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Being disgusted by a MERBITE....

have you ever refuse to see a SP after she saw a specific member?

  • yeah!!

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • I don't read enough the board to have an opinion

    Votes: 10 18.9%
  • feel grossed out yeahé.ééseeing her right after yeah...but not refusing to see her at all

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • no

    Votes: 29 54.7%

  • Total voters

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012

We all know Internet the best way of communication since it allows each and everyone of us to socialise/chat without necessarily having to show who we are and still we are projecting an image of ourself. Sometimes, the image one web user has of another one is very different from the reality. That can be positive but it can also be negative.

I was talking with a friend/client that I knew from the board and we started talking about details in reviews, like sometimes the poster gives waaayyyy too much information!! Then he brought something up that I had already thought few times before:"I was dying to see her, but since ABCD banged her, I kinda lost interest". When I asked why..he told me Just by the way those people are reviewing the ladies, he can have a bad feeling of them. So much that it might influence his choice to not see the lady after this other Merbite did.

It made me wonder, Is there a lot of you that when you are grossed out by some other Merbites, you might not see a sp those men have seen?

BTW, it is a private poll.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Session you have with a girl is your own no matter what other dude writes. I find the idea of not seeing a girl because another banged her kind of weird. Wake up dude she aint becoming your girlfriend!



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 contraire...cela risque de me donner le goût de la'est d'ailleurs la raison principale pour laquelle je suis sur Merb....
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
What a weird question, not sure where u r going with this... so what u lose a client or two..

Then again if u see jalimon or Gaby right before me, I may hesitate since you will be sure to regret having seen then before me. After all you want the best right off the bat.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I’m not sure if you mean disgusted by some guys attitude across the board or by what they write in their reviews concerning what they did with a lady?

Details could be good for open-minded guys, but they could be bad for vanilla-type of guys. Meaning, for example, one could be grossed out if he thinks Ass to Mouth or Swallowing everyone’s cum is disgusting. I remember reading three different guys saying exactly that, so I think writing detailed reviews and giving out too much info can be harming and prevent certain guys from seeing a lady, and I believe that could be why some ladies don’t want any reviews or prefer when certain details are left out and why some literally ask gents to abstain themselves... I’m as clear as can be and I don’t mind detailed reviews because I hate to repeat myself and being asked everyday, all day if I do this, if I do that, how much, that’s all time wasting to me.

A thought provoking topic. At first I thought this was stupid and I put "No" but I must admit this is intriguing:

I have to say that I have never refused a girl because she was with another member that I don't like. That would be stupid. I also want to go on record as saying, I do feel a certain brotherhood (and maybe a sisterhood) with the other people that partake in this hobby. This transcends politics and petty sports rivalries etc. so I would never refuse a girl because she was with a guy that I was arguing with in a MERB thread. In fact, if we both liked the girl we would have something in common that binds us in spite of our differences in opinion about non-hobby matters On the other hand, if someone were doing something unsafe, I may tend to stay away for that girl. If someone allowed themselves to be defecated on, that may create an image I couldn't deal with for example.

There is a problem with reviews. People do not put enough detail in them. A review without services offered and rendered is no review. I have seen posts in the review thread that said "You've got to see this girl. I'm not one for details but you've got to see her...." This is not a review. On occasion, these non-reviewers are shills and even pimps. They often seem to be the same low-life that do not have the skill to put a cogent sentence or two together so this is the best they can do in a review. Anyone that claims they can't stand reviews with details is either stupid or one of these shills or maybe they are afflicted by some sick white knight/Stockholm syndrome where the loser thinks they are being a gentlemen. These are usually people that are lifelong bachelors and never went on a date that wasn't paid for. Poor bastards have no game at all. Thank God for pay-for-play for these guys. The details are how we decide....good or bad. Without them we have nothing.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Interesting topic Alyssa.
I find most reviews informative but a few can be disgusting. I would not see a girls who allowed herself to be assaulted , degraded and be treated with disrespect....unless it was planned ahead as a role play with the woman`s consent.
On a similar topic would you have sex with your wife after she had an affair or been raped?

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
What a weird question, not sure where u r going with this....

