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Armpit Hair


New Member
Nov 15, 2009
I have been a long time member, but mainly lurked on here as I don't get a chance to hobby very much.

Question...I have seen a few gorgeous ladies from Indycompanion, but I've noticed that some I'd like to try seem to have an abundance of armpit hair. Is there something I'm missing about this or is it just "their thing"? I's not my bag so I don't want to make a mistake visiting someone with a pit-bush.

No offense to any of the ladies, but I'd like to know if there is any significance to this.



Sep 7, 2019
To each their own, but I don't mind a girl with armpit hair if that's what she likes. It natural in case you don't know. I mean, where would you and many guys here be today if Gillette wasn't around. You see it today, girls that want a more natural look so less inclined to shave off whats natural, and its more common with girls that tend to be Bi Sexual (many escorts it seems), or Lesbian women. Think about the LBGT movement and its acceptance in today's society.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Girls want what is natural? May as well scrap the fake tits and makeup then. As for the movement, does that apply to guys also? Lesbians are hot ( the ones in porn videos anyway ), guys, not so much.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
In all honesty i don't know whats up with that or when it started to be an "acceptable/regular" thing.

Personally as long as they are honest about it (showing it in picture etc) im fine with it, i mean its their body, they can do whatever they want, but personally no matter how hot she can be for the rest, how cool her personality may be, or how naughty she may be in bed (lol) , i just wouldn't book somebody with hairy arm pit. Its a big no.

There seem to be all kind of "weird" (for lack of a better word) trends these days in fashion and not just for women, men too obviously. When i look at Back to the Futur 2 and see the looks of the peoples "in the futur" (wich is pretty much our present now) it may look ridiculous as hell but in a way is that worst than some of what i see today at times? Hell even looking at the 70s and 80s or even the 90s with some questionable fashions like baggy pants (pentalons parachute) a la Vanilla Ice or Cindy Loper style haircuts and such and even tough you see nobody like that anymore, honestly i think its still a better look than some of what we see today. One of the weird fashion trend that is coming back for men is the "pornstache" of the 80s, another one i think that should had stayed in the past.

But fashion/look is kinda like that, things come and go, and sometimes they come back.

To get back to arm pit hair, have you guys ever watch "La ptite vie"? There was an episode where the french lady (wife of Benoit Briere's character) is trying to catch up her camenbert cheese with her hairy arm pit :pound:) . Guess it was some kind of jab at French woman (altough i don't know if it was really a thing in the 90s, at least i never saw it) . That was pretty much how hairy armpits would be seen in the 90s. Weird how things change really.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
haha HM I am with you. I understand girl that grow hair anywhere they want. It's their own right. But in the light of a physical transaction to have sex it's a no go for me as well.

The girl I like to see and see again are not your hot shot top 10 escort. I do not really give a shit about looks as much as about service. But still the girl needs to be feminine. I like them fit which does not mean thin but firm. They can be curvy (which I actually adore) but firm. Hair all over the place is non grata for me. Sorry I just dont' like it. It's beyond me sorry cant help it. I like girl who stay feminine. That's just me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i find armpit hair absolutely repulsive. when i see it on a woman it frightens me. I find it even gross on men. I trim mine very very short.

but hey, to each his own....
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Disgusting! I shave off all my pubic hair when I go on campaign. I expect her to shave hers too. Landing strips are cool. I want all armpit hair naired off. I’m not fucking some prehistoric jungle woman.
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New Member
Apr 30, 2018
Lol you guys are super old school, for me fake lips/boobs are the instant boner killers. Armpit/pubes as long clean and not sharp are cute.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I have not seen a woman with armpit hair since the 80’s in Europe, but I don’t think it would bother me much.
Armpit hair and a bush I don’t mind, but hairy legs are a turn off.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
"Prehistoric jungle woman"

Thats the thing with guys on this board, they’re kind of unable to have an opinion AND stay respectful lol. Odd.

News flash : women grow hair *naturally*. It’s part of their bodies, just like men. It’s just that most women shave it. But those who have hair didn’t "add it there". It’s just there. It grows naturally because women are living breathing human beings as well. I understand not liking it. It’s just... I just kinda laugh at men who REALLY freak out and act like women don’t grow hair naturally but rather add it there like it’s a fashion trend or something lmao. Sometimes it really sounds like the dude *actually* thinks women don’t grow hair naturally, which is weird coming from guys who were teenagers when shaving was not a thing. Maybe these guys think the invention of razor eradicated feminine hair? Well you learn something new everyday : you have to actually use the razor in order to be shaved. Yes! Yes I swear lol. Women still grow hair naturally even in 2019. Glad I could teach some of you lmao.

