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Bigger girls at the top agencies: Supply or demand issue?


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
Demand sadly.

Look at online dating. Create two profiles, one for a slimmer woman one for a bigger women and see how many messages you get. The slimmer woman might get 25x more messages. Or send a generic message to slim and bigger women "you seem smart and attractive". Almost all the replies will come back from bigger women. Demand is lower.

Am not saying bigger women are not sexy... just trying to understand the numbers here.
Do you have any studies to back this ridiculous theory up, or is it plain conjecture.

The preferences of MERBites is not indicative of the general population, and it is a disservice to men to act like they only look at a woman's weight to decide if she is attractive. My tinder is way more popping than some of my skinny friends, and when I go out in Montreal or Toronto, I always get more attention than some of my skinnier friends. It might be my gorgeous face, my confidence, my style, I don't know, but don't let the preferences on here fool you of what goes on in the regular world.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

1. Screening exists if that's really a concern.

2. You say "was obviously not talking of respectable agency owners" and welllll... this made me giggle because so many girls I talk to have said so many awful things about the agencies that you all love so much here.

3. Nah you're just wrong, you can't actually justify it. White men are violent and never get blacklisted for being white.

"we should definately not encourage and promote obesity in society as its very damaging for the health."

God forbids fat women became prostitutes, Mike. Go cry about it.

1) Screening ain't exactly popular in Montreal. Some do it, some don't on various levels. Depends on the style of business you offer. Mostt screening in Montreal i seen is simply a reference or a board handle. The whole picture + name + job info and the whole achiladas is not really popular in Montreal.

2) Well i can't really contradict you too much on this as you are right maybe we ain't exactly the ones they gonna tell. But i seen some girls do mention things on some agency owners while i been told good things about others. During my short stint as a booker i could experience that some girls are also difficult to work with. There was one i saw as a client once and altough it wasn't my fav booking of all time, it was fine and fun, but she was very difficult to work with and i got insulted hardcore one night and that was totally undeserved. She apologized the next day tough. Im assuming things are maybe not always rainbows and sunshine, BUT i don't see the owners of the most popular agencies forcing girls to work, beat them up if they don't make money etc...

3) False. Again i was not a booker for long but there was guys blacklisted and their skin color was of no concern.

4) I didn't quote the whole thing but didn't you read the part i said MORBID obese. Im not talking 20 pounds overweight as Paola mention. Im talking Tess Holliday level of obesity. You don't need to be muscular or super slim to be healthy. Lots of peoples have some fat and are in great shape/form physically.
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Jun 8, 2020
Multiple off-topic comments deleted.

A reminder of what this thread is about:

It's kind of interesting to see that there are some thicker girls appearing at the major agencies. This is something I never saw before. Just one or two though. And they're certainly attractive, just not my first choice, and I fear this may be a harbinger of things to come.

I'm curious if the reason is supply or demand, anyone know?

Thanks for your collaboration


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
I didn’t read the article, and didn’t look up if there’s any more recent studies, or the validity of this one. However, I am gonna post it because maybe someone will read it and dissect it…

A mathematical statistical model using epidemiological data linking fatness to fitness traits, predicted a peaked relationship between fatness and attractiveness (maximum at body mass index (BMI) = 22.8 to 24.8 depending on ethnicity and assumptions).

Just going off the abstract, I think the lack of woman with a BMI over 30 in most agencies is because the demand is not as high. This does not mean those ladies aren’t as attractive or more attractive than a skinny woman. It just means a lower percentage of men exclusively seek them out first and foremost. However, I don’t think that is the case with the “thick” women OP is asking about in the agencies. Those thick women have always been badly wanted. Only thing is now there’s no fat shaming to get that thickness off. Thank GOD! This means we see more of it in Tv/movies/media/ real life, and rush to feel that thickness behind closed doors. ***A 5’4 woman with a BMI of 24 would be 140ibs. The “thicker” woman at the agencies all fall within a bmi of 24…and those over probably are so well proportioned it discounts the whole hard 24 limit.

In a similar vein, I don’t think you can say Latina, black, or middle eastern women are less attractive than white women just because the agencies tend to be white washed. YPG has a plethora of Latina goddesses…and many thick ones. :)
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
Just going off the abstract, I think the lack of woman with a BMI over 30 in most agencies is because the demand is not as high. This does not mean those ladies aren’t as attractive or more attractive than a skinny woman.
And the agencies are not matchmakers. They're not dealing in love. They exist to make money. They profit from desire and demand.
It just means a lower percentage of men exclusively seek them out first and foremost. However, I don’t think that is the case with the “thick” women OP is asking about in the agencies. Those thick women have always been badly wanted.
And the business model of the agencies also does not account for degree of desire so well either. It's not like a "badly wanted" girl can bring in more than a "modestly wanted" girl. If they both get clients for all their time slots, there is no difference.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
Do you have any studies to back this ridiculous theory up, or is it plain conjecture.

