietary connectors to obtain even minimal connectivity where it would have been simple for them to integrate a USB port or two directly into the unit which would have allowed people to connect a USB hard drive to provide unlimited storage capacity as well as any number of peripherals or cameras.

So I really can't explain why anyone would want this device other than Apple fans who just have to have every toy that Apple puts on the market. Especially at the price being asked.


Mar 31, 2005
at all the IT security conferences I go to, and that is a lot of them, everyone (90% or so) in the field uses a Mac. I wonder why that is. Oh right, now I remember! Microsoft patched 190 exploits in 2009.

Funny I attend as many INfoSec conferences , attend, speak and know most of the Infosec guru's.. surprisngly most us XP as an OS. The Mac crowd in general are not your hardcore IT powerusers.

Techman's take on the Ipad is rather true, in reality the Ipad is nothing more than a cumbersome Ipod for visually challenged people. It offers nothing more... well iBook ..

Though it does have potential, and it can become a notebook killer, but only time will tell.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Funny I attend as many INfoSec conferences , attend, speak and know most of the Infosec guru's.. surprisngly most us XP as an OS. The Mac crowd in general are not your hardcore IT powerusers.

we would have to compare conference constituencies; I am seeing an entirely different scene. Perhaps OPs, dev and R&D staff vs. PHBs? Perhaps we can compare our respective schedules (there's an app for that), or meet to discuss this further when we are both in the same vicinity (there's an app for that too). In the meanwhile, I won't be trotting out a list, since I am disinclined for a number of reasons to to tightly define who I am by disclosure of such details.


New Member
Jun 25, 2006
Why I might buy one:

1) It's light and small. I spend 80% of my time on the road so this is important.
2) Mostly it's simple stuff, email, music, and a little time on the web, just like everyone else.
3) It's easy to use. After many years of fighting with various PCs I got an IPOD and the thing worked right away, no problem. So easy to use it's fun actually.
4) After my home PC died I got a MAC desk unit based on the positive experience with the IPOD, and never looked back.

None the less I'll wait and see how it works real world.


Sep 19, 2005
Don't forget that Microsoft has actually released a tablet a month ago at CES and that this tablet went completely unoticed. A sign that MS is already out of the game and maybe that's why many of the "MS fan boys" are feeling so bitter about the iPad.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Sorry, HFE, but Microsoft has never released a tablet PC. They don't sell systems. Now if you're talking about tablet PCs announced or released by PC companies, then you're a little late. There have been tablet XP PCs on the market for almost 10 years and they're used in many industries. I have a couple of customers who've been using tablets for years, running Windows XP tablet edition which is a full featured operating system. Tablets are nothing new in the PC world which is why no one got overly excited when a new group of them are announced.

I just think it's hilarious that when Apple finally get around to releasing one, it turns out to be nothing more than a giant iPod touch with fewer features. After all the hype that came before the release, it's really funny to check out the Mac fanboy forums and see how disappointed they are and how some are still trying to say that this thing is 'magical and revolutionary'. I'm sure that some Apple faithful are still crying themselves to sleep at night when they think of afll the hype and how none of it made it into the final product. but they'll buy one anyways. Afterall, it's their duty.


Jan 18, 2006
Every supporter of the iPad seems to be using the same arguement: "but that's not the market it is aimed at" but none of them are able to say exactly what market it IS aimed at.
Sure they have. But most PC fan boys look for a quantification rather than a qualification. Would they even understand fully a market targeted as the "discerning popular creative"? I doubt it. More concerned with maximum Windows geekness, they look for stats, numbers, and iterations, not realizing the measure isn't in the technology but the point of view. And those who choose function from form are probably the same who were annoyed at the 'I'm a Mac/PC' campaign. That should have told them enough who the market was. Then realize by arguing against Mac products so proactively makes them look suspiciously jealous, especially when they troll Mac forums in patronizing glee.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The HP Slate doesn't impress me any more at this point than the iPad does as very few details of it have been released other than it runs Windows 7. Also, I never heard HP making any claims that it was a 'magical and revolutionary' device. And it is marketed under the HP brand name, not Microsoft. But if it has a built in webcam and USB for expandable storage and external connectivity, that will put it ahead of the iPad.