I personally don’t mind hair on anyone. I find it erotic. I don’t like having hair on my own armpits or legs or whatever because I find it uncomfortable, but it looks good on other people, and if that’s what they’re comfortable with then great!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
women are generally less naturally hairy than men...i wonder what the evolutionnary reason for that?? maybe evolution made us favour younger looking women (younger = less hairy) and the same evolution made women with less body hair have an advantage

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
News flash : women grow hair *naturally*. It’s part of their bodies, just like men. It’s just that most women shave it.

Even for men i prefer the totally shaved look. I mean im not attracked to men physically but when i see a guy super hairy (like in wrestling for instance) i really find it unapealing. And again there is nothing sexually involved imagine. So when it comes to women... yeah gotta be shaved or better yet lasered out. I mean, the womens in this business are extremely pretty, their beauty is part of the reason they do the job (in general) so to "invest on yourself" for this job to me is simply normal especially if you plan to do it long term.

If i was a stud i would totally get the hair off even as a man. Even if men always have been associated with body hair. This to me tough fit more like the 80s or even 70s. Unless you are Joey Ryan and its part of your gimmick(he is a wrestler) i would say let the hair in the 80s :p


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
From what I hear, women tend to mostly dislike back hair on men more than anything.

With regards to chest hairs,facial hairs and leg hairs, women in my experience (both inside and outside of the hobby) seem to like it on me. I've had hair removal done on my chest and most women told me that they preffered me with chest hair because it looks more manly so I gotta disagree with the 70s 80s statement. I think that a man with a sexy body looks much better with some chest hair rather than having none. I now wonder if some of these preferences are more prelevant with certain demographics. In my experience, Arabs, blacks, latinas seem to prefer some hair on men generally while white girls seem to gave mixed feelings generally speaking.

I've heard of many women preferring men with no body hairs whatsoever but have not personally met any yet. To each their own.

Regarding armpit hair, I personally do not find it attractive on women and would hope that most ladies do mention it in their ads because it will be a major turn off for most hobbyists out there even if it's natural and healthy. There must be men who love it because I've seen quite a few pictures of ladies with armpit hair.

A unibrow is very natural and perfectly healthy for many of my homeboys out there and yet every human being I have met (men & women) find it extremely unappealing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I thought this was about hair on women. However, if we open it up to men I will say I think that hairy men are generally more repulsive than men with less hair.
Bald men are shaving their heads these days and I think women like this better than a comb over or the little bit of hair on the back of their head that looks like a U shape. I've read review threads where the escort got involved. They complained about facial hair on the hobbyist and withheld DATY. I've also read escorts complain about giving BJ's to men with tons of pubic hair.

Women - The natural look? I like women in heels wearing a little black dress. I love silky smooth legs and a shaved muff or a sexy landing strip. I love when girls do their eyes and wear a tasteful amount of makeup and lip gloss. I love lingerie and a woman that does her nails and smells good. I prefer youthful perky co-ed boobs but some girls get implants and as long as they do not feel like a super-ball, I like them. Sometimes they even enhance a girl's look (I want to see Bianka post enhancement). None of these things are natural. If I ever make it to Australia I plan to hit some of the famous brothels and find unnatural woman like I describe above. I will not go in the outback and try to pick up an Aborigine.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ I dated an Australian girl back in the 80's, she did shave in the summer just so people did not stare at her at the beach but in the winter full sasquatch mode. She was cute with a hot body so I got used to it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I respect the natural look but i have to say that it is a turn off for me :(

i love skin smooth like a dolphin lol


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Armpit hair on men is ok but the norm is for women to shave because they have to be smoother , cleaner . I know it’s a double standard but in our society women’s natural look is not always viewed as “sexy” .
To be honest I don’t mind it that much as long as it’s trimmed , after all it is their personal choice .


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
I look at Riley Reid (the pornstar) and though she has armpit hair... I would not turn her away.

It really depends on the overall vibe that a lady gives off.
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