The preferences of MERBites is not indicative of the general population, and it is a disservice to men to act like they only look at a woman's weight to decide if she is attractive. My tinder is way more popping than some of my skinny friends, and when I go out in Montreal or Toronto, I always get more attention than some of my skinnier friends. It might be my gorgeous face, my confidence, my style, I don't know, but don't let the preferences on here fool you of what goes on in the regular world.

I don’t know you but I assume you are attractive - bigger woman can be very attractive and some like you (based on your story) probably are.

This woman did the experiment - same profile text except for pics: herself at size 10 and size 18. Way more messages for the size 10 version…. I don’t think this is a controversial experience, most men and women have experienced it.

I doubt many women lie and increase their weight in online dating and this is not a pure sexist thing because shorter men complain about a similar phenomenon - being overlooked in dating just for being short. And yes, I know Mick Jagger is short and he is popular… am not talking anecdotes but trends.

Finally, look at men who have tons of options such as popular actors and athletes. Do they date bigger women? Some might but it seems more a celebrated exception.

After all that - just to reiterate: I find larger women attractive!
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
I don’t know you but I assume you are attractive - bigger woman can be very attractive and some like you (based on your story) probably are.

This woman did the experiment - same profile text except for pics: herself at size 10 and size 18. Way more messages for the size 10 version…. I don’t think this is a controversial experience, most men and women have experienced it.

I doubt many women lie and increase their weight in online dating and this is not a pure sexist thing because shorter men complain about a similar phenomenon - being overlooked in dating just for being short. And yes, I know Mick Jagger is short and he is popular… am not talking anecdotes but trends.

Finally, look at men who have tons of options such as popular actors and athletes. Do they date bigger women? Some might but it seems more a celebrated exception.

After all that - just to reiterate: I find larger women attractive!

Half the problem, as some studies indicate, is men can't tell what is a "normal size". Most men on here would consider a size 10 woman a small bbw to begin with and would argue she shouldn't have categorized herself as thin.

Let me criticize the method here. Because I think the results can't be taken seriously for various reasons.

1. She clearly looks younger in the "thin" pictures, even if she advertised as the same age, looking younger is an advantage

2. She posted in different categories, men might filter out bbws to begin with because the majority might not be the "ideal" plus size body. I use to put my profile under average back in the pof days, it got me a lot more replies than putting myself in bbw category.

3. The types of photos are very different, I would have liked to see similar photos at the different sizes, could be that men found her plus size profile frumpy compared to the thin one, because in the thin one she's more dressed up and looks more confident.

Those were enough to make her anecdotal experience questionable, especially since men who prefer thin women would have considered both profiles too big.

Thiness is often more desirable, what I'm saying is there is variables to this. I am beautiful, I am confident and I'm well spoken, all work in my favor. But also I'm the right type of plus size. Before my tummy tuck I definitely got less attention, but was that because men didn't like my belly or because I was more self conscious due to my belly?

All I'm saying, is there is too many variables to control for here, and for a study or experiment to hold weight, things needs to be a lot more controlled and literally everything needs to be as similar as possible expect the weight of the person in the photos.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Mike you make it so easy for me lmfao.

1. "Screening ain't exactly popular in Montreal. Some do it, some don't on various levels. Depends on the style of business you offer. Mostt screening in Montreal i seen is simply a reference or a board handle."

Exactly. We can ak for references. That way we have an idea of what the client is like in person. The amount of bookings lost from requiring references would be about the same amount of bookings lost from being a racist. If someone wasn't a racist, they could screen instead of refusing to meet an entire race. You obviously missed my point lol.

2. " my short stint as a booker i could experience that some girls are also difficult to work with"

Boo you, Mike. Girls can be flakey and you got insulted once. Big fucking deal. But very different from what the girls experience, I promise you that.

"maybe not always rainbows and sunshine, BUT i don't see the owners of the most popular agencies forcing girls to work, beat them up if they don't make money etc..."

