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Best recruiting agency?With best talents?

Best recruiting agency?

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Not sure if you were around in the Eleganza days but to me (and many others at that time) they were some of the best ever, nothing overly photoshopped (maybe to cover a tatoo or birthmark or the likes) and natural shots of the ladies. I think GG/EC comes closest to Eleganza's pictures currently and hands down recruting like Eleganza as well for the last 2 years.

I would rather a lady show up and I am surprised she looks better than her pic (which already attracted me to her in the first place) than the other way around. You dont like Christinas new pics? :eek: And no I do not know whats in store for future pics, personally i do not think most are that bad at all, some could be better but from meeting most of the ladies at the GG Parties, they look better in person which is MUCH better than the alternative. Maybe GG/EC are going for that angle which isn't totally a bad idea when you think about it, but only they can answer that.

This is a bit off-topic, but it's such a small thing. If I have any criticism of GG/G4U/EC, it's that their photos are amateurish. I wish that they would hire a professional photographer to properly feature their ladies. Do you know if they have any plans to do this?

I mean, ladies, you all look great! But it looks like those photos were taken on an iPhone 4.

Well...about 1/2 of them, anyway... It would be nice to see something up to the standard of Mojo. As far as photos/videos go, they're the class of the field...


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
they look better in person which is MUCH better than the alternative.

This is true & I don't know why some places rely on Photoshop so much. I've met some beautiful women who looked different from their photos & later wondered why someone would Photoshop a woman who's beautiful to begin with! Just take her photo and put it online! Now, obviously, I can tell a gorgeous woman whether the photo is blurry or not, but I would prefer it to be not. In this day, there's no reason why they can't be. I've read a lot of reviews -- not all here -- that say things like, "She wasn't the person in her photos, but she was still hot," and I wonder if she WAS the girl in her photos, but they were so Photoshopped that the guy seeing her couldn't tell. A clear, professional photo always wins they day over a cell phone photo. Just my 2 cents... Thanks, Igna!



New Member
Mar 29, 2015
I agree with both sides here...Having overly enhanced photos definitely sets up clients to be disappointed, but having poor quality photos also sells the girls short. I think Vogue's photos achieve the perfect balance between the two.


Nov 12, 2005
I agree with both sides here...Having overly enhanced photos definitely sets up clients to be disappointed, but having poor quality photos also sells the girls short. I think Vogue's photos achieve the perfect balance between the two.

Franky's a classy guy. That said, I think the black & white's sell some of the ladies short... Skin tone is a beautiful thing. :thumb: The poses are absolutely classy and in good taste, though.

On the topic of selling girls short... I will have to say that Chloe, Julia and Sophie's photos did/do not sell the girls short, at all. WYSIWYG, to the dot. Could the lighting be better? Sure. Does it fully convey their physical beauty? Absolutely. But, photos can never convey personality and attitude. And GG has always shone in that department, not that others don't, GG has just been consistently good for a long time.

Oh, and BTW missy, your old agency photos looked pretty damn perfect, too. Still, in-person was still surprising to the upside.

(OK, now I stop.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Not sure if you were around in the Eleganza days but to me (and many others at that time) they were some of the best ever, nothing overly photoshopped (maybe to cover a tatoo or birthmark or the likes) and natural shots of the ladies. I think GG/EC comes closest to Eleganza's pictures currently and hands down recruting like Eleganza as well for the last 2 years.


Exactly Iggy. I can't stand a photo shopped pictures. I will say that I have never seen a GG/EC picture embellish a girl. Like the Eleganza Girls, you open the door and the girl is always as good or better then the photos.

Also, I don't get it? The incall could use some sprucing up but it is not that bad. I've stayed at worse hotels in Montreal.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

Have a question ?

Does massive defection counter "Best recruiting" status "
Or it is just a minor situation like mentioned "it comes with some hickups along the way."?




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It is because they don't like the mauve shade of off-white latex paint in the incall....Right.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Never to late to learn ?mauve shade of off white latex?Hummmmm!

What about no shades no floor for a few days ?
Would that do the trick ?:confused:



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
As we can see now with Nadya losing a lot of talent recently other will be recruiting some very nice ladies. it is a cycle that will never end. For speculation as to why they left no one knows but there has to be a reason for the sudden departure. In the end the ladies make up their mind of where they want to be and the flavor of the month changes.


New Member
May 8, 2008
Knowing when to shut up !

As we can see now with Nadya losing a lot of talent recently ...

Again STN nothing but speculations. I fired all four.
You will never learn the values of remaining silent when you don't have all of the facts.



Nov 12, 2005
Again STN nothing but speculations. I fired all four.
You will never learn the values of remaining silent when you don't have all of the facts.


