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Armpit Hair


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
women are generally less naturally hairy than men...i wonder what the evolutionnary reason for that?? maybe evolution made us favour younger looking women (younger = less hairy) and the same evolution made women with less body hair have an advantage

Part of the reason is testosterone. Usually most testosterone, more hair. Female athletes taking testosterone in the seventies were much more muscular and hairy. It also depends of ethnicity (genetic), no description needed. The evolution hypothesis is tempting but it takes thousands of year to happen and in the sixties almost no women were shaved (check the Woodstock videos, if you are younger). For me it's more psychosocial.

Personnaly, I experienced different situations. In the seventies, in Montreal, all the girls I knew shaved their armpit and trimmed down there and it was really nice for me. Then as time was going on, girls started to shave down there and it is also good to me. I prefer shaved ones, probably I would have difficulty with unshaved if the hair is abundant, but nicely trimmed I could accomodate...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I look at Riley Reid (the pornstar) and though she has armpit hair... I would not turn her away.

It really depends on the overall vibe that a lady gives off.

I stopped watching her stuff because her bush was too much of a turn off for me. But now she has arm pit hair too? Must be a first in porn... as so far i have not seen that.

Its funny because i prefer the "typical pornstar/stripper look" as some of you know, blonde, big fake or natural breast, sultry woman look, basically Jenna Jameson or Krystal Steal in their prime for a reference. So Riley's young natural brunette look is not really my "favorite" but i like it at times. I mean variety is good lol.

But Riley having that cute young girl look, i would guess it may be one of the reason she goes hairy. Because she does not want to be seen as a fantasy for men who like "very young adults". This is a look that got very popular in the mid 2000s, the "barely legal" teen look (18-21 is teen for the americans)

I feel she should had capitalize on having that look, but nop.. she probably wanted to be seen as more "womanly".. I don't know, im speculating. In any case i lost total interest in her personally because of the huge bush.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
She used to be one of my favorite porn actress & I lost interest in her when she basically admitted to being a rapist


Active Member
Jun 12, 2006
To be honest, i'll take whatever the woman wants on her body. There are days I want the full bush, I want to bury my face in it and smell her.

The fact that everyone is 100% entitled to their opinions is something we can respect, but I agree with others that demeaning a woman because she has body hair should be kept to yourself.

You can book a woman based on her photos and choose not to book a woman who is 100% natural, that is your choice, choose with your dollars. If you are right and all other John's agree with you, then these women won't last long. But the reality is, a lot of these providers are long term and new to this.

Why can't we respect her for her choices?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Why can't we respect her for her choices?

Sure. Sure we can respect her for her choices. How about respecting me for my choices? I don't want a hairy bush. I don't want hairy armpits. I don't want hairy legs. I was at a professional engagement and some lady was walking around with hair sticking through her nylons. I thought it was ugly. If I want to see something like this I go to the zoo and see the primates.


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Oct 19, 2003
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I find hairy armpits and an unshaved "Y" an extreme turn on. Although I don't recall any bushy armpits while hobbying, the very rare sight(from non asian women) of forest in the valley is the icing on the cake! Now to find one...��


Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I thought it was ugly. If I want to see something like this I go to the zoo and see the primates.

See that’s EXACTLY the point when we talk about respect. Are you really unable to have an opinion AND stay respectful? You fucking child.

Literally no one is disrespectful to you/your preferences. A woman having hair on her body isn’t disrespectful to you. Just look elsewhere. Women don’t exist for you in particular. I bet you’re no prize, either.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^Foul!!! Foul!!! I am so wounded by your words Julia.
You've met me so you know this is true and I would say the same about you.

Hairy women are repulsive to me. That's my opinion. No need to call someone a fucking child.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
No need to compare people with primates and "jungle women" like you do all the time. Fucking child.

I’ve literally never met you, I don’t remember having to throw someone out for being misogynistic. On the other hand, I never claimed to be a model, either... and I don’t talk shit about other people’s bodies. So you sending me my argument back is irrelevant. Anyways, one of us gets paid and the other is paying. I may be no prize but my clients seem to think otherwise, and this is irrelevant because I’m not the one calling people monkeys and jungle women :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^Julia - the hair was about an inch long and she was wearing pantyhose. It looked like me when I went hunting out west on horseback and I used pantyhose to reduce chafing from the horse. Some of the hairs were sticking through. It was quite literally repulsive to me.