For UNDTD, I don''t troll Apple forums but I do read many tech sites and forums. It doesn't take much reading to see that the majority of users, both Mac and PC, are underwhelmed by the iPad. Instead of 'Yes! I can't wait until I can buy one!' the common comment from those intending to get one are similar to 'I'll probably buy one' or 'I'll wait for version 2 to be released.' but no great interest or people raving about the device. Maybe it's different on the Apple centric forums, but I don't read those.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Once again, Techman beats his breast over an Apple innovation in a sad attempt to justify his poor choice of technology platforms. But as the self-proclaimed 'expert' on MERB, It would hurt him physically, and cause him mental anguish to the point of aneurysm to admit that anything beyond what he says is good, is good. And yet, at all the IT security conferences I go to, and that is a lot of them, everyone (90% or so) in the field uses a Mac. I wonder why that is. Oh right, now I remember! Microsoft patched 190 exploits in 2009.
Couldn't have said it better myself. BTW, the number of people I know who have abandoned the PC for the Mac and have never looked back seems to be growing exponentially with the experience these people have had with other Apple products. I'm going to get an iPad primarily for travel, mainly because of it's weight. It will do absolutely everything I'd want a computer to do on the road.


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
no USB - no universal plug and play, ala vendor lock-in
no ethernet plug - try loading a 6 or 9 GB movie for watching it on the road later
no flash - no YourTube & stuff
cpu no multitasking - you can do email, surf the web, listen to music, but only one thing at a time.
how powerful the cpu is? will have to wait till somebody can actually test it on the lab
can it do 1080p moive? I am not sure on this one, but PA Semi's graphic team is that good (google Ion chip set from Nvidia to see a netbook with atom + ion can pushing 1080p)

as to what functionality/power is acceptable for me as a tablet cpt, google iTablet from England. No, it IS heavier and it does not have the battery life, but it can do everything a netbook + Ion can do. Yes, with Widnows 7, it will do finger gestures stuff.

Above are the technical facts. I would only reply to replies that include technical facts, not pure emotional bashing as to appl this or msft that.

Disclosure: personally not interested in tablets in anything that has fingerprint smudges all over the screen. yuck!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
can it do 1080p moive? I am not sure on this one, but PA Semi's graphic team is that good (google Ion chip set from Nvidia to see a netbook with atom + ion can pushing 1080p)

No. 1024x768 resolution.

iPad has a VGA (yes, VGA) interface via Dock Connector for a max resolution for H.264 videos of 720p. There is also a component and composite cable.




New Member
Aug 5, 2006
pushing/playing a 1080 vs displaying 1080 are two different things:

pushing/displaying means you can play back a 1080 movie at its native speed, NOT slowed down speed, at 1080 or some other resolution eg. on a smaller netbook screen. This is something you intel all the way netbook cannot do but a intel atom + nVidia Ion can do. If the device can do this, most likely with an external connection, you can push a wide screen and display at full 1080 resolution too. If the device cannot do this, the playback an be so slow as to make the movie unwatchable. I doubt PA Semi, the cpu chip company that aapl bought and designed the iPad cpu, has the graphic expertise to design the cpu + graphic chip that iPad uses to allow the iPad to push 1080. As to how tough this challenge it, intel tried it in their cpu + graphic combo Larrebee project and failed and had to cancel the project.

Displaying will need a 1080 screen, which no netbooks, cellphones, iAnything has at this moment.


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
I guess that little bit of legal tussle with the European Union doesn't count as fact then.

Once again, Techman beats his breast over an Apple innovation in a sad attempt to justify his poor choice of technology platforms. But as the self-proclaimed 'expert' on MERB, It would hurt him physically, and cause him mental anguish to the point of aneurysm to admit that anything beyond what he says is good, is good. And yet, at all the IT security conferences I go to, and that is a lot of them, everyone (90% or so) in the field uses a Mac. I wonder why that is. Oh right, now I remember! Microsoft patched 190 exploits in 2009.

OK, whatever. iPod is the most popular MP3 player on the planet. Zune, no so much. iPhone is the most popular mobile phone ever made. iPad? I've no idea how it will sell, but, to quote Stephen Colbert "Seriously. I want an iPad". The big unit 64Gb flash with 3G will work perfectly for me on the road. I don't need a camera, I have one in my iPhone and it is shit, just like all cameras in all mobile phones. For photography, I have purpose-built photographic equipment.

Last time I checked, not Apple nor any other browser maker had two governments actually issue warnings to their citizens not to use them, but yet, in the past weeks, German and France have done so because Explorer is such a vulnerable piece of shit. "But wait" you say, "Windows 7 is different". While I am unable to say anything specific, in a very closed security forum in which I participate, I can assure you with 100% certainty that it is not. You will doubtlessly be able to read about the issues, eventually.

Until then, I'm happy to use a secure, slick, and yes, somewhat more expensive piece of hardware and software for my work. You get what you pay for.

