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Bell FIBE versus VIDEOTRON . TELL US YOUR PRICE & service stories.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
My son switched from Bell to Videotron and told me they were 40% cheaper.Turns out after a year the price difference was only 9$ a month for the same package.Then last year he moves from Brossard To Hemmingford then Videotron tells him we don<t go there therfore 800$ penalty for moving (he finnally got the charge cancelled) Bell Fibe is the new technology to go with but never forget they are crtc controlled Videotron is NOT.Even if Bell wanted to lower their bill by 20% that means all those taxes on that bill would go down 20% also!!
Problem with Bell is the Fucking service dept always fucked up too bad


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
This is what I found___if you have just fibe internet you can just hit the reset button at the bottom of the sagemcom for 10 seconds. then release and wait for the second and third lights on the sagemcom to turn solid blue. this puts your sagemcom into bridge mode.
then you can connect your router to port 1 of the sagemcom. your router should have it's wan set to pppoe with your bell b1 username and password already programmed in. then disable wireless on the sagemcom by pressing the wireless button on the front for 10 seconds until the wireless lights turns off.

if you have fibe internet + fibe tv you can't have a second router as your TV set box's NEED dhcp from the sagemcom in order to get IPTV over the /26 vlan.
you have 2 options then in both scenario's your sagemcom still initiates the pppoe connection for internet. so just setup your sagemcom as normal for now.
then choose 1 of the following 2 setups.

1. disable wan on your router. disable dhcp as well. set router lan ip to and same subnet as the sagemcom.
set wireless to AP/access point. then connect your ethernet cable into LAN port 1 of your router into your samgemcom LAN port 1.

2. set wan on your router to DHCP. turn DHCP on as well. leave router land ip to whatever you want.
in wireless you will have the option to bridge or unbridge. turn on bridge.
connect your ethernet cable to your router's WAN port to your sagemcom LAN port 1.
in your sagemcom add a static dhcp / ip reservation entry for your newly connected router.
(you can get the ip address and mac of your router by going into your router gui under status-->wan)
then in the sagemcom enable DMZ and add your router's ip and hit save.

both ways work. however i recommend setup 1 unless you know how to setup port forwarding yourself.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
Hi guys 2015 update! Ok 2 years ago switched to Bell. Was good for a while then they basically tarted raising rates again, I am now paying 138 $ bucks to 25mbps internet, basic plus french theme pack for hockey, and long distance . this is gong upwards in teh last two years form 125$ to 134$ now 138$, ( by lowering my bundle discount). I think soon it may be time to go back to Videotron, whom I believe has their shitty double pay one month ahead bullshit!.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Hi guys 2015 update! Ok 2 years ago switched to Bell. Was good for a while then they basically tarted raising rates again, I am now paying 138 $ bucks to 25mbps internet, basic plus french theme pack for hockey, and long distance . this is gong upwards in teh last two years form 125$ to 134$ now 138$, ( by lowering my bundle discount). I think soon it may be time to go back to Videotron, whom I believe has their shitty double pay one month ahead bullshit!.

You have to call them, they change packages all the time, they won't call you themselves to say they have cheaper alternatives. I gave them a call a couple of months ago I was on the same package for 5 years and asked them to help me get a better price since their packages had changed, , always be polite. I told them the only thing I really needed was the internet that I really didn't need the phone because everybody calls my cell (not with bell) and with the internet these days (Netflix, Crackle, etc...) I really didn't really need TV, although I would rather keep everything because of the convenience, but if I was still going to pay that much money it wasn't worth it, after a bit of back and forth they transferred me to the "retainment" department and that's when they started reducing my bill.

If they start reducing your prices, they might give you 3 month or 6 month specials, tell them that's all fine and good but you want to know what the reduction will be on the ongoing rate, AND this is very important, have them e-mail you a confirmation with the details. Tell them you want to stay on the phone with them till you receive the e-mail.

Always be polite and respectful (this should be with anyone, especially people in customer service). Remember these guys don't own the company so they are more likely to help you out if you are genuinely polite. I know of somebody that was really rude to them and said he was going to cancel and demanded that they cut the prices and the person on the other line said, ok no problem sir we can cancel everything lol!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
I have 4 services with Videotron:

-Internet 30 Mbps (130 gigs limit up/down)
-Cable TV (not sure of the channel package because i had it for a long long time, but i have enough for sure)
-Landline phone
-Cell phone (1gb data, unlimited text, unlimited calls local and LD)

155$ + taxes


Jun 4, 2012
i suggest trying small ISP/reseller
like teksavvy, acanac, ciktel
i started with acanac, 10 mbs line for 30$ unlimited, and i switch to teksavvy for the fibe25(unlimited bandwidth) with voip for 70$
and currently i'm with ciktel cable 30/15(unlimited) with voip and tv for less than 55$
for the tv, they actually giving me a free android tv box that have some local and international channels on it, i'm not a tv guy, but i can get all the football games on it and replay it.

Abe Sapien

Jan 25, 2011
All service is provided by Bell or Videotron. If you are at Bell, find the lowest provider and call Bell and tell them you are cancelling. They will shit in their pants and give you the same price plus a few months off. Watch these bastards, they will quietly increase the price then you have to call them back and threaten them again.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2005
With Bell I pay $78 tax incl for 3 services.
basic TV
Unlimited Internet
Telephone with Voicemail and call display

I have many promotions applied to my account and have to call them up every couple of months to harass them to renew.
Be polite and nice... but maintain your stance and they will give you what you want.


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
I have many promotions applied to my account and have to call them up every couple of months to harass them to renew.
Be polite and nice... but maintain your stance and they will give you what you want.
So true. That's exactly what I do.

Im out in the West Island and I pay 86 tax included (for 12 months )
FibeTV with all the channels ( package Top of the Top )
Internet 50/50 unlimited
Basic phone land line

Package that was offered to be when they brought in fiber optics in the basement of my building. So we have fiber running to all our condo units.


New Member
Mar 11, 2011
Watch your bill for surprise price hikes. If you complain they will lower the price. That is how they make their money.

S.S neo

Active Member
Apr 28, 2007
110$ / month
Basic TV + 20 channels
Internet something like 10 or 15 gigs
SmartPhone (no data but there's free wifi everywhere now ...) unlimited long distance in Quebec

I dropped the landline (25$ a month, think about it) ... and they gave me a new terminal (well... the 2 years free bullshit)

Atlante 007

Aug 30, 2010
South shore of Montreal
Je suis avec vidéotron base+20 canaux de mon choix et internet intermédiaire et téléphone. J'ai fait une incursion chez Bell l'été dernier de juin a septembre. J'ai quitté car le service est pourri malgré une technologie de pointe. S'il y avait un autre diffuseur, j'y serais déjà. Je paye trop cher pour ce que je recois.....
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