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Armpit Hair

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
The thing is there are other women who have hair who can read your remarks. You calling her a primate is telling them they are primates, too. It’s like if you said "I met this woman once, her belly was slightly fat (insert size here), looked like a whale"... You can say this on a forum years later but it’s still going to hurt other women with a bit of belly fat who read the forum. Like, it’s really unnecessary to be rude in order to state your preference.

No, I don’t need hypocrisy. I’m not cute and that’s okay. I have a weird face (imho), and I’m not thin, I have curly hair and my thighs aren’t toned. I’m far from being cute but it’s okay, I just hope I don’t make too many people throw their meals in the trash.

I’m also mostly either advertising or being opiniated on this forum and that’s okay too.

You compare women with primates and you’ve said something about jungle women earlier. I don’t need to go back to years of posting history to know your opinion on women and your reasoning re: which ones deserve your respect.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Common you can’t fault a guy for being honest. Truth be told most folks here would prefer clean shaven, the ones who wouldn’t are certainly in the minority . And I’m not completely taking sides here , except to say that I don’t think Hungry meant to offend IMO . I think his comments where meant to be somewhat humorous , it’s his style of writing after all ,,, must everything be an argument on this board ?!

P.s no disrespect to Julia of course

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Im not against honesty, but it’s really possible to be honest and have preferences without having to be rude and call people jungle women and ugly primates. I’m not sure why that seems hard to understand


Active Member
Jun 12, 2006
To all the people of different genders who work in the this industry, accept my apology. We are not all like this, for the most part we walk upright without dragging our knuckles. Sometimes, on rare occasions, whether or not you have body hair is your choice and I respect that.

Our relationships, in the sheets and on the boards, should be mutually respectful and consenting.

Again, accept my apologies.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
No one can argue with that Julia . I’m not taking sides here . And I always like reading you , so I hope that you continue posting. You are a very articulate and smart lady and I wish we would have more women’s point of views on this board . We men are not always the most considerate or tactful maybe because we are on a review board for men and we tend to sometimes forget to filter ourselves for the few ladies who happen to read up .
Also bear in mind that many don’t actually mean what they say as many times it’s meant to be a bit humorous, amusing whether it succeeds or not :)
On the subject at hand I’m not trying to score points here with the ladies but I honestly prefer whatever makes them comfortable , happy and I’ve always been like that


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Mmmm.... two of my favourite posters feuding.

Julia you are more than cute and an amazingly kind and warm young lady, this I know for a fact.
As NCITW said sometimes comments are meant to be humorous and they don’t always come off that way.
I have never met Hungry but I know from good authority that he is nothing like you think, he is a respectful guy and nice to the women he sees.

Perhaps you guys should get together, and both will have a different opinion and actually enjoy each other’s company.
Just a suggestion.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Hahaha I always smile when you mention me being kind and warm because I know I am but I know I don’t always seem like it online. I always joke (not really a joke) that I’m much nicer in person... I have a few clients I met in person after arguing online or with who I don’t agree with everything. Turns out we get along well regardless. You can’t tell how someone really is until you meet them (and even then). But I know that if Hungry wanted to book me he would have tried already... (and from what I read from his reviews or posts I’m not sure we’d be a good match in terms of the type of ladies he likes to meet). But I enjoy interacting with him online even though it seems like I hate him. It’s entertaining and I don’t hate the guy and he knows it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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FYI everybody: All humans are primates (and can also be accurately described as animals and, in particular, mammals). Obviously, calling someone a lower primate (e.g. ape, chimpanzee, monkey) or an ugly primate would be insulting.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Howard Cosell got fired for calling Alvin Garrett a little monkey during a play.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Howard Cosell got fired for calling Alvin Garrett a little monkey during a play.

A very unfortunate choice of words while commenting live on a football play, but given all that African Americans have and still suffer from those who regard them as sub-human, the reaction was understandable. Cossell was one of the earliest who supported Muhammed Ali when the latter asked for a religious exemption and certainly no racist. How many of us have called our own children monkeys, kittens, squirrels etc?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
I have no idea how Howard Cosell ended up in a thread about armpit hair , but he did lol
So anyways that’s a great point anon_vlad . Many of us have used similar words meant as terms of endearment . And in his defence that’s what Howard Cosell claimed it to be . He actually used that word fir white athletes aswell so I personally don’t think it was meant to be a racist remark. But the problem was that he did it one too many times and being that he was such an experienced sports broadcaster he should have known better and learned from the previous times that it had happened


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I hope nobody is sipping coffee as they read this.

You`ll find plenty of hairy armpits on twitter....most of them belong to artistic, edgy and freaky cam girls. I found one and she connects with me like few in the past have. When making out with her its like tripping without out of body experience, She is not an escort and even as a part time lover with benefits she is difficult to book.
Now she is hairy and most of the time its not my thing. But..... her bush has the pleasant scent of a forest after a rain shower....especially when she squirts.
So I decided to do something I`ve never done before. I started playin with her hairy armpit.....kissing, pulling with my teeth and finally licking hard till she started moaning to the point of almost having an orgasm. It was insane and fun and I got a good

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I hope nobody is sipping coffee as they read this.

Am i the only one who had "too much information bro" in mind reading the rest of the post?

And thats saying on a forum speaking about sex and a lot of kinky fetishes :lol:
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Merb member
Dec 27, 2020
Random comment but one time I was so horny that I licked Elie at Euphoria 's armpits. Of course, she was shaven. No armpit hair. Lol
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
Random comment but one time I was so horny that I licked Elie at Euphoria 's armpits. Of course, she was shaven. No armpit hair. Lol
I know she is sweet but I hope for you that her deodorant was strawberry flavoured...;)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
I know she is sweet but I hope for you that her deodorant was strawberry flavoured...;)
I guess anti-perspirant would kill saliva...ouch....


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
There are several places on a woman`s body, outside of her pussy, where stimulation will lead to an orgasm with some women, including armpits with hair.
Others are lips, breasts, booty, ears and neck.
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