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At what point, after meeting someone, do you call it quits?

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
So, this has happened to me several times over the years passed, since i first started to visit MPs and SPs. And most of the time I know at what point i must hang up the keyboard and put merb, the ladies, and of course the members, on pause for awhile, and as faith has it, i always end up back here anyway, lol. Who knows, maybe I'm the problem;).

I say hang up the keyboard, because as much will power i may have, i just do not like temptation, nor do i want to make a mistake and possibly ruin something that may end up being worth giving things up in life that i enjoy. And whos to say that i may not get all of this from the future ex-wife to be, lol.

I have seen forums like Facebook and others that have also been culprits in ending relationships and i don't want to be in that situation.

So, to make a long story short, i met someone at a gathering last year, we talked and had a few laughs, and parted ways. Chatted a few times, went out casually a few times in small groups, always had a great time with lots of playful flirting. We teased each other a lot, with some kissing, lite and some heavy petting, till we took the plunge a few weeks ago. And it was as expected, really good, but we have not repeated yet, so not sure where we are, and I'm not sure where i am at either. But time will tell. Like i have mentioned in other threads, low expectations and no hype, let things unfold as they do. And since I am still active, its not like I'm yearning for her touch.

I would like to know, at what point do you call it quits after meeting someone, that someone that you might have a chance of having a lasting relationship with?
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Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Only you know the answer. Everybody is different. I would continue the hobby until it got serious. When it gets serious you can hang it up then.
Good luck!
Thank you, i have been at this awhile and its happened more times then i wanted and yes i agree, continue to hobby till things unfold, no harm done. And like i mentioned, most times i know when to hang it up. But just that one or two times i prematurely hung it it up and it bit me in the ass.

And I'm pretty sure since we only seen each other a few times since last year that she is seeing others also, as i am. A date here and there in between massages, lol.

I was curious on what others do in these situation.

Thank you for your candor.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
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First off, credit to you for simply for taking a step back and pondering the situation. Not everyone does. It shows significant consideration towards that potential love interest of yours.

Second, as I’m sure you know, you’re the only one who can really make that call… because you’ll be the only one knowing about it! So it’s simply a matter of figuring out up to what point will you still be able to look at yourself in the mirror.

Lastly, as far as I’m concerned, I never stopped. Over the years, it’s become increasingly easy for me to separate sex from love. Sure, love for your partner enhances sex like nothing else can! But it’s a bonus, not a prerequisite.

Just my two cents! And good luck with that burgeoning love!
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Hello, my friend, I must commend you on your thoughtful inquiry and post. If you had asked me the same question 15 years ago, I would have advised you to go with the flow .

Regrettably, the current generation has distorted the essence of love and the dating process. Nowadays, it seems that the focus is on who holds the status of being the "trophy" in a relationship, and showing genuine interest is often perceived as a position of weakness.

This shift can be attributed to the prevalence of platforms like Tinder, Seeking Arrangement, and Bumble. To be candid, I find myself apprehensive about falling in love in this era, as the concept of love and dating seems to have become a mockery.

This apprehension is what leads me to prefer engaging with service providers, as it offers a hassle-free experience with no emotional strings attached.

If I were to offer a piece of old-fashioned advice, I would say that if you feel a sense of comfort with someone and the energy between you resonates at the same frequency, then I encourage you to pursue it, my friend.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
As soon as someone attempts to change you or criticizes your friends as that is only the beginning. In a relationship sex can only last so long, if you have no common interests it is doomed to fail. My ex and I had different tastes in music, comedy and film it lasted 16 years but a rough 16 years. My kids ask if I will marry again and tell them a big no unless for some strange reason Jennifer Anston has a thing for old fat men. Being single is actually pretty good now IMO.

I misunderstood the question, new reply

Once I spawn with someone ( not a one night stand ) there would be no more escorts.
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Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I love to hobby, meeting new people everyday, and the talent out there is amazing. There's a few that i have met in recent passing that it would be hard to say bye too, but sometimes i just need a little more then just a 60-120 minute rendezvous, plus i kind of like the fighting and making up aspect of a relationship.

I have tried it with a couple of ladies, but they found it weird, and plus, its just not the same. It has to be realistic, with passion and hurtful words.