Don't worry, I perfectly know where I am going with this...and you will know pretty soon as well... ;)

(It might sound like a sort of threat..but it is not: I am "mom" until the dinner and I won't ever clear space for Alyssa with them around just as sex toys hidden between mattresses : kinky things have to stay away from children's loitering on MERB for more than few seconds isn't acceptable IMHO.)

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
But....straight an "alpha-woman" this kind of situation already happened and I cancelled at the last second...that was a cheapshot from me and I apologies to her (which didn't change anything in our little war on the board few years

But there was that member, who an HDH told me about while an overnight encounter who approached her..I knew he wasn't clean just by reading him, I felt filthy..loll..and there was this day where he wanted to see me and told me some stuffs and made me feel like gagging..all in all, 4 well-known sp told me before he contacted me he was the most disgusting client they ever had..

Anyway, I was supposed to see the last one I defended in a flame war against him..since she was very popular and didn't want to get dirty by trashing on him...but as a Mistress back then, I couldn't care less..
I was supposed to meet her around 9....but at 7 he posted his review where he said she just left his place...
When she called to tell me she was on her way (she wasn't answering me so I figured out she was with a client..since she wanted to be my slutty doll...I knew I wouldn't play much in her intimacy...well, certainly not with my mouth when she saw 2-3 dudes before me!!).. ut I knew I couldn't see her, knowing she had him between her legs..and knowing all the shit she told me about I had to cancel...and as a Mistress, I played the game and told her I like eating but only when I know my meat is fresh..

To be continued...and my reply to Mocha will follow lol
May 23, 2016
Why would anyone care who she saw.If both parties were concentual adults what happened between the sheets with previous client should not affect your session. What counts is service, hygiene, respect,safe sex and two human being appreciates their time together.We hobby because we have fantasies.And the ladies have fantasies too.



Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
I feel that reviews with details are the only ones that matter to me, reviews with no deets just saying i had a good time i just blow off as shills, not accusing any1 just my opinion, the details or guys she sees wouldnt affect my decision sans her being peed or scat on, im under no delusion that she hasnt banged MANY other guys, it is thier job after all, im sure some of them would skeeve me out for whatever reason, i would think every1 knows that going into this hobby

There was a girl here at home who i was close to her, she ended up hoing for awhile, i wasnt nearly as grossed out by her clients as i was about her boyfriends, everyone of them real low lifes, scumbags, drug addicts, guys just out of prison, so just goes to show ladies- we might not be as grossed out by fellow merbites as we would be in the men u actually choose to be in relationships with!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I feel that reviews with details are the only ones that matter to me, reviews with no deets just saying i had a good time i just blow off as shills,
Me too.

Ii wasnt nearly as grossed out by her clients as i was about her boyfriends, everyone of them real low lifes, scumbags, drug addicts, guys just out of prison, so just !

Perfect. Yes, and these guys are probably not using condoms.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I feel that reviews with details are the only ones that matter to me

Fuck me too. Ok you can spare how many O's you got her because I perfectly know with me she wont have any haha But still details are what matters! I still remember Cloudsurf's girl (candice I think) who sang in the shower... Fucking little detail that means so much. How in hell can you go wrong with a girl that sing in you shower getting ready?

im under no delusion that she hasnt banged MANY other guys, it is thier job after all, im sure some of them would skeeve me out for whatever reason

Again if someone is bothered by what he reads here in reviews I think he is the one having a problem.

There was a girl here at home who i was close to her, she ended up hoing for awhile, i wasnt nearly as grossed out by her clients as i was about her boyfriends, everyone of them real low lifes, scumbags, drug addicts, guys just out of prison, so just goes to show ladies- we might not be as grossed out by fellow merbites as we would be in the men u actually choose to be in relationships with!

Shit I met quite a few merbiste now and I have to say I am absolutely amazed each time I meet new ones! Many physicians, pharmacists, computer specialist or engineer, broker, accountant, business owners... We are the good guys ;)



Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
I don't think I know any of the other posters enough to be disgusted by them, lol. Also, as others have mentioned, posters here only represent a fraction of the people that a given SP sees. As long as the SP showers before our visit, I don't see a problem.


Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
I might be going a bit off course with the subject of this thread. Five or six years ago I was staying at a hotel in downtown and just by chance I happened to meet two sps from the same agency in the lobby of the hotel. One I had called for and the other happened to be for another client (maybe another Merbite but hopefully not after you read the rest of my story, lol :fat:) who just happened to book the other lady the same time/place/duration as me and get this, he was staying in the hotel room right next to mine. What are the odds, lol.

So I headed up to my hotel room with the lady I booked just behind the other client and his date. We went up in separate elevators and that's when I awkwardly found out he was staying in the room next to me. Me and my date walked right past his room on the way to mine. We both glanced in and noticed there were used condoms everywhere. It looked like a bomb went off in there, lol.

We both looked at each other with a look of disgust after seeing how unkempt his room was. Once we settled in my room we got to briefly know each other over a glass of rosee. She immediately mentioned to me that she got lucky by meeting me instead of the other guy, lol, which made me chuckle. I mentioned to her how appropriate it was to always treat people the way you like to be treated. I always treat everyone respectfully especially in this business. She agreed.

The next hour was pretty intense. We were exhausted. The chemistry was great. I thought we bonded a bit over the circumstances of how we met. Once we were done I walked her back to the lobby like the gentlemen that I am :fat: and as we walked past the other clients room the other lady just happened to walk out the same time. We all had a laugh about how everything worked out. The other sp mentioned that she did get the short end of the stick so to speak after all was said and done which made me chuckle once again but most importantly reminded me how important it is to treat people respectfully and that includes a clean room. You rarely ever get a second chance to make a first impression fellas!

I know I got off topic, but to answer the question I have no problem seeing any sp no matter who they have seen, disgusting or not as long as they are clean and showered. As a matter of fact I booked the other sp a couple days later from the lobby. She seemed nice but I suppose a part of me felt bad as well for her. I wanted to give her a great experience and after everything was said and done, I think I accomplished my goal. Another great session. So many stories, what a great town, I love Montreal!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally i just think "who would i be to find somebody else gross". I mean by that i don't judge looks, age, size or whatever as obviously i ain't a toned muscular man myself lol. It would be hypocrite to find another guy "digusting" purely on his look.

I don't push to know details about merbite or other clients like there hygiene or whatever, its not my business.

Reviews usually turn me on and make me wanna see the SP, as someone said before. I mean, i have my special preferences, if you pay attention to my post you know what they are, so when i read a guy did it usually im like "You son of a bitch lucky motherfucker" (in a joking manner of course)

Ill admit sometimes im jealous of guys who see multiple SPs a week... post lots of reviews and stuff like that. I wish i could do this as well. But its part of the game...

As Hungry says i hate reviews that does not give details in the vein of "im not one to give details but you got to see this girl". I can understand leaving a certain specific fantasy out of the review if its very kinky and/or she ask you to do so, but a review must be a review. Saying she was good or bad give very little infos.

I don't really want to know if i was before or after a specific client, but honestly if she took a shower and his clean, then who cares... i mean its part of the game.

I kinda like Kinky stuff personally(not everything but some of it) so i don't mind if she does it. I mean she could be bukkake by 10 guy the day before, it won't change that she will be fresh and clean when i see her... and ill find it kinda hot she did it if i happen to know about it :p

There is one thing that could turn me off, and i was sure it was about that originally but in a question for SPs. ATTITUDE !!

if an SP really gives me negative vibes on the board, no matter how good looking i may find her, i think it will kill the magic. Im sure its the same for SPs about clients. Some may see the guy anyway, some will not. Personally i would just politely ask that if for some reasons my post turn you off and you prefer not to see me cause of them, just tell me, so ill move on and forget about thinking of booking you as its not possible. I try to think of myself as a nice guy overall but im aware my "direct side" may shock some peoples at time, also im not politically correct and i know it... I never post to offend but im aware it may be the result of some of my posts.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Alyssa promised there would be a point to this poll and very quickly. Still waiting...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
To the 28% who answered "Yeah" are you sure you should be doing this at all?

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