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Bill C-36 Media Watchlist - you can help!


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Recent paper in the Globe and Mail a few days ago:
Trudeau urges ‘evidence-based approach’ on marijuana, prostitution laws
''Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is hinting he’d repeal the Conservatives’ controversial prostitution legislation, as he and NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair vie to be the favoured alternative to Prime Minister Stephen Harper in an election scheduled for later this year...''

And today's reply from Joy Smith:
Trudeau Shouldn't Need More Evidence Against the Prostitution of Marginalized People


Apr 29, 2012
on the border
Some thoughts…

Medical fact:

Sex Increases Life Expectancy. (Didn’t put reference as you can find it everywhere)

Sex (having more sex) may increase how long you live. Sex releases several hormones in the body, increases intimacy and bonding, and works against loneliness and depression. Staying sexually active has physical, stress relieving, social and mental benefits. According to the RealAge books, frequent orgasms (about 100 per year) can increase life expectancy by 3-8 years, however, keep in mind that the science on this is somewhat spotty. Studies show that men with a high frequency of orgasms have a 50 percent reduction in mortality risk.

So if you are 55-65 and choose to be single or can’t find partner or can’t have partner for medical/social reasons you are basically deprived from the medically beneficial activity i.e. medical service. Does any government has right to deprive you of the activity that is essential to your health? If they concern about prostitution and exploitation and trafficking they should provide medical personnel that will do this. We will gladly pay more for medical care if it includes this service. :)


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
The law for exploitation of minors was not challenged so that one is the same law. Material benefits is just a rephrasing of the old one. The only charge under a really new provision is advertisement.

In fact since it's a minor the madame would be arrested even if prostitution was legal.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
True or false: ‘Escort’ ads jump 300 per cent during Super Bowl?

A long text and they don't even state the most obvious fact: a difference in the number of ads does not mean a difference in the number of providers.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
However, Kapuscinski pointed out the new laws allow sex workers who want out of the industry — especially those forced into the trade — to reach out for help without fear of legal repercussions.

And Bill C-36 enables his unit to focus on the real criminals, the pimps.

Well, so would decriminalization... and it would have the advantage of not harming those who are willing.

It's not the new law that enables LE to focus on abusive pimps, it's just their own decision and enforcement priority.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
“The first step is to see all guests. Then, when you hear something behind the walls that you should not be hearing, you call the police.”
Hear something like what? Couples are not supposed to have sex in a Swedish hotel? Does sex make a different kind of sound after it's been purchased? Are they trained to hear the sound of an envelope changing hands?

Strauss-Kahn is again on trial, this time for pimping charges (“aggravated procurement in a group,”). My guess is he's mainly in trouble because these orgies would have been financed with public funds rather than any concern about prostitution rings.


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
Hear something like what? Couples are not supposed to have sex in a Swedish hotel? Does sex make a different kind of sound after it's been purchased? Are they trained to hear the sound of an envelope changing hands?

Strauss-Kahn is again on trial, this time for pimping charges (“aggravated procurement in a group,”). My guess is he's mainly in trouble because these orgies would have been financed with public funds rather than any concern about prostitution rings.

Does that mean that if you get married and you go to honeymoon, you cannot have sex? :confused: :lol:


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Maybe you need to tell the people at the front desk and they give you a special Honeymoon Sex sign to put on your door. But you have to have a proper new wedding certificate.

It's also funny they say ''...we need to learn how to recognise the actual signs and not to judge someone just on how they look or act''. What kind of sign are you going to detect apart from how people look and behave? Some kind of Prostitution-Ray detector?


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
"Keep in mind this is a whole package of not only one particular law, but it also comes with funding and programming to assist those involved in prostitution in finding an exit strategy," he said. "So it is starting to have an effect and impact."

Strangely, I still haven't heard anything yet about how this 20M$/5years is going to be spent. But obviously, just knowing that it exists in potentia is sufficient to have a positive impact. Like programs for the veterans.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Actually, I just saw that this bill was dropped today, because they lost support from some political parties.

Apparently they do have a problem with people coming in from poor neighbor countries to beg in Sweden and Norway. As with prostitution this repressive law is really a reaction to unwanted immigration. Begging and selling sex is a way for poor immigrants to make a living so we have to criminalize these activities completely to avoid poor immigrants.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Because targeting demand worked so well for prostitution, Norway is drafting a law to address the problem of ''organized begging gangs'' (I am not making this up). People who give money to beggars could face up to a year in jail under the proposed law.

What this is is a society who has a government who thinks that it is their moral obligation to make all behavior that they disagree with illegal.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Speaking of Italy here is an amusing story: two city councillors dressing up as street prostitute to shame would-be clients and sending pictures to the police.

The journalist doesn't seem to know much because the article says prostitution is illegal in Italy, which it is not (doing it in public can be a ticketable offense by city regulation).

If I was arrested because of that I would tell the judge I stopped to ask my city councillor what she was doing there. I think they should arrest the mayor for pimping at least.


New Member
Aug 6, 2011
Speaking of Italy here is an amusing story: two city councillors dressing up as street prostitute to shame would-be clients and sending pictures to the police.

The journalist doesn't seem to know much because the article says prostitution is illegal in Italy, which it is not (doing it in public can be a ticketable offense by city regulation).

If I was arrested because of that I would tell the judge I stopped to ask my city councillor what she was doing there. I think they should arrest the mayor for pimping at least.

I don't know anything about the situation in Italy, I'm taking it on faith that selling sexual services is legal but that streetwalking and curb-crawling are not, as in Canada prior to C-36.

It may be that the author simply took what he or she was told at face value, and the newspaper didn't bother to fact-check. Given that it's the Daily Fail, that wouldn't surprise me. Or that the difference between "streetwalking" and "prostitution" in general got lost in translation. In English, unless one is taking pains to be precise and explains that "streetwalking" is a subset of "prostitution", the terms are often taken as synonyms. A less charitable interpretation is that they're deliberately trying to mislead the reader by trying to conflate prostitution, which is legal, with street solicitation and curb crawling, which are not.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
In Italy pimping and brothels are illegal, but selling/buying is not. My understanding is that solicitation in public is not a crime either, meaning it is not in the criminal code. Municipalities can decide to make it illegal, but then it is just a ticket, pretty much like a parking ticket. You do not get arrested for that and you don't have a criminal record. You can go to court and challenge the ticket, but I assume most people simply don't bother and pay it like any ticket.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Good work guys! Targeting on-line clients and doing the demographics of street sex client. Oups, sorry again, they want to"teach young men not to become customers". Then forget the previous demographics.

This bull-shit, financed for you by Microsoft, is a shame for those who still believe in universities as a space for rational thinking.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
What a bunch of shit eh Gugu? eh Reverdy? Fucking A!!!!! Microsoft can't keep hackers from stealing my credit card information but they are worried about someone booking an escort on line? Get your fucking priorities straight you incompetent fools. WTF is going on?????

Oh yes and those exploited children are purchasing condo with my hobby dollar. Condos that are worth more than the home I own.
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