They aren't forcing them to work, but many other things happen regularly at the agencies you love so so much. They resent girls for taking days off, and when she comes back the next day they'll tell every client she's fully booked despite it being false, just so she doesn't make money. They pressure girls into having sex with the owner/bookers/drivers for x or y reason, and if they don't, again, they fuck with their bookings. They send new girls to blacklisted (violent, pressuring for BBFS etc) clients and insist that they please make him happy. The drivers do hard drugs while driving girls around the city. They'll blame a girl for leaving a booking early even if she genuinely had good reasons to feel unsafe. Those are all things that happened (and more than once) at some of your favorite agencies, and I left out a lot of it as well. I'm not going to name anyone but I'm sure you have an idea because there aren't 20 popular agencies lmao.

3. "False. Again i was not a booker for long but there was guys blacklisted and their skin color was of no concern."

Your reading comprehension sucks. I didn't say white men never get blacklisted. I said the reason why they do is never them being white. A white man will get blacklisted for being violent, but every other white man isn't going to be blacklisted because of that one man's actions.

4. "I didn't quote the whole thing but didn't you read the part i said MORBID obese."

Sir, this thread was about merely curvy girls that were added to an agency website. They're definitely not morbidly obese, and even if they were, they'd still be allowed to work and live and have sex. When I met you you were quite fat, yet still felt entitled to sex enough to pay for pussy, so what's up with your double standard where a fat man can do whatever but fat women must stop living and just die?

Paola : this!! Reminds me of those stupid ads we get for face creams or whatever, where they show a before/after but the only difference is always that the after smiles and brushed her hair as opposed to the before. So the brain is tricked into believing the after looks better when in reality the person doesn't really, it's the same person and they never even used the damn cream. She put up a bikini pic for the thin profile and a sweatshirt face close up for the fat one. There's no way the results are fair lol. Makes no sense. (Also, good point. Most of the guys on this board would think the thin profile was also fat. She's similar in size with the ladies who prompted this thread lol the irony)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Well at 5'10", he's not so short lol. But he's 78!
In fact Mick Jagger is 1,78 m which is 5 feets 8 inches. Your mention of him not being short is still true!
As for the demand vs offer for bigger girl. This is a difficult subject as we all have our fantasy, standard and personal preference. 40 years ago, I was attracted by 5'2 - 5'6, 110-125 pounds. I'm 5'8" as Mick Jagger but do not have his wallet neither his musical talent. With age I realized, I am now more attracted by taller women. I have no complex going with woman taller than me. I'm speaking now of true relationship, in true life. Women weight is less important to me but I can not figure out dating with an overweight one, overweight being more than 165 pounds for a 5'8". Of course, if she is 5'2" the story is different. One thing is sure, 110 pounds at 5'4" is to thin for me now. As for SP, attitude is more important to me and will compensate for extra weight. I don't pretend being right, it is just how I am.
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Women weight is less important to me but I can not figure out dating with an overweight one, overweight being more than 165 pounds for a 5'8".

Wait, what's the basis for this? The BMI chart? Did you know know that muscle weighs more than fat? The Rock is Obese according to BMI chart.

These women below (pics found online) are all 5'8 and 165 pounds. If this is your idea of an overweight woman that you cannot deal with, I'm not sure you can claim that women's weight is less important to you lmao.



Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
And the agencies are not matchmakers. They're not dealing in love. They exist to make money. They profit from desire and demand.

And the business model of the agencies also does not account for degree of desire so well either. It's not like a "badly wanted" girl can bring in more than a "modestly wanted" girl. If they both get clients for all their time slots, there is no difference.
Why did you bother starting this thread if you already settled on demand as the answer?

Edit: removed my off topic reply.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Average 165 pounds women looks more as those one, based on my experience. I said 165 but it might be 175...
Of course, if the woman trained she lost fat and gained muscle which are more dense (smaller for the same weight)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
This thread should not be taken too seriously. It is just about personal preference and not judgement on women and their weight.
This kind of discussion also goes on among women talking about us guys. There is a size for everyone and no size fits all. Some women prefers to rest on a pillow belly other to be with a douch bag...

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Because about 97% of the clients are White. If an escort refuses to see White clients well she would loose almost her entire revenue. Unfortunately in sex work, it is a White mans world.
Sorry I know I'm pulling an old comment here but I'm just reading it now.

I don't know about any other provider but my clients are definitely not 97% white, not even close. Probably half of that.

They're also probably losing out on some white men who are turned off by it.

The girls refusing anyone non white ARE turning down a good chunk of revenue.
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