I remember this one lady from an agency, we got close to a point that we could go into a little argument and got a little physical. One night she got mad at me and she pinched my nipple really hard, almost ripping it off, and it hurt like a bitch, I had such a fast reaction and without thinking, as she walked away i slapped her on the back of her shoulder. Well that turned into a quick round two and it was awesome. Both of us sweaty, she headed for the shower and i headed for a bottle of water.
When she came back from the shower, she came to me with a smile on her face and said look, there was a hand print on her back and i apologized so much, i felt so bad, with tears in my eyes ,that i could do this to her, but she said its okay, (giving me a kiss and wiping tears from my face), i kind of liked it, next time aim for my ass. We just laughed.
This was realistic, but it just happened, maybe because we had seen each other 7 or 8 times over a short period and it was kind like a mini relationship, we had chats, shared food and drinks so it was nice.

Either way, we live one day at a time and and we have to make every day count. So, i will see where things go and anyway, I'm not ready to say goodbye to a few of the ladies just yet.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
So, i will see where things go and anyway, I'm not ready to say goodbye to a few of the ladies just yet.

Imho you will only be ready to say goodbye to them when you meet the right one, which it doesn’t seem to be the case with your last fling. If it was you would know it by now. Sounds more like you guys have mutually found a suitable fuck buddy and there is nothing wrong with that.

Now the golden rule between fuck buddies is that it has to be and stay casual, not complicated and absolutely without any expectations from both sides. It’s not dating, it’s not a relationship so there shouldn’t any signs or sense of engagement. Things happen when they happen, and when they don’t, well they just don’t.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
Personally, once I feel like *feels wrong* to see an SP while seeing someone, I stop.

In the past 8 years since I started this hobby, I stop the moment I "feel exclusive". Doesn't even have to be official.

If I feel like I want to stop going out on dates and only focus on 1 person, I stop hobbying too. I consider it to be the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Well... my personal thought on this is, until a partner and I have had the relationship talk, and agree on the relationship being monogamous.

Until that point I have always just assumed the guy I was dating/sleeping with, was also sleeping with other people, and admittedly until that conversation i just assume he is a player, playing the field, and so am i.

Until the conversation that says i choose you over all other women to be with, let's make it an official relationship, it isn't an official relationship yet.

I just got lucky that my man likes to share, so when we had that conversation, and he said he wants me there for all his sexual encounters, but also wants me to enjoy my time with those I see for work, even if he isn't there. That it turns him on instead of feeling threatened by someone spending time with his woman. (He wants me constantly arroused, and likes knowing i am being played with, even though he has a drive likely less than some here.)

But in past whenever i was single I had my regular play partners until the discussion was had about someone wanting to take it further and make it official. Then everyone else who didn't want a relationship would be updated on my relationship status, and dropped for the one who demonstrated intrest on building a future together.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I’m on a couple of dating sites, mostly out of curiosity. If I I see lady who might catch my interest, I rarely act. I enjoy my uncomplicated, single life which allows me to dabble in this hobby.
It's a curious phenomenon that sometimes, when you are least focused on finding a relationship or are happy with being single, that is when someone special may unexpectedly appear in your life. Life has a way of surprising us in unexpected ways. As you grow comfortable with solitude and begin to enjoy the peace that comes with it, it can become almost addictive and potentially risky, to the point where you may find yourself hesitant to engage with potential romantic interests.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
I quit cold Turkey almost 7 tears ago...well kinda, a few might have trickier and there in the weeks after. I found that I couldn't find someone if I was still doing this, oddly enough a few months after I met someone and have been with them ever since, haven't gotten back to the hobby.

One thing this hobby did for me was fulfill all my fantasies and then some from when I was younger (I really had no game). I'm nothing to lie always go back and think of the good times I had but I was fulfilled so I don't feel like I missing out on anything anymore :)

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I quit cold Turkey almost 7 tears ago...well kinda, a few might have trickier and there in the weeks after. I found that I couldn't find someone if I was still doing this, oddly enough a few months after I met someone and have been with them ever since, haven't gotten back to the hobby.

One thing this hobby did for me was fulfill all my fantasies and then some from when I was younger (I really had no game). I'm nothing to lie always go back and think of the good times I had but I was fulfilled so I don't feel like I missing out on anything anymore :)

This brings the question... I've always wondered why people who no longer partake still visit the forums. What do you get out of it? I know that personally I would probably rather spend time with my partner, friends and family than hang out online with strangers on an escort review board if I stopped seeing escorts. So I'm curious why some people still come here (and some very religiously haha) even when they no longer partake in "the hobby".
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