We've met at the mansion party. Yes, and the woman I pay think I'm beautiful. At least that's what I pay them to say.

Bret - Yes, I do respect their choice. I just thought on this forum we could be honest. I still cannot eat whatever it was they were serving when that lady walked by with the leg hair sticking through her pantyhose. I couldn't keep a glass of water down that day. I didn't say it was right. That is just the way it is.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
And? Your point? Her body is still none of your business. So many people are repulsive to me and I don’t feel the need to be rude to them because of it. Literally just look elsewhere. People have a right to exist and be respected as human beings regardless of whether or not they give you a boner.

You say we’ve met like we actually spent time together. I was a lot uglier back then than I am now, too, not that I’m cute in any way, but I’m just saying. And it’s really irrelevant to the discussion, which is about you being a jerk to people because they don’t turn you on. You’re not entitled to dictate the way people should appear. Literally. Nobody lives just for your boner.

you can be honest without being disrespectful. You can say you don’t like hair without saying women with hair are gross primate idiots who deserve to die. Honestly if you can’t eat or drink because someone who doesn’t turn you on is in the same room you have bigger issues. What do you do when a 93 years old woman eats at the same restaurant as you? Or when a toothless dude sits at the next table? You’re so childish lmfao you really stop eating because you’re mad that someone doesn’t cater to your beauty standards?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^Yes, and this is what you get when you shell out $250K to send your kid to a bastion of liberal higher learning and they study outside of the STEM curriculum. They are taught that they need to be offended at every turn and if you do not agree with them they call you names with an -ist ending and they run to their safe spaces for milk and cookies and to play with Play-Doh.

BTW - this is why the university should never be free and I do not want to subsidize a liberal arts education. #useless.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Up to a point obviously. Some people are apparently prepared to take a rather innocent remark as an unforgivable insult.

It’s not one. This dude has made thousands of remarks over the years calling women animals, gross, saying they deserve to die etc because they don’t fit his ideal in terms of what gives him a boner. Since you obviously don’t know where I’m coming from about this guy, you shouldn’t make assumptionsz.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
And? Your point? Her body is still none of your business. So many people are repulsive to me and I don’t feel the need to be rude to them because of it. Literally just look elsewhere. People have a right to exist and be respected as human beings regardless of whether or not they give you a boner.

You say we’ve met like we actually spent time together. I was a lot uglier back then than I am now, too, not that I’m cute in any way, but I’m just saying. And it’s really irrelevant to the discussion, which is about you being a jerk to people because they don’t turn you on. You’re not entitled to dictate the way people should appear. Literally. Nobody lives just for your boner.

you can be honest without being disrespectful. You can say you don’t like hair without saying women with hair are gross primate idiots who deserve to die. Honestly if you can’t eat or drink because someone who doesn’t turn you on is in the same room you have bigger issues. What do you do when a 93 years old woman eats at the same restaurant as you? Or when a toothless dude sits at the next table? You’re so childish lmfao you really stop eating because you’re mad that someone doesn’t cater to your beauty standards?

I didn't tell her to her face. I didn't draw attention to it. I just said so on this forum several years later.

I'm sorry, you are cute. I shouldn't of said that. I find you cute and you are mostly engaging and stimulating on this forum...except when we fight...and even then you are enlightening at times.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It’s not one. This dude has made thousands of remarks over the years calling women animals, gross, saying they deserve to die etc because they don’t fit his ideal in terms of what gives him a boner. Since you obviously don’t know where I’m coming from about this guy, you shouldn’t make assumptionsz.

Please show me were I said woman should die? Never said that. I never called woman animals either. Show me the thousands of remarks Julia. I told you a million times never to exaggerate.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Since you obviously don’t know where I’m coming from about this guy, you shouldn’t make assumptionsz.

Thank you for making this decision for me. Obviously I don't have any say in this matter -- whether or not I am qualified to make assumptions.

It is somewhat regrettable though that your admonition came a little later than it should have. I have unfortunately made a few assumptions already. I will keep them to myself if that's OK with you.
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