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Best way to avoid getting harassed by immigration?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
One good excuse that U haven't seen anyone post yet is to fill a prescription. I haven't tried it yet but I plan to. I was speaking to a couple that does this and they have saved quite a bit. Me? I would lose but I would fill a script and save 50$ and see 3 escorts. But this is a good excuse for running across the border for a short trip. Just make you have a script to fill and a plan of how to do it and where you are going to do it.

Border Agent: What is your reason to visit Canada, A?

Me: Filling a script.

That's all you give him. If he asks where you tell him where. If he asks for the script you show him the script.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Not sure how that would work honestly?

You would need a prescription from a physician who can prescribe in Canada to fill that prescription in Canada. Not all American physicians can prescribe in Canada. It’s not like you can take a prescription from USA and go into Canada with it. Even if your on Holidays in Canada and forget your meds in states, the pharmacy in Canada can’t call the pharmacy in USA and verify, there’s no such agreement between two countries, you literally need to go to a walk in or casualty facility and see a physician.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
They have DR's that can write scripts at specific Canadian pharmacies I'm told. You bring them your US script and for a fee, they give you a Canadian script.

I'm not exactly sure how this works as I haven't done it but I have a pretty expensive script myself. I have met my deductible so it doesn't make sense to go to Canada until next year but I am going to try this. I can only tell you what I was told by a couple that does this. They said you bring your US script to the pharmacy and they have a Doctor there.

Maybe someone else can comment?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Yea that would be interesting to learn more. I know certain hotels have physicians on staff that could probably do that for you. I’m sure the Ritz has someone.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
They said you bring your US script to the pharmacy and they have a Doctor there.

In NY (may be different in other states) prescriptions are no longer filled out on paper and handed to patients. It's all done online directly with the pharmacy. If there's a way around that I would also consider giving this a try.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I'm not exactly sure how this works as I haven't done it but I have a pretty expensive script myself.

Grasshopper...find out if what you are looking for is sold in Canada. Some of our products were not sold there...

And Walooo is correct , everything is electronic now..especially controlled substances due to the abuse

This isnt Tijuana/ Buenos Aires/ Medellin/ Barcelona ( where a bribe in the hand of the Pharmacist opens the candy jar )

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes, I just got a paper script from my Dr for the purpose. However, I didn't try to fill it in Canada because as I've already stated, I had met an insurance deductable and it no longer made sense.

What I don't know is the following: Is my script available in Canada? I'll have to research this obviously before I try it. My other two scripts are generic so it no longer makes sense. The one that is costing me a lot of money is a particular statin drug.

Just checked. Nope! My drug is being tested in Canada. Livalo/pitavastatin is not yet avialable in Canada.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
In NY (may be different in other states) prescriptions are no longer filled out on paper and handed to patients. It's all done online directly with the pharmacy. If there's a way around that I would also consider giving this a try.

Doctors still have the tear off paper because patients still need to shop for a pharmacy.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
One good excuse that U haven't seen anyone post yet is to fill a prescription. I haven't tried it yet but I plan to. I was speaking to a couple that does this and they have saved quite a bit. Me? I would lose but I would fill a script and save 50$ and see 3 escorts. But this is a good excuse for running across the border for a short trip. Just make you have a script to fill and a plan of how to do it and where you are going to do it.

Border Agent: What is your reason to visit Canada, A?

Me: Filling a script.

That's all you give him. If he asks where you tell him where. If he asks for the script you show him the script.

As the US script is not valid in Canada, you have to see a physician in Canada to begin with. Not sure what the difference is between show showing a US script to CBSA vs telling CBSA you are coming to Canada to see a physician?

Doctors still have the tear off paper because patients still need to shop for a pharmacy.

Patient tells physician which pharmacy tell want it filled. There is no paper allowed unless it meets exception criteria. Needing a paper Rx to shop for best price is not one of those exceptions.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
As the US script is not valid in Canada, you have to see a physician in Canada to begin with. Not sure what the difference is between show showing a US script to CBSA vs telling CBSA you are coming to Canada to .

I’m told they have physicians at the pharmacy and they convert your script for a fee.

People do it all the time. I’m not sure exactly how but they do.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
Patient tells physician which pharmacy tell want it filled. There is no paper allowed unless it meets exception criteria. Needing a paper Rx to shop for best price is not one of those exceptions.

Nope. To recite what I suggested... doctors STILL do have the tear off paper. Patients still need to shop for a pharmacy. They do,( as well as there other reasons for needing the legacy paper.)

But you're saying the patient has a pharmacy on hand to tell the doc. Not every case at all.

What if you just are going to the doc and not KNOW what's wrong w/ you, and then get prescribed something after the consultation???.

rather get the prescription, THEN hit pharmacies just as much if not more often.

My info was from about 12 months ago.

This week, I went to my same doc and he had a fresh stack on his desk. So I'm adding back to this thread.

To test him, I had a med w/ my usual recent pharmacy pulled up on his computer screen. To the right was a box with queriable alphabetized medications, even OTC ones.

I clicked on what he wanted FOR me, then I asked him can he write it so I can shop.

He did it.

If you want to but your doc wont, consider locating a doc that will.

It's not about there's no paper allowed unless it meets exception criteria at all.

It's will he/she do it or not, plain and simple.

Hans Solo

New Member
Mar 23, 2012
Best way to avoid getting harassed by immigration?

The best way to get across the border is to answer their questions and do not make any jokes with them, they are not human and do not have a sense of humor. ( especially the American border agents )


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Have read this thread and I am amazed with some posts ,,, they are just border agents they are not the Gestspo
Maybe if most folks here would stop looking so guilty and nervous when there is no reason to


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Have read this thread and I am amazed with some posts ,,, they are just border agents they are not the Gestspo

I don't know. Some of them wish they were the Gestapo.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Maybe they are practicing to keep up with the folks on the other side of the border, who I am sure plenty of Canadian sex workers would call the Gestapo.

