He was my "action hero" as a kid so obviously it touch me a bit even if im older, and i will admit i don't really care for his "politic stuff" etc
I just always loved him as an action movie star. I knew this moment would come where his health would start to fail him, the guy is 71 i think now? And obviously he must have took stuff in his life, i doubt he had that body totally natural lol.
I think he will probably not do movies anymore exept maybe a cameo in the futur Terminator. We can forget "triplet" and that Conan movie wich have been announced for ages. Unless his health get better really fast cause i mean at his age he won't be able to make movies for long. I know guys like Antony Hopkins are in the 80s and still making them but lets face it, they never did the same type of movie Arnold do. If we think Arnold we want to see him in an action role.