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At what height/weight would a sp/girl be considered FAT?


Feb 6, 2004
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Hey..this is Azzaro...I started this whole thread..phew..quite a few nice replies..what I did not know is the frame size counts too and I remember a doctor taking my wrist size to determine my frame size a while back!. Also some research in the US a few years back suggested that a male is sexually attracted to woemn with 1 to 1.14 ratio waist to hips..I think it might be true..

Love big tits

New Member
Sep 1, 2006
How do you mesure sensuality?

Isn't it what really turns you on when you meet someone?

Yes I know first impression is the norm and the physical part plays a big role into it, rubanesque is out right now for most and waif is in.

But that is an other story, don't want to highjack the thread.
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Turbodick said:
I'm surprised the Canadian Metric Nazi's don't make the weight/height in Kilograms and Metres, then no one would know what the numbers mean anyway.

Definetly don't know what Nazi stand for! I'd LOVE to take all these peoples who uses the NAZI word to describe anything they don't agree to and do to them 1/10 of what the Nazis did... That would be bloddy interesting... :mad:

FYI Turbo, to go with your line of thinking, besides USA, the entire planet must be Nazi, because USA is the only place where the Metric system isn't used officially. Why is this? Because Americans could't adapt in the 70's when it was introducted and some political instance wasn't brave enough to stand up. There's no advantages whatsoever in using the inches, pounds, feets... It's a system based on nothing and who's confusing as hell, where Metric is based on somthing concrete and is easy to use since it rely on a "base 10" numbering. Did you know 200 pounds don't mean anything on the moon but 100kg still remains 100kg over there? Even NASA uses metric!

As far as why pounds, inches and feets are used in the escort world, I'd say one reason would be clientele from USA. The other being the "hybrid" generation like me, who were raised in both systems. To me, height in centimeters is meaningless, same as liquid measures in ounces.

Ounces, talk about a complicated measure! Can be liquid or weight! And a gallon, imperial or US? In metric, a liter is a liter and it's liquid, a gram is a gram and it's mass.
Need to fix a car? What's the damn ratchet size? 9/16 or 1/2? In metric, it's 10 or 11mm, the bigger number si bigger, easy, no fractions!


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
My_dingaling said:
Good grief ... settling for second best isn't my thing, especially since the plump ones charge the same or close.
5'4 and 115 (max) and 5'10" 140-ish.
Anything more and I feel, I know, the woman isn't watching what she eats ... scoffs down too fast .. lol
Like men for that matter, 5'10 and more than 185 and you're unattractively chubby.

It is not settling for second best when this is your preffered body type. A guy who prefers the curvy girls (like my clientele) does not want some 19 year old skinny-mini! He prefers a woman to be more solidly built, softer with more curves.

As for charging the same thing, why should we charge less? You still would not be interested... In fact curvy girls have a niche market since the is plenty of demand but far less supply.

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Nov 15, 2005
naughtylady said:
It is not settling for second best when this is your preffered body type. A guy who prefers the curvy girls (like my clientele) does not want some 19 year old skinny-mini! He prefers a woman to be more solidly built, softer with more curves..........
I like to think of it as slowing down at the curves :D

Second best? No bloody way !!! I agree with Ronnie.
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