Yes Patron but the ladies have more valid reasons than us to be weary and cautious . The danger is real because many have had their pictures taken one time or another to advertise their services and could therefore be exposed to facial recognition at the border crossings . So no matter how well prepared they are when traveling it could be out of there hands at times

On the other hand msny Johns exaggerate the dangers caused by overthinking and imagining things to be much worse than what they really are IMO . Fir them common sense is all that’s needed to stay out of trouble

P.s by the way very informative sight with plenty of helpful tips for the ladies :)


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
I don't know. Some of them wish they were the Gestapo.

I agree you got all kinds
Many moons ago while crossing into the US I happened to stumble upon one such individual st the border . It’s a really long story and I was a bit foolish and tired at the time and so I ended up cursing out loud in my native language a rookie border agent/guard dressed in military combat clothes that had just been transferred there recently it seems from the army . There where like 5, 6 of us there in a room for questioning fir no apparent reason and we where waiting fir some time and he was commanding , screaming at us actually like a marin drill sergeant to seize talking to each other and I had enough by then and lost my patience unfortunately and went off and let him have it

I ended up loosing almost half a day and I think it could have been even worse ,,, they could have refused me entry but they didn’t. Funny thing is in my defence I actually remember that I told them that they where behaving like the Gestspo ( that same exact word ) lol . Those where the rudest “ border agents “ that I have ever encountered till this day . But those where different times Hungry as it was 1,2 months after the 9/11 attacks had occurred and there was plenty of paranoia going around

But in general I usually do not have problems as I understand how best to deal with border agents so as to have the least amount of problems. Being patient and polite can go a long way when dealing with the difficult ones . Anyways the above story fir me was the exception rather than the norm

Don’t be rude or disrespectful of course. Don’t try to be funny or cute and do not try to make smart comments as that is the worse.
And this one is the most important of them all ,,, do not show any signs of fear , nervousness . Some folks get so nervous thst they begin to look suspicious. If you display to them signs of being fearless it doesn’t mean arrogance or being cocky ,,, they usually interpret it as a sign that the individual in question is not scared because he has nothing to hide .

Don’t try to lie especially if you are lousy at it . Some of us are better than others . And some are really cool under pressure ,,, I have known such folks and they could be dying inside and you won’t know a thing , they are that good . They could do things that are high risk all the while being cool and composed and of course I’m not talking about crossing the border for mongering .

But not everyone is like that so try to keep things simple. If ones nervous about lying then don’t it’s a simple as that meaning don’t deviate , stray far from the truth . This way you won’t feel like your lying. Give them what they want and what they usually want is the truth . Not everything of course but just a wattered down version , enough to make you les anxious and nervous or guilty. The usual example would be ,if your coming to monger in the city of Montreal then you tell them you might check out the Strip Clubs or bar hopping etc . Montreal is known to be s fun city with beautiful women and a pretty vibrant night life . Even folks that have never visited know this . So if one is visiting and goes out of their way to seem serious or disinterested about the city’s nightlife then at times it won’t seem normal .

What I’m saying is pretty much common knowledge I know ,,, but it is basic truths and things that we tend to forget some times
Keep things simple,clean your phone if you must and play down the whole border questioning thing , try thinking about the good times ahead. Do not worry too much as you are just going to monger after all and not smuggle illegal drugs or government secrets so stop overthinking things

Overthinking “ the art of creating problems that wheren’t even there “


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Another thing to worry about--"bad apples" at the border crossings. I figure that filing complaints would be futile as those complaints would fall into a black-hole.

Today (12 May 2020), the CBC reported:

"Documents obtained by CBC News through an access to information request outline a long list of allegations against Canada Border Services Agency officers, covering everything from abuse of authority and criminal association to excessive force and sexual harassment. Some of the allegations have been verified, some have not and some are still under investigation.

The Canada Border Services Agency investigated more than 500 allegations against staff members between Jan. 1, 2018 and early 2020."

. . . .

"In another case described in the documents, a cleaner found $9,000 and turned it in — but the wad of cash later went missing from a superintendent's safe. Around the same time, a Rolex watch and iPhone also went missing from that same CBSA office.

The border agency wouldn't say whether the money was recovered but said it has since implemented the recommendations that came out of that investigation, including guidance on the placement of cameras.

Another officer is under investigation following bribery allegations. The case dates back to August of 2018, when a CBSA employee reported finding during a vehicle search an e-transfer receipt with another CBSA officer's name on it as the recipient."

. . . .

"Other cases investigated by the CBSA cite allegations related to sexual harassment, officers demanding preferential status when crossing the border and the deletion of emails related to access to information requests.

For example, the CBSA launched a formal investigation when an agent was accused of collecting the phone numbers of women travelling from the Philippines to later call them and ask them for dates. It's not clear whether that investigation has been concluded."

. . . .

"Canada employs about 6,500 border officers to enforce laws on trade and travel and to intercept potential threats at the border."


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I was thinking about this the other day. Being a US citizen I know that Canadian border agents can look through my phone. But, being a US citizen does the US border patrol have the authority to look through my phone on the way home? I’m pretty sure the answer is yes, but wanted to know if anyone knew answer. I erase my phone for privacy reasons when traveling out of the country.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
If you cannot cleanse the phone, leave it at home and get a burner phone in Canada. I have done this many times. I have a fake Facebook account and strangely I think I used one of my Canadian burner phone numbers to create the account, because I was drunk in Montreal when I created it. My drunk thinking at the time is that a fake Facebook account is not fake unless you crown it with a burner phone number. I think it was summer of 2013 when I did that.
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