As long as you didn't fire them for NOT volunteering for a BookerL date, your agency is still shiny in my book!! :lol: :lol: I kid. I kid. :D I'm sure you had good reason. And noted, don't get on Nadya's bad side! ;)

STN's point at the end is valid though: Nadya's started out the year red hot with Bunny, Brady, Zoe and others. I thought at one point all my business would just flow there. Those named stars are now gone. I'm sure at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later, you'll have new stars, again. And that's just my tastes. I'm sure collectively Nadya's hasn't lost a beat throughout this year. We all have our highs and lows.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Again STN nothing but speculations. I fired all four.
You will never learn the values of remaining silent when you don't have all of the facts.


But if you remain silent you never know the facts.

EDIT: If you fire them you still lose them, not a real difference.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I have always said that whenever a group hate on any one agency, it always backfires and they do more good for the agency than bad because of all the free publicity...

Funny! Ironically, things did backfire, but from within, not from the critics very biasedly called haters.

As we can see now with Nadya losing a lot of talent recently other will be recruiting some very nice ladies.

Now that Nadya has explained why some ladies formerly of her agency are not there any more you and all of us can reassess what we know...and what we let ourselves believe we know. For instance, 36 people thought they knew about the lead agency when this poll was made. They voted for an agency now gone for several reasons, but key to this poll there was a large exodus of ladies. In effect, all those people were mistaken.

....there has to be a reason for the sudden departure.

I agree. Of the 9 agencies listed the one most voted for disintegrated with only 6 ladies staying of around 25 at peak to reform as another agency. None of the reasons for mass defection can be good. One of the former managers of that agency has moved on to create a new and hopefully better run agency with the remaining ladies of the flawed and now defunct former one. We wish them good luck. But, in view of what happened real facts have shown that at best these polls are somewhere between giving an honest opinion and drinking koolaid.

These polls are popularity contests of the moment...not facts. Don't base you hobbying choice on polls which this one proved are unreliable. At most use polls as a springboard, a beginning for serious inquiry...and keep in mind poll numbers come out of personal opinions often with elements that have nothing to do with FACTS.



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
As long as you didn't fire them for NOT volunteering for a BookerL date, your agency is still shiny in my book!! :lol: :lol: I kid. I kid. :D I'm sure you had good reason. And noted, don't get on Nadya's bad side!



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

As long as you didn't fire them for NOT volunteering for a BookerL date,...

HELL!!!! For a guaranteed 6 hours of pay I'd volunteer for a Booker date...ONLY to be the on the spot baby oil supplier ;) and steal some fringe benefits with any lady not otherwise occupied in the moment when the big guy isn't looking.'ll have new stars, again. I'm sure collectively Nadya's hasn't lost a beat throughout this year.

Female owners/managesr seem to be less sentimental and more business realistic than men sometimes. I remember another lady owner firing one of my ATFS, a real sexual dynamo who didn't handle her business responsibilities as she should have. I was extremely disappointed, but of course the owner and the ladies know what's going on and we don't. The loss of my ATF sucked for me, but I had all the pleasure, I didn't have to run the business.




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
As long as you didn't fire them for NOT volunteering for a BookerL date, your agency is still shiny in my book!! :lol: :lol: I kid. I kid.


Haha Wolfie
Booker is well trained in taking hits !lol
However Nadya way of managing is similar to mine ,girls needs to be reminded that customer service and a VIP attitude is most important .
Lateness and no shows by girls screws up scheduling and make clients mad.
How long can you pull on a elastic before it snaps .

By the way ,my dating is way above the roof !LOLBut thanks for your concern



Keyser Soze

New Member
Jun 8, 2003
North Carolina
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As long as you didn't fire them for NOT volunteering for a BookerL date, your agency is still shiny in my book!! :lol: :lol: I kid. I kid. :D I'm sure you had good reason. And noted, don't get on Nadya's bad side! ;)

STN's point at the end is valid though: Nadya's started out the year red hot with Bunny, Brady, Zoe and others. I thought at one point all my business would just flow there. Those named stars are now gone. I'm sure at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later, you'll have new stars, again. And that's just my tastes. I'm sure collectively Nadya's hasn't lost a beat throughout this year. We all have our highs and lows.
Wolfie , look at the suspention thread it gets even better loll Sulty is present alright and many times for the same reason . It does explain a lot of things. This being said Nadya remains a solid agency with exeptional girls and the best locations of any incall angency advertising on this board.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Wolfie , look at the suspention thread it gets even better loll Sulty is present alright and many times for the same reason ..

I have had 4 suspensions here and 3 were BS. I have an opinion and if it offends someone bummer, I do not pretend to like who I do not like.... That is me. Out of all the agencies and members here I do not see eye to eye with 1 owner and 3 members, not bad numbers for all the people. In my comment no malice was intended or I would have written it, I am not shy. Recently 6 well reviewed ladies left Nadyas and I was wondering why... As always Nadya gave her to the point response.
PS: I am happy you are keeping track of me, if you really want I can put up a daily blog of my thoughts and adventures.
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