Average Joe refers to a married guy with 2 kids , its average income after tax in 2008 was $84,900
At $31,000 your average Joe is an unattached individual, which is not the portrait or stereotype here in Hobbyland.
Your figure of 84,900 is for BOTH the husband and wife. It says in your link that the 84,900 is for 2 (Two) salary earners.
That's about 42,500 per INDIVIDUAL after taxes.
The average salary for a Canadian individual is $42,000 gross BEFORE taxes.
Your after tax figure of 84,900 is correct if both the husband and the wife are making approximately $60,000 gross, after tax breaks for the kids, net income for household will come up to about 84,900 AFTER taxes.
However, I doubt your wife will let you spend her share of the money on hobbying hahaha.
Please don't make Canadians appear as ultra rich people by misinterpreting the figures of your link.
NET income after taxes for average SINGLE Canadian earning 42,000 gross will be about $32,000 after income taxes,. This for residents of QUEBEC. In the rest of Canada, income taxes are between 5% to 8% LOWER!
Quebec is the most socialist province in Canada with the largest amount of Government employees as well as unions thus creating higher marginal tax rates versus the rest of Canada. However our roads are still the worst, what they do with the money, I don't know????????????
Example, a SINGLE Quebec worker with NO KIDS earning $52,000 gross per year which is above average ($1000 gross per week) will NET EXACTLY $707.77 dollars after taxes. 52000 gross equals 36,764 NET AFTER TAXES IF YOU ARE SINGLE
I just ran it on my payroll program using 2011 tax tables as I am an accountant.
1000 gross weekly salary (25$ per hour at 40 hours for the week). Minimum wage in Quebec is 9.50 per hour as a comparison. 8.25 an hour for employees making tips (waitresses, bartenders......)
Federal income tax: 101.57
Quebec Income Tax: 125.02
Employment Insurance: 14.10
Quebec Pension Plan: 46.17
QPIP (Quebec Parental Insurance plan): 5.37
Net paycheque for 1 week period: 707.77
If individuals were making 84K NET as you claim, we would all be driving BMWs and Mercedes Benzs WITHOUT THE NEED FOR FINANCING hahahahahahahahaha!
85% of Canadians are in DEBT (Mortgage, car payments, credit cards, line of credit....) and HOBBY thanks to CREDIT!
If we made 84k net after taxes per individual, escort rates would be higher than 160 per hour.