Yes have to agree with you. Techman, our man of vast knowledge, many different jobs ??? (confused by his many claims) self proclaimed MERB expert of all things. Must be sad to go on thinking that some day he might make a mistake or be wrong... lol


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Once again, mass proves to be the perfect follower. Did you think of looking at only the latest operating systems to see how they're doing?

This is from the link that YVO posted:

Windows 7 only had 1 bulletin, patching 3 exploits in 2009
Internet Explorer 8 only had 4 exploits released in 2009.

Now lets look at Snow Leopard:

From the first link:
Users and security researchers had taken Apple to task for not only shipping Snow Leopard with an outdated and vulnerable version of Flash Player, but also for silently "downgrading" once-secure editions when Macs were updated to the new operating system. Mac OS X 10.6.1 packaged nine patches for Flash vulnerabilities, some of which could result in "arbitrary code execution," Apple-speak of a critical flaw that attackers could exploit to grab control of a Mac.

From the second link:
Among the security flaws fixed is a login bypass vulnerability. "If an account on the system has no password, such as the Guest account, a user may log in to any account without supplying a password," Apple's update summary states. "This update addresses the issue through improved access checks."

And from a third report: http://www.theage.com.au/digital-life/computers/a-patch-for-snow-leopard-20091118-il5c.html
The fixes include a solution for a fairly rare but frightening issue that caused data to be deleted or, in a few cases reported in the US, moved to mysterious corners of the computer where it was almost impossible to find.
The bug was triggered when someone logged in to and out of a guest account on a machine running Snow Leopard. Those hit by this bug found, on logging back in to their regular account, their data had gone.

Yup. Snow Leopard is perfect. :cool:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Information versus brand loyalty.

Hello all,

Without taking sides this refers to all. Some people who are not as well informed or experienced as you seem to be may seek help and possibly buy a system based partly on what is said here. What we need is good and hopefully accurate information, NOT brand loyalty. In reading this thread sometimes the tone seems like Red Sox v Yankees or Maple Leafs v Canadiens. That is useless. Unlike rooting for a team what sometimes seems like cheerleading here may have real affects in people's lives and/or businesses. There is no point and no value to anyone trying to "one up" anyone else or try to act as if the he/she is the only authority and the other is worthless. The rest of us just want help, not gamesmanship. This is not an accusation, just a general caution. I can't say how much of what is being posted is brand loyalty of some sort. But it seems to be affecting what should otherwise be helpful information.

Since it is difficult for the average technically less informed person to tell who is being accurate maybe each of you should back up your claims with references, while also remembering this is not a sport for points or championships, it's an information thread. Let's be a little less personally sensitive and competitive. Please leave personalities and pride out...if possible. And, if anyone is a salesman for a brand then you probably are too biased to be honest enough to be helpful to others.


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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Merlot, if you notice, I do my best to post links to information in my posts. I really have no brand loyalty as I have posted many times that people should buy the system that suits their needs and budget. Of course even by making that statement, I get attacked by posters like YVO and HFE who can't see any farther than the Apple logo on their system, claiming that I'm encouraging unsafe computing and should only refer users to the Mac platform which they claim, incorrectly as proven by statements of the majority of industry security specialists, is inherently safer than Windows. It would be nice to see a Mac user actually make a post about the great things in OS-X, and there are many, instead of doing nothing but attack Windows.

Other posters, like mass1965, know very little about computers or networks or operating systems and blindly follow what they read on their favourite manufacturer's web site.

I get pissed off when I see people post things that are totally incorrect and can't back themselves up with proof and even ignore what's posted on the pages they link to that doesn't suit their arguement.

I've been in the computer industry for 30 years and currently support dozens of companies and hundreds of users. I am in the middle of things day in and day out and I see what is happening in the real world of computing, not just what happens on my own personal systems. Considering the number of users and systems, I get about 1 call per month related to malware, and usually it's about a message from their AV program stating that a threat has been blocked.

Neither system is perfect. No system ever will be. Once again, pick the one that suits your needs and budget. Spend a bit of money and time to learn a bit about computers and how to protect yourself on-line. Chances are you'll be very happy with whatever you spend your money on.



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
It would be nice to see a Mac user actually make a post about the great things in OS-X, and there are many, instead of doing nothing but attack Windows.


Hello Techman,

It would be much more helpful if all offered more third party references instead of going after those who dispute them. Otherwise it starts to look like one of those happily bickering sports threads.

Techincal specs are fine, but that's basically a promise of potential, not proof of value. Performance assessments and/or real world functioning facts prove worth. Thanks to all for the actual performance reference links used so far.


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